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Solar plant

kindly do tell me te definition for each of those words...Coz in my books forward looking doesnt only include fly overs and roads...The future of the nation isnt relying on roads...It relies on people power, education and research....NONE of the fields are being "managed" ...Despite boasting about having a large working class...One still needs to know someone or be related to someone to get into fields they actually can make a difference! NOT VERY FORWARD LOOKING AT ALL!

We have SOOO many PhD graduates but not one is employed at minister level! Instead fake degree holders pass bills! :o:

Forward looking would weed out such forward road blocks before boasting of the existence of a brain in the heads! :)

excellent planners dont exactly "forget" to plan drainage when building metros nor do they have the Queen of Netherlands meeting them and not ask her to collaborate on solving annual flooding of Punjab ...I recall not too long ago, some govt workers (not sure which level and what qualification) had done some tour/ study in some country to study drainage....fast forward to now....we still dont have drainage included in the "excellent planners brain cells!" :o: The shocker!

That just makes them crooks if we keep calling all crooks forward looking and "excellent planners" than those words become an insult to those who actually do something in those fields!

Add x and y and you get Africa in the making where small families have drilled enough fear/ blind loyalty to enslave their own!

Cheating and eating another's right is no sign of success nor intelligence....Whats the point of buying yourself hell fire to abide therein for eternity?

Exactly yet we have their blind followers coughing up imaginative numbers :unsure:

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Please note that we have at the moment peak demand of 20,000 MW in summers while we can generate 59,000 MW from hydal projects which is the cheapest most environmental friendly way. It also requires least maintenance cost. Transmission costs are also less as most of our population lives near rivers.

Then have a look at this. Gharo wind corridor has the capacity to provide 11,000 MW @20% efficiency (which is average for windfarms in good wind areas.). 11000 MW is the entire production of our country. Now have a look at proximity of Karachi to this wind rich area. This means negligible transmission cost to Pakistan's largest city. Give Karachi uninterrupted supply of Power and see how industry and business flourish. It will immediately add 2% to Pakistan's GDP. People of Karachi have amazingly good sense of business.


Then have a look just north of Gawadar. Another area rich in wind power potential. That's your power for Gawadar port sitting right next to it. Again amongst the cheapest and quickest to set up source. You can have a massive industrial zone right next to port and power it from wind power. Again transmission cost reduced.

There is more. Sometimes I'm amazed how generously Allah blessed my land with exactly the kind of resources it needed. Hot weather which gives you sweetest of mangoes and best of wheat,cotton and rice, also gives you high power consumption demand in summers. May to September are peak demand months in Pakistan. Guess what? These are exactly the months when not only our river's flow is maximum but these are also best months for sustained high winds in wind corridors. Praise be to Allah, what else you want?

We will still need hydrocarbon power plants running on coal (ah, coal again), oil and gas. Since wind and rivers can not run ar steady rate year round, you have to have supplementary plants to bridge deficiency and absorb surges in output. But now they are minimal and being run as supplement. Their import bill will not hurt us as much especially when industrial output increases with steady power supply (more GDP, more exports, more foreign cash inflow).

P.S. Do you know the qualification of Power generation advisor to PM? He has degree in Pharmacy. Yes medicines. And he tells us which technology is better for new power plants. Go figure!

Nuclear is the way to go comrade :D

Think again. Have a look and decide.


Each nuclear plant costs $5 billion to set up, is expensive to run, needs to be imported and there is no safe way to dispose nuclear waste. One small incident in our plants and world will come screaming nuclear security. More plants means more chances for things to go wrong.
@Akheilos welcome back Ma'am :-)

Setting up huge solar power plant are very expensive and unfeasible for our type of economy/country. However GoP should subsidise small solar panels so peoples can have it and GoP should find ways for more cheaper electricity like thermal/nuclear and cheap Qatar, Turkeman and Irani Gas coming in too.
easiest way of free electricity generation is magnetic or perpetual gravitational wheel method no maintainence, all weather service, plus no fuel need need in this method of electricity production.

There is nothing perpetual about it, because as soon you draw power from it, you create friction and the motion slows down.
@Akheilos welcome back Ma'am :-)

Setting up huge solar power plant are very expensive and unfeasible for our type of economy/country. However GoP should subsidise small solar panels so peoples can have it and GoP should find ways for more cheaper electricity like thermal/nuclear and cheap Qatar, Turkeman and Irani Gas coming in too.
Thanks....However, our govt is reserving place in the guinness world records for largest solar park

P.S. Do you know the qualification of Power generation advisor to PM? He has degree in Pharmacy. Yes medicines. And he tells us which technology is better for new power plants. Go figure!
:rofl: pretty much sums up the mess we are in....Let me guess B.Pharm? Where rattafication helps get you a 1st division? Well that isnt going to help choose a technology nor help minimize wastage of money....lately I have seen the only pattern we are putting up "technology" is where someone gets some kickbacks be it in terms that I signed the agreement and brought you business or some form of cement/ steel from my mill or my friend's mill will be used in the "technology" provided!

They are achieving their objectives successfully hence they are smart.
In that sense every gunda is smart? No....throwing your weight around is not a sign of smartness...it is a sign of weakness! Smart is one who achieves (sure) but due to their own sweat and blood ...not by stepping on another or pushing one down....that is a tyrant!

We, the people of Pakistan are suffering hence we are not smart. You have any idea of the power of 190 million people?! Till that time however this will continue to happen.....
Well, keep the education level as donkey rattafication level....no one is EVER going to be "smart"

And keep the feudal system in tact no one will ever know the power of even 1 individual!

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Yes I have seen this before somewhere...

Thanks to the feudal lords in assembly ....those uneducated pieces of vermin wont let dams be built because it will make others prosper too which will make their popularity at a disadvantage
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