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Snowden is all set to trigger Cold War II


Sep 21, 2011
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NSA whistleblower, Ed Snowden, who has given many sleepless nights to US security establishment has yet again played smart and frustrating American efforts of his extradition from Hong Kong has fled to Moscow. It is believed that he could either land in Ecuador, a choice destination of whistleblowers or Venezuela, a country which has been challenging the hegemony of the US. In any case, he would have to request for asylum which would be readily granted. The US has charged him with espionage and was making strenuous efforts to bring him back to the US, and justice.
It seems that he had become a hot potato and, given the recent warming of American leaders with China, it would be difficult for Hong Kong to keep him for long. Hong Kong, though a special administrative region having relative autonomy within Chines system, is a part of China and could not withstand the pressure the US was expected to exert to extradite Snowden with the kind of crime he has been charged with. Moscow was ready to receive the whistleblower but he may not be a welcome guest in Russia given the scale of covert activities of CIA in the Russian capital.
The leaking of US classified information so critical to American national security was no ordinary offense. But the way he is being treated in anti-US camp has refreshed the memories of Cold War (1945-91) when the spies of pro-US and pro-USSR camps were provided asylum and then chased by their own countries. It seems that the Snowden saga may trigger another Cold War between Russia and its Latin American allies. Ecuador has already provided asylum to another whistleblower, Julian Assange, of Wikileaks fame.

Snowden is all set to trigger Cold War II
NSA whistleblower, Ed Snowden, who has given many sleepless nights to US security establishment has yet again played smart and frustrating American efforts of his extradition from Hong Kong has fled to Moscow. It is believed that he could either land in Ecuador, a choice destination of whistleblowers or Venezuela, a country which has been challenging the hegemony of the US. In any case, he would have to request for asylum which would be readily granted. The US has charged him with espionage and was making strenuous efforts to bring him back to the US, and justice.
It seems that he had become a hot potato and, given the recent warming of American leaders with China, it would be difficult for Hong Kong to keep him for long. Hong Kong, though a special administrative region having relative autonomy within Chines system, is a part of China and could not withstand the pressure the US was expected to exert to extradite Snowden with the kind of crime he has been charged with. Moscow was ready to receive the whistleblower but he may not be a welcome guest in Russia given the scale of covert activities of CIA in the Russian capital.
The leaking of US classified information so critical to American national security was no ordinary offense. But the way he is being treated in anti-US camp has refreshed the memories of Cold War (1945-91) when the spies of pro-US and pro-USSR camps were provided asylum and then chased by their own countries. It seems that the Snowden saga may trigger another Cold War between Russia and its Latin American allies. Ecuador has already provided asylum to another whistleblower, Julian Assange, of Wikileaks fame.

Snowden is all set to trigger Cold War II


Snowden is a hot potato. Chinese just dumped him.

Russians are about to get rid of him

And he will end up in a south American country or its embassy.

Big powers like China are too smart to get into a $tupid fight for a screwball like snowden.

Only a pesky little country in south america (who doesn't care about its economy) will house such weirdos.


Snowden is a hot potato. Chinese just dumped him.

Russians are about to get rid of him

And he will end up in a south American country or its embassy.

Big powers like China are too smart to get into a $tupid fight for a screwball like snowden.

Only a pesky little country in south america (who doesn't care about its economy) will house such weirdos.


Mr Snowden has made a mistake of not going to China Mainland because if he does so it will contradict his testament of not working for China and opens up more grounds for his governments accusations

He and Assange should have taken care of their own safety first by putting their ideologies aside
Very well played by Mr Snowden.

He has confirmed my beliefs that the West spies significantly (see how the US accused China of hacking into US systems when it has been the other way round all the time?). The US claims it's to prevent terrorist attacks yet the Chinese dont attack the US do they? That bogus excuse isn't working.

If the Chinese wanted to get rid of him they could have licked the US backside like India and handed him back to the US - yet they let him go. The Russians could've done the same...

The US is crying as it cant hide it's face in disgust. Pure evil the US is accusing other nations. Yet you fools will not realise this.

I hope more men like Mr Snowden emerge with the truth of the Western states.
Very well played by Mr Snowden.

He has confirmed my beliefs that the West spies significantly (see how the US accused China of hacking into US systems when it has been the other way round all the time?). The US claims it's to prevent terrorist attacks yet the Chinese dont attack the US do they? That bogus excuse isn't working.

If the Chinese wanted to get rid of him they could have licked the US backside like India and handed him back to the US - yet they let him go. The Russians could've done the same...

The US is crying as it cant hide it's face in disgust. Pure evil the US is accusing other nations. Yet you fools will not realise this.

I hope more men like Mr Snowden emerge with the truth of the Western states.

What it has to do with India, you dickhead.

Even a village Idiot knows who is the biggest bum (chuttar) polisher of USA of modern times. I will give you a hint, nation who would extradite even its women prisoners in no time to Guantanamo Bay.

This news it self tells that China is ***** of USA, who can not even give political asylum to a person who desperately seeks it.
What it has to do with India, you dickhead.

Even a village Idiot knows who is the biggest bum (chuttar) polisher of USA of modern times. I will give you a hint, nation who would extradite even its women prisoners in no time to Guantanamo Bay.

This news it self tells that China is ***** of USA, who can not even give political asylum to a person who desperately seeks it.

So does Pakistan support terrorism in Afghanistan (or terrorism, in general, against US) or is Pakistan the biggest bum of the US? Both can't be true, you know. And for some reason, bharatis believe both, without seeing the obvious contradiction :)
So does Pakistan support terrorism in Afghanistan (or terrorism, in general, against US) or is Pakistan the biggest bum of the US? Both can't be true, you know. And for some reason, bharatis believe both, without seeing the obvious contradiction :)

People are smarter enough to see all the colors not only black, white and grey.

Your are not brave enough to admit to those double games, as long as you cover it up you ally USA will not bring the Knives out. Not to mention how much efforts you guys exert to keep your record clear in their books.

Indians are stating obvious since we have no compulsions; such as of logistics, the past long partnership in crimes, diplomatic regional handle and a compressible proxy Pakistan can be for America.
People are smarter enough to see all the colors not only black, white and grey.

Your are not brave enough to admit to those double games, as long as you cover it up you ally USA will not bring the Knives out. Not to mention how much efforts you guys exert to keep your record clear in their books.

Indians are stating obvious since we have no compulsions; such as of logistics, the past long partnership in crimes, diplomatic regional handle and a compressible proxy Pakistan can be for America.

Ok, so is Pakistan a bum of the US or not a bum of the US? Or only a partial bum, i.e. when it suits bharati world view it is, and when it doesn't it's not? Or does it only do this to fool the US, and is not actually a bum of the US, in other words all this being just a play? This is really not a hard question. Are you open to admitting that your initial post in this thread was at least partially incorrect, when you called Pakistan the biggest bum of the US?

Side note: you guys really believe in crazy conspiracy theories, don't you, and yet you accuse us of believing in conspiracy theories. :lol: We've been playing a double game for 12 years, yet US the most powerful and resourced country in the world hasn't noticed :lol:
Ok, so is Pakistan a bum of the US or not a bum of the US? Or only a partial bum, i.e. when it suits bharati world view it is, and when it doesn't it's not? Or does it only do this to fool the US, and is not actually a bum of the US? This is really not a hard question. Are you open to admitting that your initial post in this thread was at least partially incorrect, when you called Pakistan the biggest bum of the US?

Side note: you guys really believe in crazy conspiracy theories, don't you, and yet you accuse us of believing in conspiracy theories. :lol: We've been playing a double game for 12 years, yet US the most powerful and resourced country in the world hasn't noticed :lol:

We are not here to discuss Pakistan or India.

Please don't ask me to issue certificate on what Pakistan is or is not.

My post was addressed to some obnoxious troll who dragged India into it. I don't know which of my reply pinched your nerve, I am hardly interested to tip any Pakistani a lesson on global diplomacy but for sure I will show people a mirror when they will make generalized statements about my nation, without provocation.

Rest of your smart *** blabbering is not worth my time, I bet I can drill that with no meat left though.
We are not here to discuss Pakistan or India.

Please don't ask me to issue certificate on what Pakistan is or is not.

My post was addressed to some obnoxious troll who dragged India into it. I don't know which of my reply pinched your nerve, I am hardly interested to tip any Pakistani a lesson on global diplomacy but for sure I will show people a mirror when they will make generalized statements about my nation, without provocation.

Rest of your smart *** blabbering is not worth my time, I bet I can drill that with no meat left though.

It IS relevant to this thread, because you CANNOT call a country another country's bum, then at the same time say that it's also playing a double game against that same country. At best, you have to admit that the Pakistan acting US's bum is doing it as part of a game to fool the US. A country CANNOT be another country's bum, yet play double game. Those two cannot co-exist. Maybe what you want to say is that Pakistan is not ACTUALLY US's bum, but is putting on a show to deceive US. That will be more plausible. But then for that, you'll have to admit you were wrong, which you'll never try to do :lol:

You call it "smart *** blabbering" yet its obvious you cannot "drill that with no meat left". At the very least, you'll have to admit that your statement about Pakistan being US's bum was incorrect, for your argument to make any sound logical sense. Otherwise its one contradiction after another.

When one calls bharat a lap dog of the US, there is no contradiction. It really is a street-side poodle of the US.
US Pressures Russia On Snowden, Slams China
WASHINGTON, June 24, 2013 (AFP) -The White House pressured Russia to expel fugitive US intelligence leaker Edward Snowden and warned China it had harmed efforts to rebuild trust by allowing him to leave Hong Kong.
As intrigue in the case mounted, Snowden vanished in Moscow, not taking a flight to Cuba on which he was booked -- possibly on a journey scheduled to end up in Ecuador.
He was said by Russian officials to have spent Sunday night in a "capsule hotel" at Moscow's Sheremetyevo airport awaiting his onward connection.
Russia's Interfax news agency, known for its strong security contacts, confirmed that he was not on the Havana flight and quoted an informed source as saying he was likely already out of the country.
Snowden had arrived in Moscow on Sunday from Hong Kong, from where he leaked to the media details of secret cyber-espionage programs by both US and British intelligence agencies.
WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, himself holed up in Ecuador's embassy in London to avoid claims of sexual assault in Sweden, said Snowden was "safe" after leaving Hong Kong with a refugee document supplied by Quito after the United States revoked his passport.
And Snowden made another revelation sure to irk the US government.
He told the South China Morning Post in a story that appeared Tuesday that he joined the NSA contractor Booz Allen Hamilton, from which he stole secrets on the surveillance programs, specially to gain access to information on such activities and spill it to the press.
"My position with Booz Allen Hamilton granted me access to lists of machines all over the world the NSA hacked," he told the Post. "That is why I accepted that position about three months ago." The interview was conducted June 12.
President Barack Obama said Washington was using every legal channel to apprehend Snowden.
White House spokesman Jay Carney said Washington assumed that Snowden was still in Moscow. He lashed out at Beijing for letting him go, despite US extradition requests.
"With regards to ... the Chinese government, we are just not buying that this was a technical decision by a Hong Kong immigration official," he said.
"This was a deliberate choice by the government to release a fugitive despite a valid arrest warrant, and that decision unquestionably has a negative impact on the US-China relationship."
Carney noted that Beijing, as evidenced by Obama's summit with new president Xi Jinping this month in California, had been seeking to rebuild trust with Washington.
"We think that they have dealt that effort a serious setback. If we cannot count on them to honor their legal extradition obligations, then there is a problem. And that is a point we are making to them very directly."
Carney also told reporters the White House believes Russia should accept a request for Snowden to be expelled back to the United States.
"We do expect the Russian government to look at all the options available to them to expel Mr Snowden back to the United States," he said.
He refused to speculate on the implications of any failure by Russia to hand over Snowden.
He also said Washington had been in touch with countries through which Snowden might transit, noting that he was a fugitive from felony charges in the United States. His US passport has been revoked.
Obama declined to be say whether he had contacted Russian President Vladimir Putin, whom he met a week ago in Northern Ireland.
Patrick Ventrell, a State Department spokesman, said the administration had been in touch with Ecuador, which has said Snowden has asked for asylum.
In New Delhi, US Secretary of State John Kerry also voiced hope that Russia has reconsidered allowing Snowden to fly out.
"We continue to hope that the Russians will do the right thing," Kerry told NBC News.
"We have very high hopes that the Russians, who've said they want to cooperate and have a strong relationship with us, will understand that this is important," he said.
"I hope it's a good sign he isn't on that flight," he said.
Interfax quoted a source close to the matter as saying Russia was studying an extradition request from the United States for Snowden.
However, the source said Russia does not have the right to either "detain or deport" Snowden because he has not officially crossed the Russian border.
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