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Sleeping on roof in summer

Should be in the rural area. Sleep on the roof. Break-fast with makai ka roti, sarsu ka saag, achar and makhan. Lazy whole day in a shade drinking buckets of "lassi" and gossiping with pals. And then in the late afternoon, sit under the water pouring out of the well pulled by a buffalo. This may not be there anymore.
Sleeping outside in the summers is someting one did all through childhood. It was incomprehensible to sleep indoors between Holi ( March) and Diwali ( Oct). We only sleepily dragged our charpoys into the verandah when it rained.

The simple pleasures of watering the driveway / lawn and placing ' Surahis' with a Copper / steel glass over it, fighting for a bed close to the table fan, hearing the quawalis from the Dargah of Nizamuddin which was quite a distance away but sounds carried once the night noises died down, placing your rubber slippers under the matress so the dogs didnt take them away, listening to the transistor at low volume , discussing stars and watching a satellite / jet travel across the sky and imagining what ' it must be like.."- arguing with siblings till one was scolded by elders.., drinking the most refreshing water from the earthen pot in the morning..all these seem so far away.

Thank you Pukhtoon for starting a thread that bought back so many memories..

Sadly I do not see people sleeping outdoors in villages too in large numbers.
I also did something similar in childhood a few times when I visited my ancenstral village, but cant put into words better than you. :)
Should be in the rural area. Sleep on the roof. Break-fast with makai ka roti, sarsu ka saag, achar and makhan. Lazy whole day in a shade drinking buckets of "lassi" and gossiping with pals. And then in the late afternoon, sit under the water pouring out of the well pulled by a buffalo. This may not be there anymore.

Life in the villages is not as idylic as this.

One wakes up an hour before dawn and works all through the day.
Such a beautiful place!! You are lucky guys, but aren't you afraid of harmful insects? such as spiders or scorpions?

I don't know about scorpions, but Karachi has plenty of geckos -- especially on roofs -- and I hate those f*ckers... :angry:
me to on the roof *****ing WAPDA BC but ALLAH is great pakistani o ko sakoon ki neend ha abi tak nai to PPP ki maa ki **** **** *** ******* **** ******
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