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Six US soldiers killed in Afghan helicopter crash Read more: Six US soldiers killed in Afghan helic


Apr 28, 2011
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Six US troops in Afghanistan were killed and one wounded in a helicopter crash Tuesday, but it was unclear if Taliban fire caused any of the casualties after the chopper went down.
Military officials said insurgents did not shoot down the UH-60 Blackhawk, but they were investigating whether any of the US troops were killed by gunfire from Taliban militants after the crash.

The Afghan insurgents immediately claimed responsibility for the deaths, using their main Twitter account to report that their fighters had shot down the US chopper in the southern province of Zabul.

The incident was the single biggest loss of life for the NATO missi

on in Afghanistan since seven Georgian soldiers died when a suicide bomber blew up a truck loaded with explosives outside a base in Helmand province in June.

"Six International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) service members died following an aircraft crash in southern Afghanistan today," an ISAF statement said.

"The cause of the crash is under investigation, however initial reporting indicates there was no enemy activity in the area at the time of the crash."

Defence officials in Washington told AFP the fatalities were US troops riding in a Blackhawk aircraft.

"I can confirm six Americans were killed," said one official, who spoke on condition of anonymity.

An investigation was underway to determine "the cause of engine failure," the official said.

Although there was no insurgent fire on the aircraft before the Blackhawk crashed, "once it was down, there was enemy fire," said a US military officer, who asked not to be named.

The Taliban Twitter account, under the name Abdulqahar Balkhi, said the helicopter was brought down on Tuesday afternoon while flying low over the district of Shah Joy in Zabul.

"(The) chopper crashed in (a) ball of flame... killing all 8 invaders aboard," the account said.

The Taliban regularly make unsubstantiated claims of attacks on NATO and Afghan forces and also exaggerate casualty numbers in proven strikes.

Provincial officials confirmed the incident in Zabul, a restive province bordering on Helmand and neighbouring Pakistan.

"I can confirm a helicopter crashed in Shah Joy district this afternoon, but we don't have any information about the casualties or the cause of the hard landing," Mohammad Jan Rasolyar, deputy governor of Zabul province, told AFP.

Local officials said ISAF and Afghan forces rushed to the scene of the crash and were still on patrol around the site when darkness fell.

Aircraft crashes are fairly frequent in Afghanistan, where the 75,000-strong international mission relies heavily on air transport as it battles the insurgency alongside Afghan forces who now take the lead in most military operations.

The last fatal helicopter incident for US forces occurred in April, when an Apache chopper went down in eastern Afghanistan, claiming the lives of two American troops.

Five US troops also died in the southern province of Kandahar in March when their helicopter came down during a heavy rainstorm.

Before Tuesday's crash, there had been 149 NATO fatalities in Afghanistan this year, 119 of them US soldiers, according to the independent icasualties website.

The annual total peaked in 2010, when 711 NATO troops died.

NATO combat operations in Afghanistan are due to end next year, and coalition commanders say the local army and police have made enough progress to provide general security and keep the Taliban at bay.

There are currently 42,700 US troops deployed in Afghanistan as part of the NATO-led force that is due to withdraw by the end of 2014.

A small US-led contingent is due to stay in the country pending the signature of a security agreement between Washington and Kabul.

Read more: Six US soldiers killed in Afghan helicopter crash - World - New Straits Times Six US soldiers killed in Afghan helicopter crash - World - New Straits Times
@Pak-one @Aeronaut @Oscar @OrionHunter @jarves @janon @SpArK @Talon @Areesh @A.Rafay and others
Engine failure lol .....as if american helicopters are that crappy that they always crash due to engine failure.....its very clear that taliban have shot the black hawk.......its good to see that taliban are not easy on NATO troops even though withdrawals are taking place.
Engine failure lol .....as if american helicopters are that crappy that they always crash due to engine failure.....its very clear that taliban have shot the black hawk.......its good to see that taliban are not easy on NATO troops even though withdrawals are taking place.
The point is if the Americans are leaving anyway, why are the Taliban still killing NATO troops? It would have been understandable if they were not leaving. Further, this wasn't the effect of a firefight between the Taliban and NATO troops.

This action isn't going to hasten their withdrawal, is it?

It also isn't logical that the Taliban killed the troops after the crash. They would have taken them hostage instead, in order to demand the release of some of their commanders in custody of NATO forces.
The point is if the Americans are leaving anyway, why are the Taliban still killing NATO troops? It would have been understandable if they were not leaving. Further, this wasn't the effect of a firefight between the Taliban and NATO troops.

This action isn't going to hasten their withdrawal, is it?

It also isn't logical that the Taliban killed the troops after the crash. They would have taken them hostage instead, in order to demand the release of some of their commanders in custody of NATO forces.
As long as they are in Afghanistan Taliban should hunt them down good job boys hunt more and more and more @Pak-one
As long as they are in Afghanistan Taliban should hunt them down good job boys hunt more and more and more @Pak-one
Does this come under celebrating deaths ?? Am sure you wont like it if an American makes similar statements when your soldiers are slaughtered by TTP or BLA
Does this come under celebrating deaths ?? Am sure you wont like it if an American makes similar statements when your soldiers are slaughtered by TTP or BLA
For that u would have to refer to taliban manual of emotions for jihadi zombies
The point is if the Americans are leaving anyway, why are the Taliban still killing NATO troops? It would have been understandable if they were not leaving. Further, this wasn't the effect of a firefight between the Taliban and NATO troops.

This action isn't going to hasten their withdrawal, is it?

It also isn't logical that the Taliban killed the troops after the crash. They would have taken them hostage instead, in order to demand the release of some of their commanders in custody of NATO forces.
And you think NATO has stopped all of its offensives against taliban while in the process of withdrawl?
If taliban go easy on NATO troops then it would encourage occupying forces to stay longer. And if you have watched movie "lone survivor", you must have some idea how an RPG of taliban can hit an american helicopter....read the news again, 6 american soldiers in black hawk are "killed", how could taliban capture them alive?
Poor people die for the greed of some sick people...........oh the irony .
so much to advanced american choppers. The pentagon doesnt want to admit that their faulty american products are to be blamed so they always claim there is possibility others are responsible, groundless claims from nowhere. The same way US media is covering the boeing 777 crash near vietnams coast as an terrorist attack just to defend the prestige of inferior american products.

If taliban would be behind it and other terrorists behind the 777 crash, someone would have already come to the public and bragging about shutting down an overhyped american technology.
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