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Social Acceptability of the Talib & the Talib Ideology !


Feb 2, 2012
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Hey people !

My Dad visited Peshawar (Hayatabad) for a few days to attend a course/seminar ! He talked to a lot of people over there from all social strata (everyone from fellow Doctors to the cab driver) & he noted that almost overwhelmingly so people appeared to have a deep sense of dislike for the Army & empathy to borderline likeness for the Taliban.

I've seen that here in Lahore too but I wouldn't call it a unanimous disposition in my city (more like break-even...which is in itself very problematic) ! I'm sure the same can be seen in other parts of the country.

I can understand that amongst the Educated (or otherwise) Elite the tendency of supporting the Taliban or at the very least having a positive view about them would be slim to none.

I can also understand how amongst those most amenable to religion infused rhetoric of a select few clerics that tendency would exist.

But what I can't understand is the fondness of conspiracy theories (as in it wasn't the TTP but the ISI who're having these suicide bombings to milk more money from the US) amongst the population in general & a sense of empathy or at the very least a positive viw about the Taliban amongst those most effected by the Talibs namely the Pashtun belt !

So my question essentially is that 'Do you guys agree that there is significant socially acceptability of the Talib & his ideology amongst Pakistanis in general & the Pashtun belt in particular or that it is not as widespread as it appears to me ?'
he noted that almost overwhelmingly so people appeared to have a deep sense of dislike for the Army & empathy to borderline likeness for the Taliban.


So people dislike those that give up time with family and loved ones work in hard dangerous enviroments and risk thier lives to keep people safe.

Yet like the people that strut round making arbritary rules about music beards and the length of your pants shoot people they dont like and steal what they want?

I would say the people your father was talking to have no experience of the life of a soldier and none of living under the taliban.
Bus blown up in terrorist attack in Central Tel Aviv and other Gaza Related threads get hundreds of Reply but threads like these gets a dozen reply and they die a lonely death in some corner of the forum . What does it say ??
Taliban has been using the loopholes of government failure to address local problems along with legacy of Zia ul Haq.
Yes unfortunately, this is true, even in swat some people still have soft corner for barbaric talibs, though this ratio is very less in chitral region but it exists due to Islamic values which these talibs show in a way that these people are right pious people but in actions it's totally opposite, Imo Talibs have no place in Pakistan, all such religious organizations should be banned, as weirdly these promote anti modern study values and prefer resistance to everything they can relate to west in anyway but then again you find them using products emerged from west. It just confuses peoples minds and lead them to think hypocritically
Bus blown up in terrorist attack in Central Tel Aviv and other Gaza Related threads get hundreds of Reply but threads like these gets a dozen reply and they die a lonely death in some corner of the forum . What does it say ??

please don't utter off topic stuff all around threads, if you have nothing to contribute in discussion
Are Indians Allowed to Share their POV ?

Of course but I'm not sure how much an Indian, a Saudi or a Chinese would be able to determine whether its social acceptable in Pakistan or not without living here.
@Armstrong....You have raised a good point to wonder about..Here is my thoughts ...

When there is a the economic and social status between rich and poor is increased, social equilibrium is disturbed. Powerful people misuse their power to oppress the poor and less privileged...This creates dissatisfaction,outcry to demand to get justice from the poor and less privileged people from GOV...And when GOV fails to provide these basic security and empowering the poor, then poor and less privileged people look for the people who are strong ruthless and savior of their identity...This provides ample opportunity for creation of social elements like Taliban in Pakistan, Mafia underworld don in Mumbai/Karachi and other big economic hub cities around the world....So for we like people in PDF and i feel we are privileged enough to discuss about Taliban, see those elements are the rough elements of the society...And of coiurse I agree that they are rough element of the society...But the issue is that perception of people are relative in nature....As long as the less privilaged people in Border area of Pakistan are not enough empowered enough to be part of mainstream Pakistan, till that point of time Taliban will the saviour for them and be popular among the common masses...

So the bottom line is a state has to be responsible enough that there should not be any political and social vacuum that should be left in any part of society that will be filled up by the anti social elements...And once anti social elements fills up that vacuum then it is very difficult to change it ...because slowly these anti social elements became part of their day to day life...so it is not easy to separate...

Today there is Taliban in Pakistan ..to some extent Naxalite in India and there are so many examples are there with somewhat same ideology but with different name and version..Time has some South Asia should realize that GOV should be proactive enough to fill up the vaccum that is still there...Or else many more Taliban will be created to fill up the vaccum.....So it is not like what we like it or not...rather it is like social vaccum needs to be filled...who will fill it up...This is a million dollar question that people of Pakistan has to ponder about...
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The problem is We only think other Muslims are good people, so that the moment the army kills the Talibs, it neccesitates that they are killing our innocent brothers.

There is also perhaps confusion regarding their loyalties, Pashtun nationalism has increased due to the immigrants from Afghanistan and Pak Pashtuns are questioning their loyalty.

I'm just guessing though so don't shoot me.:sniper:
please don't utter off topic stuff all around threads, if you have nothing to contribute in discussion
It;s Not Off-topic its All related . This is my last comment before going to sleep .

Why is Taliban Gaining Sympathies ?

They Show Security forces as demon and themselves as Angels and people buy it . Also Too much Dosage about What is Happening in Xinjiang , Kashmir or Afghanistan or Gaza or even Syria nowadays is Injected making them Believe Everyone is conspiring against them .

A Intelligent Man just requires a Nudge in right Direction . That's all from my Side .

Good night all
Good Night all .
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