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Snowden is all set to trigger Cold War II

Strange times we live in.

American citizen seeking asylum in Russia/China and/or latin America.

Not really. Assange is under diplomatic protection, not in any country, but in an embassy. Snowden is still on the run. They are on the run not because they were prosecuted for their political beliefs but because they broke some laws irrelevant, or at best peripheral, to their politics.

I think Snowden made a serious mistake in thinking he can be another Assange and I also think he is starting to realize his tactical error. In his shoes, I would have become an anonymous source. If my conscience bothered me that much, I would have either requested reassignment or resigned, then become an anonymous source. If I am of the 'liberal' bent, my target would have been at least a journalist of the same politics, if not outright a Democratic member of Congress. The reality is that it would not have matter which because Republicans are the ones usually in the mistrust and distrust of government camp. I would have plenty of legal protections in the form of the ACLU, for example, not counting the legion of activist attorneys seeking to make a name for themselves for later political offices and the ones truly altruistic about their ideologies.

I think Snowden fled because of several factors, least of all that he did not think of all the legal avenues available, and worst of all, now that his past is being scoped out, if it turned out that there is something as sordid as Assange's sexual assault charge, his credibility is shot. All you have to do is look at wikileaks today. Assange's celebrity status did not helped him and wikileaks one bit. He is trapped probably under sorry condition in an embassy and wikileaks is struggling to survive, both financially and morally now that people have expended enough time to study what Assange did and found him not credible.
Not really. Assange is under diplomatic protection, not in any country, but in an embassy. Snowden is still on the run. They are on the run not because they were prosecuted for their political beliefs but because they broke some laws irrelevant, or at best peripheral, to their politics.

I think Snowden made a serious mistake in thinking he can be another Assange and I also think he is starting to realize his tactical error. In his shoes, I would have become an anonymous source. If my conscience bothered me that much, I would have either requested reassignment or resigned, then become an anonymous source. If I am of the 'liberal' bent, my target would have been at least a journalist of the same politics, if not outright a Democratic member of Congress. The reality is that it would not have matter which because Republicans are the ones usually in the mistrust and distrust of government camp. I would have plenty of legal protections in the form of the ACLU, for example, not counting the legion of activist attorneys seeking to make a name for themselves for later political offices and the ones truly altruistic about their ideologies.

I think Snowden fled because of several factors, least of all that he did not think of all the legal avenues available, and worst of all, now that his past is being scoped out, if it turned out that there is something as sordid as Assange's sexual assault charge, his credibility is shot. All you have to do is look at wikileaks today. Assange's celebrity status did not helped him and wikileaks one bit. He is trapped probably under sorry condition in an embassy and wikileaks is struggling to survive, both financially and morally now that people have expended enough time to study what Assange did and found him not credible.

I am not saying what he or they did was right or wrong, but the fact that an American citizen has to flee to other countries to save his life. You do know that if he get caught or extradited to USA, he will be sent to prison and his life is over.
I am not saying what he or they did was right or wrong, but the fact that an American citizen has to flee to other countries to save his life. You do know that if he get caught or extradited to USA, he will be sent to prison and his life is over.

Is there a chance Pakistan will grant him asylum?
Is there a chance Pakistan will grant him asylum?

Probably not. Pakistan will eventually have to hand him over or he will get killed in a covert raid. His best bet is a latin American country or Russia/China.
I am not saying what he or they did was right or wrong, but the fact that an American citizen has to flee to other countries to save his life. You do know that if he get caught or extradited to USA, he will be sent to prison and his life is over.
Then the same argument can be made for a child molester as well...

A fugitive sex offender from Arizona on the run for 12 years was found Tuesday hiding out in Mexico, authorities said.

Stephen Scott Barnes, 49, was turned over to law enforcement officers in Phoenix on Friday.
What a terrible thing that an American citizen has to flee to another country to save his life...
Putin says Snowden at Moscow airport, rejects extradition

MOSCOW: Russian President Vladimir Putin on Tuesday revealed that the US intelligence leaker Edward Snowden was still in a Moscow airport transit zone, rejecting calls for his extradition to the United States.

In his first intervention over the chase for Snowden that has captivated world attention, Putin described the ex-intelligence contractor as a “free man” whose arrival in Russia was “completely unexpected” for the Russian authorities.

The dramatic announcement ended two days of guessing over the whereabouts of the fugitive Snowden who leaked revelations of US massive surveillance programmes to the media and is now wanted by the US authorities.

“It is true that Mr. Snowden came to Moscow,” Putin said at a news conference while on a visit to Finland. “For us, this was completely unexpected.” “He arrived as a transit passenger and he does not need a visa or other documents. He can buy a ticket and go wherever he pleases. He did not cross the state border, as a transit passenger he is still in the transit hall,” Putin added.

Snowden had been expected to board a flight for Cuba on Monday, reportedly on his way to seek asylum in Ecuador. But he never did and Putin appeared to confirm that the fugitive was still uncertain over his onward travel plans.

“Mr. Snowden is a free man, the sooner he selects his final destination point, the better for us and for himself,” said Putin.

--- 'We don't have such a treaty' ---

The United States had earlier urged Moscow to use all means to expel Snowden, who reportedly arrived at Moscow's Sheremetyevo airport on a flight from Hong Kong on Sunday.

However Putin insisted that Russia only extradites foreign nationals to countries with which it has a formal extradition treaty. “We have no such agreement with the United States,” he said, calling US allegations that Russia is breaking the law “nonsense and rubbish.” Speaking in Jeddah, US Secretary of State John Kerry called for Russia to be “calm” and hand over Snowden, saying Washington was not looking for “confrontation.” Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov denied earlier in the day that Moscow is in any way “involved” with the travel plans of the 30-year-old former National Security Agency (NSA) technician.

The dispute risks sharpening tensions between Washington and Moscow as well as Beijing at the very moment they are struggling to overcome differences to end the conflict in Syria.

Transit rules on the website of Sheremetyevo airport stipulate that “foreign citizens can remain in the airport up to 24 hours without a Russian visa” and must have a ticket to their next destination. However no Russian officials have provided an explanation over this issue in Snowden's case.

Putin says Snowden at Moscow airport, rejects extradition - DAWN.COM
people really need to wake up and smell the coffee.....or whatever crap they are drinking.

Snowden is NOT a political prisoner. There are nothing in his action that's have political implication to US, unless he wanted to topple the US government and current Obama administration by leaking the cable. (Which does not make sense).

He is wanted because he violate a trust between public figure, he told something to someone he is not suppose to, and that is a crime.

What he's done is no different then the policewoman who improper search of the department database and refer those information to a third party.

Policewoman linked to bikie faces charges over use of force's database

When you revel confidential information to someone who are supposed not qualify to know, you are breaking the law. There are nothing political behind said action nor any political implication with it.

He is just a common criminal, who broke the law and desperately do not want to get caught by skipping the country, there are nothing political in it.
What it has to do with India, you dickhead.

Even a village Idiot knows who is the biggest bum (chuttar) polisher of USA of modern times. I will give you a hint, nation who would extradite even its women prisoners in no time to Guantanamo Bay.

This news it self tells that China is ***** of USA, who can not even give political asylum to a person who desperately seeks it.

Why you get all offensive for cant handle the truth? LOl - thanked your own posts with your own fake profiles? HAHA!

When Iran Pakistan and India proposed the gas pipeline, India backed down when the US told it to along with Pakistan, yet Pakistan still went ahead. You buy old US weaponary... End of!

Snowden did not ask for asylum in China... he did not even apply for it... Maybe you should get your ears checked out, or maybe you shouldnt jump in that dirty river with cow excrement too much as it has blocked your ears and brain....

Snowden fled China when the US said they will request extradition. The documents were incorrect and this allowed Snowden to get away.

You are reetarded arent you?
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