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SL bans LTTE fronts


Feb 16, 2013
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SL bans LTTE fronts

The Sri Lankan government has in a decisive move with far reaching implications proscribed as foreign terrorist entities, several overseas organizations suspected of being fronts of the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE).

The government banned the organizations as “foreign terrorists” utilising the UN Security Council Resolution 1373 which was brought about by the USA on September 28, 2001 after the attack on World Trader Center in New York on September 11, 2001.
It is expected that External Affairs Minister Prof. Gamini Lakshman Peiris will announce details of the proscription imposed on such foreign terrorist entities later this week.
The report said:
“It is learnt that the Sri Lankan ministry of External Affairs has gazetted legislation outlawing several organizations reportedly functioning in several countries including the USA, Canada Britain, Norway, Italy, Switzerland, France and Australia.
“Among organizations proscribed are the Transnational Government of Tamil Eelam (TGTE) headed by New York lawyer Visuvanathan Ruthirakumaran,Global Tamil Forum headed by Catholic Priest Fr.SJ Emmanuel,the LTTE group led by Perinbanayagam Sivaparan alias Nediyavan and the tiger group led by Sekarampillai Vinayagamoorthy alias Vinayagam.
It is expected that External Affairs minister Prof.Gamini Lakshman Peiris will announce details of the proscription imposed on such foreign terrorist entities later this week.
The proscribed entities listed in the Gazette consist of the main LTTE and 15 other alleged front organizations of the tigers.The proscribed organizations are as follows-
01. Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam a.k.a LTTE a.k.a Tamil Tigers.
02. Tamil Rehabilitation Organization a.k.a TRO.
03. Tamil Coordinating Committee a.k.a TCC
04. British Tamil Forum a.k.a BTF
05. World Tamil Movement a.k.a WTM
06. Canadian Tamil Congress a.k.a CTC
07. Australian Tamil Congress a.k.a ATC
08. Global Tamil Forum a.k.a GTF
09. National Council Of Canadian Tamils a.k.a NCCT a.k.a Makkal Avai
10. Tamil National Council a.k.a TNC
11.Tamil Youth Organization a.k.a TYO
12. World Tamil Coordinating Committee a.k.a WTCC.
13. Transnational Government Of Tamil Eelam a.k.a TGTE
14. Tamil Eelam Peoples Assembly a.k.a TEPA
15 .World Tamil Relief Fund a.k.a WTRF
16. Headquarters Group a.k.a HQ Group
According to authoritative sources the organizations listed as suspected terrorist entities functioning on foreign soil fall under four broad categories reportedly under the overall control of four key individuals.
They are the organization/s under-
1. Perinbanayagam Sivaparan alias “Nediyavan”;
2. Rev.Fr. SJ Emmanuel
3. Visuvanathan Ruthirakumaran
4. Sekarampillai Vinayakamoorthy alias Vinayagam

Explaing further the rationale behind such proscription at this juncture, informed sources stated that the fundamental objective was to appraise foreign countries, particularly Western nations of how LTTE fronts existing amidst members of the Tamil Diaspora resident on their soil were now financing the revival of LTTE activity in Sri Lanka.
The Government is concerned about the recent attempt to revive the LTTE in Sri Lanka. All evidence unearthed so far indicate that funds, support and assistance from LTTE front organizations are primarily responsible for the attempted tiger renaissance in Sri Lanka.
Since the UN resolution 1373 expects countries to assist one another to combat terrorism, Sri Lanka will request the host countries to investigate the activities of such organizations and key members on their soil and take appropriate action.
Sri Lanka will provide particulars about such key activists as authorities in Sri Lanka are in possession of the entire data base of former LTTE senior leader Veerakathy Manivannan alias Castro who was in charge of the LTTE international secretariat which directed and coordinated overseas LTTE activity until early 2009.
Castro simply abandoned his office in Pudukudiyiruppu and escaped when the Sri Lankan armed forces advanced thereby letting the data base with particulars of overseas LTTE activity fall easily into the lap of the security forces.

The Government is also likely to obtain cooperation from these Western countries to proclaim LTTE activists abroad as offenders” listed as Wanted or to be watched through related INTERPOL notices.
Speaking further authoritative sources said that as a result of the proscription coming into force Sri Lankan nationals in the Island will be forbidden to maintain contact or links with members of the proscribed organizations. This would prevent Sri Lankan political parties and leaders from obtaining funds from such entities for undertakings in Sri Lanka. This move is likely to affect several members of Tamil political parties in Sri Lanka.
This would also forbid Sri Lankan politicians and Non –Governmental Organization (NGO) activists being in contact with representatives of such entities either in Sri Lanka or during trips abroad.
Sections of the media in Sri Lanka giving wide coverage to statements and interviews given by officials of such organizations will also be restricted from doing so.
Furthermore, the proscription will also render members of these proscribed entities liable for arrest under the Prevention of Terrorism Act(PTA) if and when apprehended while visiting Sri Lanka.
It is learnt that extensive dossiers of key individuals from these proscribed organizations and their activities abroad would be provided to the respective countries concerned in due course.
Sri Lankan authorities are expected to strictly enforce provisions of the proscription under UN resolution 1373 after the Sinhala –Tamil New Year in April this year. (D.B.S. Jeyaraj)

@Saradiel , @Skyline ,@Azizam ,@HeinzG
that is a good step though long overdue

I wonder if the GOSL wanted to some how integrate these diaspora groups especially GTF and BTF.. But seems to have back fired spectacularly.. Guess you're right better late than never

To be honest the govt have not been very inspiring in it's approach either as far as post war reconciliation is concerned
I wonder if the GOSL wanted to some how integrate these diaspora groups especially GTF and BTF.. But seems to have back fired spectacularly.. Guess you're right better late than never

To be honest the govt have not been very inspiring in it's approach either as far as post war reconciliation is concerned

SL gov need a lot to do, but the criticism thrown at SL gov has no basis and done according to the agenda of tiger rump overseas. GTF and BTF have people who have funded and helped LTTE.
Fr Emmanuel and even Rayappu joseph is a known LTTE supporter. Gov should have exposed these overseas tigers. As far as i know even lower level members of the GTF doesn t know who excactly leads GTF,probably ltte. And BTF and GTF are rival groups.
SL gov need a lot to do, but the criticism thrown at SL gov has no basis and done according to the agenda of tiger rump overseas. GTF and BTF have people who have funded and helped LTTE.
Fr Emmanuel and even Rayappu joseph is a known LTTE supporter. Gov should have exposed these overseas tigers. As far as i know even lower level members of the GTF doesn t know who excactly leads GTF,probably ltte. And BTF and GTF are rival groups.

True.. But given the back ground both GTF and BTF seems to be less extremist their agenda.. Probably because they know the impossibility of some of the demands that's put forward by other more radical out fits and the reality of global power politics
Ya but not pakistan style, just change the nameplate, print fundraising ads in national newspapers, hold rallies in national capital...

:what: Pakistan has nothing to do with this.

anyway more power to our friend Sri Lanka. Go ban and fk these terrorist and their supporters
Ya but not pakistan style, just change the nameplate, print fundraising ads in national newspapers, hold rallies in national capital...

Thats exactly what these people do.. After funding the LTTE for years to cause havoc, terrorize and destroy a whole generation of Lankan Tamil youth as suicide bombs and child soldiers, They have turned human right campaigners over night.. Hobnobbing with western neo liberal politicians, Media and INGO's, Lobbying with billions of dollars that was accumulated by gun running, drug s and human smuggling over 30 years to buy weapons and bombs now free to pay local politicians and the media in western capitals
Thats exactly what these people do.. After funding the LTTE for years to cause havoc, terrorize and destroy a whole generation of Lankan Tamil youth as suicide bombs and child soldiers, They have turned human right campaigners over night.. Hobnobbing with western neo liberal politicians, Media and INGO's, Lobbying with billions of dollars that was accumulated by gun running, drug s and human smuggling over 30 years to buy weapons and bombs now free to pay local politicians and the media in western capitals

Surely not THAT one sided, is it?
Surely not THAT one sided, is it?

Pretty much, These are hard core extremists..

But having said that they're fraction of the Lankan Tamil diaspora world wide.. Majority are peace loving people that want a fair deal..

Like i said unfortunately GOSL so far have not been forthcoming to give that.. Giving these terrorists unwarrented spotlight
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Yes all terrorists and their supporters will be fked in due course. Its in motion already.

Is that why an indian trained LTTE cadre blew off Rajiv Gandhi. the one that blew off the bomb was actucally a trained carder in india by indira gandhi! was that a continuation of that cycle. ?

True.. But given the back ground both GTF and BTF seems to be less extremist their agenda.. Probably because they know the impossibility of some of the demands that's put forward by other more radical out fits and the reality of global power politics

No BTF and GTF are any less extremist. Actually the leaders of GTF are not that widely known even among the diaspora and BTF itself. GTF's leaders are said to be people connected to LTTE even Prabha. They are just being diplomatic when in west.
Is that why an indian trained LTTE cadre blew off Rajiv Gandhi. the one that blew off the bomb was actucally a trained carder in india by indira gandhi! was that a continuation of that cycle. ?

No BTF and GTF are any less extremist. Actually the leaders of GTF are not that widely known even among the diaspora and BTF itself. GTF's leaders are said to be people connected to LTTE even Prabha. They are just being diplomatic when in west.

Or maybe the same LTTE was fked, with Indias support??? May be that's what I meant.

If you think most Indians care for LTTE or Gandhis you are mistaken. This is not to say we do not care for the common Tamilians though, and your govt's attitude does not inspire any confidence.
Or maybe the same LTTE was fked, with Indias support??? May be that's what I meant.

If you think most Indians care for LTTE or Gandhis you are mistaken. This is not to say we do not care for the common Tamilians though, and your govt's attitude does not inspire any confidence.

Although there is a lack of urgency on the part of the GOSL about reconciliation, Thier policy seem to be rapid economic development in conflict area's that will integrate those people to mainstream Sri Lankan society.. Whether that policy is ill founded is another matter, Only the future will tell.. You just cannot generalise all Tamils face these issues in the island.. It's much more complicated than most out side media especially what ever that comes out of Tamil Nadu makes you believe..

For starters the issue of reconciliation and resettlement concerns only the Tamils of the North where the theater of war was ,But ofcause the powerful Tamil Diaspora and political entities in Tamil Nadu that is still reeling from the decimation of the LTTE that they funded for thier own racist agenda makes a highly unfounded issue with it

Close to 60% of Tamils live out side the so called Tamil majority area's among other communities and they face problems that arnt specific to thier ethnicity as often portrayed.. In Colombo Tamils constitute to 39%.. Majority successful in every sphere of Sri Lankan life .. So nowhere can there be state sanctioned discrimination as i reiterate certain media and people make you believe.. Unfortunately most Indians get thier information about Lanka through highly biased media houses based in TN mostly owned by powerful politicians there.. Even if there is rare instances of a more balanced view attempted those are violently suppressed by those same extremist parties which are mainstream these days.. So much for media freedom and expression..Case in points

Protests force theatres to stop screening Santosh Sivan’s ‘Inam’ in TN

Read more at: Protests force theatres to stop screening Santosh Sivan's 'Inam' in TN | Firstpost

Tamil Nadu theatres refuse to screen Madras Cafe


Director of ‘Prabakaran’ film assaulted in Chennai for portraying the ruthless LTTE leader in a bad light
htttp://Director of ‘Prabakaran’ film assaulted in Chennai for portraying the ruthless LTTE leader in a bad light | Asian Tribune
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