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Sniffer dogs offend Muslims

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Muslims and their arab world problem , Gaaah
Oh and you are the judge to decide what these misguided Muslim youth should find offensive or not? Frankly i am more afraid of this hellish entity than offended but still they don't have to abide by you're standards of acceptance.

You are partially right, but every country has a right to have rules that they feel good. Simple solution is to avoid going to that country instead of demanding them to change their rules as per others standards of acceptance.
You are partially right, but every country has a right to have rules that they feel good. Simple solution is to avoid going to that country instead of demanding them to change their rules.

I agree with that to a great extent.
I seriously miss @Talon at this point,as she is very good with such topic....
I don't understand that where on earth dogs are considered as 'spiritually not clean'?in Islam?
Yes,it is a common perception among Muslims that some dogs such as 'bull dogs' etc are dirty due to the reason that their mouth is filled with saliva(yuck)
however,Islam itself has spoken boldly against such things such as considering black cat as 'demonic' or whatever.
Generally speaking,in sense of personal hygiene,people should maintain some distance from animals,for health safety,including dogs the most,however this 'spiritually unholy' thing is never discussed in Islam,infact Islam has spoken against such stone age concepts.
I agree with some Indians who are criticizing these mindsets,and I hope that they are sane enough to understand that Islam has nothing to do with it.
The context behind such protest by Muslims is different,they just want to sniffing dogs to stay away from them,but not because they are spiritually not pure,but because they are highly sensitive in case of personal hygiene and because they have to offer prayers.
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I seriously miss @Talon at this point,as she will be carving arguement perfectly....
I don't understand that where on earth dogs are considered as 'spiritually not clean'?in Islam?
Yes,it is a common perception among Muslims that some dogs such as 'bull dogs' etc are dirty due to the reason that their mouth is filled with saliva(yuck)
however,Islam itself has spoken boldly against such things such as considering black cat as 'demonic' or whatever.
Generally speaking,in sense of personal hygiene,people should maintain some distance from animals,for health security,including dogs the most,however this 'spiritually unholy' thing is never discussed in Islam,infact Islam has spoken against such storage concepts.
I agree with some Indians who are criticizing these mindsets,and I hope that they are sane enough to understand that Islam has nothing to do with it.
The context behind such protest by Muslims is different,they just want to sniffing dogs to stay away from them,but not because they are spiritually not pure,but because they are highly sensitive in case of personal hygiene and because they have to offer prayers.

I agree with 'Slav', but when life of hundereds of people depends upon the security measures then you have to choose security irrespect of who got offended or not. If Pakistani/Indian govt has to do it, they will do it and no one would dare to raise a voice. Because sub continent's govts did not care. It is very unfortunate that we create these type of issues where we know system will listen to us irrespect of cast, creed or religion.
In the Muslim faith, dogs are deemed to be spiritually “unclean”. But banning them from touching passengers would severely restrict their ability to do their job.
First of all I don't like this thread.
If doges are spiritually unclean then why this? It's a complicated debate.
I have Muslim friends. They are not suppose to keep dogs as pets. One day I was walking my dogs and stopped at the motorcycle sticker walla to discuss graphics for my bike. My rottie went and sat on the neighboring doors steps. Suddenly door flew open and one aunty in bohra flower burqa came out and threw big bucket of water on him.
I have Muslim friends. They are not suppose to keep dogs as pets. One day I was walking my dogs and stopped at the motorcycle sticker walla to discuss graphics for my bike. My rottie went and sat on the neighboring doors steps. Suddenly door flew open and one aunty in bohra flower burqa came out and threw big bucket of water on him.

lol..... :D

khush hoja beta

Since Muslims have to offer 5 time namaj and the dogs like any other animal may lick them so its natural for them to stay away from them as far as possible. 
I have Muslim friends. They are not suppose to keep dogs as pets. One day I was walking my dogs and stopped at the motorcycle sticker walla to discuss graphics for my bike. My rottie went and sat on the neighboring doors steps. Suddenly door flew open and one aunty in bohra flower burqa came out and threw big bucket of water on him.

What if Rottweiler had retaliated to her ? this dog is a beast when strikes back
This is a rottie we are talking about boss. Aunty ji's *** was grass if I had not held tight to his leash.

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