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So Italy surrendered to the Islamic terrorists

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90% Muslims Population is anti-semitic due to ignorance and you can't really change that through internet.
I've long told Pakistanis here that they can't expect me to do it all. I'm not some "savior" that will fly down from on high to rule the country and set it to rights - that is hardly the best way to establish democratic values.

No, you guys are going to have to do the hard work of persuading and changing the minds of most of your countrymen yourselves, not just through talk (Pakistanis excel at that) but by leading with deeds. The difference I may have made is that you now see a useful change of course.
Look man i sympathize with you (Jews have suffered a lot) but you can't really do much -
Pakistanis have more dangerous enemies to deal with thn jews. For example the qadianis are a bigger threat -
I don't like Zionist and solomon is one of them, but yes - this cancer has spread in Pakistani society and is at alarming stage and no doctor in sight.

Fellows, you're dancing around the larger issue: to escape the fate that threatened Italy and that Pakistan grapples with now, you're going to have to become Zionists.
Fellows, you're dancing around the larger issue: to escape the fate that threatened Italy and that Pakistan grapples with now, you're going to have to become Zionists.

I'm sure that there are other ways :lol:
Fellows, you're dancing around the larger issue: to escape the fate that threatened Italy and that Pakistan grapples with now, you're going to have to become Zionists.

Lol dang, I need to be more discreet with my sarcasm. :ashamed:
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