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So Italy surrendered to the Islamic terrorists

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Dec 12, 2008
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So Italy surrendered to Islamic terrorists
The assault on the Temple of Rome in 1982 was the result of a heavy anti-Israeli climate

Flame Nirenstein - Wed, 16/10/2013 - 09:11

There was a time worse than this, when anti-Israeli (and anti-Semitic) hatred and terrorist attacks were joined day after day until they paved a long and comfortable road for the attack on the synagogue on October 9, 1982. At 11:55 in the morning, a Palestinian commando assaulted the Great Synagogue of Rome from which mainly children were leaving, holding hands with their parents because it was Shemini Atzeret, with the traditional blessing of the children. Two-year-old Stefano Gay Taché was killed. Thirty-seven persons were injured, some very seriously.


At 11:55 in the morning, a Palestinian commando assaulted the Great Synagogue of Rome from which mainly children were leaving, holding hands with their parents because it was Shemini Atzeret, with the traditional blessing of the children. Two-year-old Stefano Gay Taché was killed. Thirty-seven persons were injured, some very seriously.

A book published by Viella, Assault on the Synagogue, subtitled Rome, October 9, 1982, the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict and Italy, written by Arturo Marzano and Guri Schwarz, unforgivingly takes us back to that day and shows us that it could not have been avoided. Because the burden of hate of the Palestinian shots had unlikely support: in Italian public opinion (and in any case in the media, except for Il Giornale, Il Resto del Carlino, and Il Secolo d’Italia, according to the authors), Israelis and Jews were almost universally considered to be colonizing Fascists and neo-Nazis, and increasingly so from the war in 1967 to the Lebanese war in 1982. The Palestinians instead were praised as partisans, brothers of the Cubans, the Vietnamese, the anti-fascist liberation movement in Italy.


In the background, the book sheds light on an agreement in the Italian government, the so-called “Moro Award” that gave Palestinian terrorists an open field against their Israeli Jewish enemies (and then also against Italian Jews, as we have seen) with the understanding that they were not to lay a hand on Italians. The assault on the Synagogue, as the book shows, was not a sporadic manifestation but rather the fruit of an ideological war that enveloped both the Italy and the Europe of that time, to the point of gripping Stefano in its coils. Marzano and Schwarz tell how in the years of the energy crisis, while there was no shortage of terrorism of ethnic and religious (Basques, Irish Catholics) as well as political origin (Red Brigades, Baader-Meinhof, various neo-Nazi groups), Islamic terrorism was already gaining a foothold, with Palestinian terrorism as its prime mover. There was an incredible number of attacks: the SIOT pipeline, the exploding record player in the hold of an El Al airplane, a missile attack on Fiumicino Airport that was dodged almost by chance, an attempt on our soil against Golda Meir during a visit, a car bomb in Piazza Barberini in Rome, the two frightful massacres of Fiumicino in 1973 and 1985, with dozens dead, always at the hands of Palestinians… and so many others.

In Europe it was the same thing. It is enough to recall the attack on the Israeli athletes at the Munich Olympics in 1982, with the world not even giving a damn, to the point that the games continued. The logic by which in 1985 the Italian government rescued the Palestinian assassins who killed the wheelchair-bound American Jew Klinghoffer on the Achille Lauro vessel and threw him into the sea, is written in the pages of the cold war. Once upon a time there was a world of the disinherited and oppressed, their every action — even the most perverse — justified by their role as victims; and on the other side, the oppressing, imperialistic colonizers, the Americans and Israelis.

There is something akin to sexual perversion in what was written about Israel and the Jews in those years still close to the Holocaust. Europe loses its head when it talks about Jews. Israel is described in most political articles and texts as a serial killer, the ""nazisionismo" [“Nazi-Zionism”] formula having become common in the press and in demonstrations, including that of CGIL (Italian General Confederation of Labor), which placed a black coffin right in front of the synagogue before the attack. For years this formula has been universally accepted and reproduced in cartoons (even by Forattini) and jokes (even by Dario Fo, the Nobel Prize winner). Giancarlo Pajetta, Rodinson, Avneri and many others have created the theoretical groundwork for promoting anti-Israeli and anti-Jewish hatred, to the point of murder.

The “Moro Award” did not work. The massacres also involved Italians, but that violation was explained by saying that the attack on Fiumicino had been aimed at the Israeli airline. If Aldo Moro was the one who made the agreement with the PLO, nothing could be more tragically ironic, since his end was chosen by those Red Brigades, who exchanged arms and advice with the Palestinian organizations, who, thanks to the award, were free to roam around our territory. It is a sad parable about the damage caused by believing in placating the aggressor, helping him to blame his victim.

English copyright, The Gatestone Institute. Courtesy of ToI.


Fiamma Nirenstein is a journalist, author, former Deputy President of the Committee on Foreign Affairs of the Italian Chamber of Deputies, and member of the Italian delegation at the Council of Europe.

This story was happening when the broad in the article was good looking. Now both are old and wrinkled....and i don't really understand the purpose of it besides ofcourse the omnipresent Jewish mantra of how everyone hated, oppressed them and how they need to remind everyone of it etc etc etc....

It starts to get counterproductive after a while....and it's been more then a while.
...i don't really understand the purpose of it besides ofcourse the omnipresent Jewish mantra -
Check out the underlining; I've reproduced the article as a parable for Pakistanis. This is what happens when you isolate a minority and try to deprive them, exclusively, of their human and civil rights: the hate can't be contained because in the struggle for power, wealth, and status it is enough to accuse someone of association with the hated minority as an excuse to plunder or obliterate them.

While Jews have seen this pattern many times over thousands of years for Pakistanis the experience is comparatively new. The first modern states to grasp the importance of suppressing or eliminating such religion-induced strife in society were Great Britain (with ups-and-downs and civil wars and revolutions, starting from the time of Queen Elizabeth I to the ouster of James II) and Prussia's Frederick the Great (1740s). It's no accident that these two nations soon became the economic powerhouses of the region, for with civil rights comes the economic security that welcomes the efficiencies and energies of private capital investment, entrepeneurship, and industrialization.

Israel, while a country of mostly Jews, nevertheless generally values civil rights higher than religious dictates. And its energy and development is the stuff of amazement and legend.
Solmon has gone crazy...
Solmon has gone crazy...
How sane can Pakistanis be when they embrace race or religious hatred and bigotry over civil rights, thus courting the prospect of strife with fellow Pakistanis outside their home or local community?

Am I crazy? Or am I driving you and other Pakistanis here towards sanity?
Check out the underlining; I've reproduced the article as a parable for Pakistanis. This is what happens when you isolate a minority and try to deprive them, exclusively, of their human and civil rights: the hate can't be contained because in the struggle for power, wealth, and status it is enough to accuse someone of association with the hated minority as an excuse to plunder or obliterate them.

While Jews have seen this pattern many times over thousands of years for Pakistanis the experience is comparatively new. The first modern states to grasp the importance of suppressing or eliminating such religion-induced strife in society were Great Britain (with ups-and-downs and civil wars and revolutions, starting from the time of Queen Elizabeth I to the ouster of James II) and Prussia's Frederick the Great (1740s). It's no accident that these two nations soon became the economic powerhouses of the region, for with civil rights comes the economic security that welcomes the efficiencies and energies of private capital investment, entrepeneurship, and industrialization.

Israel, while a country of mostly Jews, nevertheless generally values civil rights higher than religious dictates. And its energy and development is the stuff of amazement and legend.

When i was new to this forums, someone from either India or Pakistan wrote that what we see here is the top 5% of population. You won't change the opinion of them, let alone the other 95% whose only access to Jewish related info is the mosque or madrassa.

When i was new to this forums, someone from either India or Pakistan wrote that what we see here is the top 5% of population. You won't change the opinion of them, let alone the other 95% whose only access to Jewish related info is the mosque or madrassa.
Why not lend a hand, then?


After all the years of mis-education and indoctrination in Pakistani schools you suddenly find yourself agreeing with the "DIRTY WORLD CONTROLLOING JEW". You're shocked and you react to that by calling it "control".

Yet all I really did was liberate your mind from its usual pattern of thinking for a few moments, yes? Suddenly things make sense.

I urge you not to agree with me blindly but to investigate and verify matters yourself, then work to make a difference for the better. And if what I'm doing is "control" it pales by comparison with the influence rich Gulf Arabs exert upon Pakistanis schools, madrassas, and politics, yes?
After all the years of mis-education and indoctrination in Pakistani schools you suddenly find yourself agreeing with the "DIRTY WORLD CONTROLLOING JEW". You're shocked and you react to that by calling it "control".

Yet all I really did was liberate your mind from its usual pattern of thinking for a few moments, yes? Suddenly things make sense.

I urge you not to agree with me blindly but to investigate and verify matters yourself, then work to make a difference for the better. And if what I'm doing is "control" it pales by comparison with the influence rich Gulf Arabs exert upon Pakistanis schools, madrassas, and politics, yes?

Haha i was kidding man (i guess you noticed i was being sarcastic) ..i know Pakistanis are really anti-semitic :( but honestly its because of the fact that they are being taught this crap in schools and they have not really visited the outside world (and therefore they have not interacted with jews) so they believe that jews are some sort of super humans with mind controlling abilities lol.
Haha i was kidding man (i guess you noticed i was being sarcastic) ..i know Pakistanis are really anti-semitic :( but honestly its because of the fact that they are being taught this crap in schools and they have not really visited the outside world (and therefore they have not interacted with jews) so they believe that jews are some sort of super humans with mind controlling abilities lol.
Mind-liberating abilities is much more accurate. But that doesn't induce the kind of terror and fear mind-slavers and tyrants seek to create in their victims and subjects.
When i was new to this forums, someone from either India or Pakistan wrote that what we see here is the top 5% of population. You won't change the opinion of them, let alone the other 95% whose only access to Jewish related info is the mosque or madrassa.
I completely agree - they have not really met any jews hence their paranoia of the evilllllll jews lol.

Mind-liberating abilities is much more accurate. But that doesn't induce the kind of terror and fear mind-slavers and tyrants seek to create in their victims and subjects.

Look man i sympathize with you (Jews have suffered a lot) but you can't really do much.90% Muslims Population is anti-semitic due to ignorance and you can't really change that through internet.
I don't like Zionist and solomon is one of them, but yes - this cancer has spread in Pakistani society and is at alarming stage and no doctor in sight.
Check out the underlining; I've reproduced the article as a parable for Pakistanis. This is what happens when you isolate a minority and try to deprive them, exclusively, of their human and civil rights: the hate can't be contained because in the struggle for power, wealth, and status it is enough to accuse someone of association with the hated minority as an excuse to plunder or obliterate them.

While Jews have seen this pattern many times over thousands of years for Pakistanis the experience is comparatively new. The first modern states to grasp the importance of suppressing or eliminating such religion-induced strife in society were Great Britain (with ups-and-downs and civil wars and revolutions, starting from the time of Queen Elizabeth I to the ouster of James II) and Prussia's Frederick the Great (1740s). It's no accident that these two nations soon became the economic powerhouses of the region, for with civil rights comes the economic security that welcomes the efficiencies and energies of private capital investment, entrepeneurship, and industrialization.

Israel, while a country of mostly Jews, nevertheless generally values civil rights higher than religious dictates. And its energy and development is the stuff of amazement and legend.

Pakistanis have more dangerous enemies to deal with thn jews. For example the qadianis are a bigger threat, I've heard they have even tried to do qurbani!!!11
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