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Six vaccinated countries have high Covid infection rates. Five of them rely on Chinese vaccines.

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Six vaccinated countries have high Covid infection rates. Five of them rely on Chinese vaccines.

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  • Weekly Covid cases, adjusted for population, have remained elevated in at least six of the world’s most inoculated countries — and five of those nations rely on vaccines from China.
  • Chinese vaccines face rising doubts about their efficacy, compounded by a lack of data on their protection against the more transmissible delta variant.
  • Still, experts say countries shouldn’t stop using Covid vaccines from China, especially when the lack of supply is particularly severe among low- and middle-income nations.


Covid-19 vaccines by Chinese firms Sinopharm (left) and Sinovac arrived at the Phnom Penh International Airport
in Cambodia on June 8, 2021.

Sovannara | Xinhua News Agency | Getty Images

Among countries with both high vaccination rates and high rates of Covid-19 infection, most rely on vaccines made in China, a CNBC analysis shows.

The findings come as the efficacy of Chinese vaccines faces growing scrutiny, compounded by a lack of data on their protection against the more transmissible delta variant. CNBC found that weekly Covid cases, adjusted for population, have remained elevated in at least six of the world’s most inoculated countries — and five of them rely on vaccines from China.

CNBC identified 36 countries with more than 1,000 weekly new confirmed cases per million people as of July 6, using figures from Our World in Data, which compiles information from sources including the World Health Organization, governments and researchers at the University of Oxford. CNBC then identified countries among those 36 where more than 60% of the population has received at least one dose of Covid vaccine.

Those countries numbered six, and five of them use Chinese vaccines as a significant part of their national inoculation programs: United Arab Emirates, Seychelles, Mongolia, Uruguay and Chile. The one country among them that doesn’t depend on Chinese vaccines is the United Kingdom.


Mongolian state-owned news agency Montsame reported in May that the country has received 2.3 million doses of vaccine by China’s state-owned Sinopharm. That far exceeds the 80,000 doses of Russia’s Sputnik V and around 255,000 doses of Pfizer-BioNTech shot that Mongolia received as of last week.

Chile administered 16.8 million doses of vaccines from Beijing-based Sinovac Biotech — compared with 3.9 million doses of Pfizer-BioNTech and smaller amounts of two other vaccines, Reuters reported last month.

The UAE and Seychelles depended heavily on the Sinopharm vaccine at beginning of their inoculation campaigns, but each has more recently introduced other vaccines. In Uruguay, Sinovac’s shot is one of the two most-used vaccines, alongside Pfizer-BioNTech’s.


Meanwhile, the United Kingdom has approved vaccines by Moderna, AstraZeneca-Oxford, Pfizer-BioNTech and Janssen. U.K. Covid cases have spiked in recent weeks as the more transmissible delta variant has spread there.

Sinopharm and Sinovac did not respond to CNBC requests for comment.

Several factors can cause a surge in Covid cases in countries with high vaccination rates. Vaccines don’t offer 100% protection, so those who are inoculated can still be infected. At the same time, new variants of the coronavirus could prove better at overcoming vaccines.

The best option for many countries

Countries should not stop using Covid-19 vaccines from China, epidemiologists say, especially while the supply of vaccines is limited among low- and middle-income nations.

Many of the countries and territories that approved vaccines by Sinopharm and Sinovac are developing nations that can’t compete with wealthier countries for vaccines developed in the United States and Europe.

Ben Cowling, a professor at The University of Hong Kong’s School of Public Health, said countries may decide to use certain vaccines depending on their long-term objectives.

“Some countries may accept a low level of circulation as long as there are relatively few severe cases and deaths from COVID-19,” Cowling, who heads the school’s epidemiology and biostatistics division, told CNBC in an email. “That should be achievable with high coverage of any of the available vaccines.”

Still, some countries are steering clear of China’s vaccines. Costa Rica last month rejected a delivery of vaccines developed by Sinovac after concluding it isn’t effective enough

WHO approval

The World Health Organization approved vaccines from Sinopharm and Sinovac for emergency use.
The effectiveness of the two Chinese vaccines is lower than that of Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna, both of which have shown more than 90% efficacy.

Sinopharm’s vaccine has an efficacy of 79% against symptomatic Covid infections, the WHO says, but its effectiveness among certain groups — such as people 60 and older — isn’t clear. The efficacy of Sinovac’s shot has come in at around 50% to higher than 80%, depending on the country where trials were held.


Experts say findings between clinical trials can’t be compared directly, because each trial is set up differently. But a Hong Kong study found “substantially higher” antibody levels in people that received the BioNTech shot, compared with those who got the Sinovac vaccine, the South China Morning Post reported.

Some experts suggest that the technology behind the different Covid vaccines could explain variations in their effectiveness.

Sinopharm and Sinovac’s vaccines trigger an immune response by exposing the body to a weakened or “inactivated” virus — a tried and tested method that has been used by vaccines for decades. Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna based their vaccines on a technology called messenger RNA, which instructs the body to make viral proteins that induce an immune response.

“Inactivated vaccines are easy to manufacture and are known for their safety, but tend to produce a weaker immune response compared to some other vaccine types,” Michael Head, senior research fellow in global health at the University of Southampton in the U.K., wrote in an article published on The Conversation website.

Still, large phase three clinical trials showed that inactivated vaccines have “high efficacy against severe disease and death” from Covid, said Cowling.

The professor told CNBC that the spikes in Covid cases among some countries that use Chinese vaccines “tend to be surges in mild infections with very few severe cases in fully vaccinated individuals.”

‘Herd immunity’

When vaccines have lower efficacy, more people need to be inoculated to reach “herd immunity.” That happens when the virus no longer transmits rapidly because most people are immune from having been vaccinated or having recovered from an infection.

Some countries decided to try to achieve herd immunity early in the pandemic, but no countries are known to have succeeded. Some that said they would reach herd immunity, such as Sweden, wound up being hit much harder by Covid than neighboring countries that went the vaccination route.

A study the University of New South Wales’s Kirby Institute in Sydney claimed that in the Australian state of New South Wales, herd immunity could be achieved if 66% of the population received vaccines with 90% efficacy against all infection.

The proportion of the population that needs to be vaccinated rises to 86% if the vaccine efficacy is 70%, and herd immunity is not achievable if the vaccine efficacy is below 60%, the study showed.


Pfizer has been fined over $4.7 billion since 2000 for false claims acts, off-label or unapproved promotion, Foreign corrupt practices, with over $103M for "drug or medical equip safety violations" & over $34M for "kickbacks & bribery
6 fully vaccinated people have died from COVID-19 in one of the world’s most-vaccinated countries

Of those, five had taken Covishield, a version of the AstraZeneca vaccine made in India, and one had been given Sinopharm.
July 02, 2021 7:28 AM EDT

The coronavirus has killed six fully vaccinated people in the Seychelles, which is suffering heightened Covid-19 infections despite inoculating a greater proportion of its people than almost any other nation.
Of those, five had taken Covishield, a version of the AstraZeneca Plc vaccine made in India, and one had been given Sinopharm, Jude Gedeon, the island nation’s public health commissioner said at a press conference on Thursday. Covishield has mainly been reserved for people over 60 in the Seychelles. All of those who died had serious underlying conditions, he said.
The rise in infections, which surged at the beginning of May and has remained at elevated levels ever since, is likely due to the arrival of the highly-transmissible delta variant, which was first identified in India, Gedeon said.

“It looks like delta came in Seychelles in May which explain the surge at the beginning of May,” Gedeon said. “We presume that the majority of cases we got in May was from that variant.”

The palm-fringed archipelago had rushed to inoculate its 98,000 people so that it could reopen to tourism, the lifeblood of its economy. It had to impose restrictions on gatherings and opening times for bars and restaurants after the initial surge and has maintained those.

“For the last three weeks a team of experts from World Health Organization and Africa Centers for Disease Control have been working with us to evaluate our vaccination rate, data and response,” Gedeon said. “They will produce a report which will help us decide on the strategy to be used moving forward in terms of vaccination, measures etc.”


Pfizer has been fined over $4.7 billion since 2000 for false claims acts, off-label or unapproved promotion, Foreign corrupt practices, with over $103M for "drug or medical equip safety violations" & over $34M for "kickbacks & bribery

Yep! And they're selling an unapproved (US) 'vaccine' for which no long term safety trials have been conducted, and are indemnified of any liability should people get crippled or even die by them.

I mean, what can possibly go wrong? :woot:

Uruguay and Chile are falling.

UK, Mongolia, and UAE are on the rise.

France, Israel, and many European countries are on the rise as well.

I don't know why the results are mixed, between the least effective and the most effective.
This is downright false and misleading propaganda from US media cartel.
1.UAE: The region where most Covid cases are located in UAE is in Dubai .
Meanhwile Abu Dhabi, which preferred more of the Sinopharm has less than 3% cases of UAE.
They are pushing the narrative that UAE is only using Sinopharm ,even though it's using pfizer (probably more by now) astrazenica and sputnik.Meanwhile Abudhabi which adopted Sinopharm early on instead of pfizer has much less cases.

2.Seychelles: UAE donated only 50 K of Sinopharm to sychelles meanwhile India donated 100k of Astrazenica Covishield to Seychelles ;yet it's China's fault not Astrazenica?

3.Mongolia: Mongolia has received 2,600,540 vaccines through COVAX, the AstraZeneca and Pfizer brands and purchased 131k of SputnIk from Russia like the satellite state they are,so that's a total of 2.7 m of non Chinese vaccine;Mongolia only got 300K sinopharm from china as donation , so how are they relying on Chinese vaccine?

4. Chile & Uruguay:. There the cases are dropping as soon as inoculation has reached near 60 % .


Now compare the graph to the Pfizer/Astrazenica relying UK with no Chinese vaccine involvement.


And the whole article is like a blatant smear,covid cases are raging in nations not relying on Chinese vac in south America like columbia which had 23K cases today and 477 death compared to 1k new cases and 40 death in Chile,yet all they talk about is Chile .
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Way too many typical cases in this thread that show how to lie with statistics. Comparing covid inflection and vaccination effect between any two countries is a complex matter. Many factors play important roles, such as type of vaccines used, how many doses administrated, the age of vaccinated populations, community normalcy or lock-down enforcement, geographic locations, travel restrictions and enforcement, etc, etc. Yet, many people just want to pick a number and run with their mouths.
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