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Six million preventable child deaths - the biggest child rights violation...a silent

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grey boy 2

Jul 23, 2009
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United States
Six million preventable child deaths - the biggest child rights violation...a silent emergency

World Vision launches five-year global campaign to end massive "child rights violation" of child and infant death Every 3.5 seconds a child under five dies: 24,000 deaths a day; almost nine million a year - India shares the highest burden of 1.95 million under five deaths.

Chennai, Tamil Nadu, November 17, 2009 /India PRwire/ -- A new World Vision report - Child Health Now - Together We Can End Preventable Deaths" finds that the vast majority of these deaths are preventable if governments spent more on simple health interventions, recommitted themselves to reducing child and infant mortality and targeted health care at the most vulnerable .

Launched on Monday, November 16, the Child Health Now report calls on governments to bolster family and community health interventions, some of which cost as little as Rs.15 (USD 30 cents.)

Life-saving health measures for children are as simple as:

◦Providing basic vaccinations, oral rehydration sachets for children with diarrhoea, and vitamin and micronutrient supplements to boost immunity and growth

◦Exclusive breastfeed children in the first six months and prevent childhood malnutrition by feeding infants from six months with nutritious foods from cheap locally available sources
◦Improving access to basic community level maternal, neonatal and infant care services

However, World Vision's report found that despite the solutions being well known governments in the developed and underdeveloped world were failing children, especially the poor and marginalised.

"This is more than just a problem facing the developing world. It's a 'silent' emergency. And it is, I believe, the greatest child rights violation of our time," said Kevin Jenkins, World Vision International President.

Mr Jenkins added, "It is politics, not poverty that is killing these children. The politicians have made many promises, but the truth is that saving mothers and children from death is simply not a priority."

Speaking at the launch of the Global Child Health Campaign in New York, Dr. Jayakumar Christian, National Director of World Vision India said - "India is one of the countries that is highly unlikely to meet the Millennium Development Goals 4 and 5. India spends only 1.04% of GDP on health, which is 2.2% of the country's total budgetary expenditure."

"In World Vision's work with children in drought affected Rajasthan to the flood affected Karnataka, we see these invisible citizens of our nation on the verge of extreme vulnerability being exposed to hunger, under nutrition and water borne diseases. But we've also seen through our work with over 5000 poor communities across the country that progress is possible: But much more must be done by the government to meet their promise to cut child and mothers deaths by 2015," Dr. Christian added.

Dr. Sri Chander, World Vision's health advisor for the Asia Pacific, said: "Health spending is not targeted at the biggest killer diseases for children, or on things like clean water, sanitation and nutritious food. At least half of these preventable deaths have malnutrition as an underlying cause"

World Vision, which works with children and communities in almost 100 countries, is recalibrating its own development work to push US$1.5 billion into health programmes over the next five years. The agency also aims to ensure that government leaders deliver on their commitments to reduce child mortality by two-thirds by 2015 - equal to six million children's lives being saved a year.

World Vision's report - 'Child Health Now - Together We Can End Preventable Deaths" points to the experience of several low income countries that, through a mix of high-level political commitment and focussed policies, have made substantial cuts in child deaths, demonstrating that progress can be made, even in the most resource-constrained contexts.

With the hunger crisis, droughts and flood threats facing India, addressing life-or-death issues of children's health is even more urgent for government.
Here comes another India bashing from china
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HaHa, now thats sure strike a raw nerve ?

Whats comes around goes around, "Fair and Square"

I must say, GOI must be the most evil regime of the world, how

can India's children be treating like this ?

"Incredible India" :smitten::pakistan::china:

P.S. Its just a news, not for the sake of bashing India, but looking for

some positive discussing.:smitten::pakistan::china:
just a news,take it easy.

many indians are keen on posting rumors about china.

But when other people post the fact news about india,you are yawping.

HaHa, now thats sure strike a raw nerve ?

Whats comes around goes around, "Fair and Square"

I must say, GOI must be the most evil regime of the world, how

can India's children be treating like this ?

"Incredible India" :smitten::pakistan::china:

P.S. Its just a news, not for the sake of bashing India, but looking for

some positive discussing.:smitten::pakistan::china:

Whenever u need positive discussion pls come to us we will give more than what u want to discuss :cheers:

So here i go
UNICEF India - Health

More than 1 million child deaths in India can easily be prevented every year

The world cannot continue with business as usual when every year nearly 11 children die before their fifth birthday from easily preventable and readily treatable causes – almost 90 percent of these deaths occur in 42 countries of South Asia and Sub Saharan Africa.

What is baffling is that a vast majority of these deaths could be easily averted. Scientific evidence available today tells us that in India alone more than 1 million child lives could be saved from scaling up known and proven cost effective interventions.

A National Conference on Child Survival, involving experts, officials donors and NGOS from different parts of the world, will be held in New Delhi on November 29-30 to draw up a roadmap for child survival over the next ten years. With over 240 million children under the age of five, India contributes 25 percent of the world’s child deaths. It is evident that a major turnaround in India will ensure a significant impact globally!

The message of hope in this challenging scenario is that a vast majority of children can be saved through a combination of good care, nutrition, and medical treatment. Simple measures like exclusive breastfeeding for six months can prevent child deaths by a good 16%. It is believed that other easy measures could prevent 90% of diarrhea deaths, 62% of pneumonia deaths, 100% measles deaths 92% malaria deaths, 44% HIV/AIDS deaths and 52% neonatal fatalities. Proven strategies and interventions such as keeping the newborn baby sufficiently warm, neonatal resuscitation, micronutrient supplements such as vitamin A and zinc and antibiotics for sepsis, pneumonia and dysentery are expected to be discussed. Various impediments that still pose a challenge to such simple interventions will be identified and solutions explored.

The conference is being seen as an expression of the Indian government’s serious resolve to curb child mortality by joining hands with the Global Partnership for Child Survival in a bid to address this overdue issue with utmost urgency.

The Conference under India’s leadership is a significant milestone in galvanising global and national commitment and action for accelerated reduction of child mortality worldwide, through universal coverage of essential, cost-effective child health interventions.

First of all i agree with the POV of the article we need to spend more on Health Care eventually making Health Care free. We should follow Cuba & China in this matter as example

But there are measures already in place to combat this problem.

1.The Mid-day Meal Scheme
is the popular name for school meal programme in India. It involves provision of lunch free of cost to school-children on all working days.

The key objectives of the programme are:
1.protecting children from classroom hunger,
2.increasing school enrolment and attendance,
3.improved socialisation among children belonging to all castes, 4.addressing malnutrition,
5.and social empowerment through provision of employment to women.

The State of Karnataka introduced the provision of cooked meals in June 2002. Since then it has successfully involved private sector participation in the programme. One of the successful of the ventures is Akshaya Patra, which started with leadership from both ISKCON and secular leaders in the Bangalore community. The programme, now 100% secular, is an independent organization that cooks and distributes lunch to children in Bangalore Municipal Corporation schools. The Foundation gets a corpus from the State government but meets a major share of its costs with donations from private corporations and individuals in the city.

The programme is managed with an ultra modern centralised kitchen that is run through a public/private partnership. Food is delivered to schools in sealed and heat retaining containers just before the lunch break every day. The programme contains one of the best menus in school meal programmes in India with tasty sambar, rice, vegetables and some curd on most days.

Since the success of this programme private sector participation in mid-day meals has increased considerably. Software corporations such as Infosys, Bharti and Jindal are major donors to the programme. This model has been successfully replicated in rural Karnataka, Delhi, Hyderabad and other cities.

The foundation is now serving mid-day meals to almost a million children every day and hopes to feed over 20 million children by 2020.
India tops diarrhoea deaths among children in S Asia: Report

Teena Thacker Oct 20 2009

About 1.5 million children under five die of diarrhoea every year. While the highest number of deaths occur in Africa, of the total 38 per cent deaths that took place in South Asia in 2004, India accounted for the highest number of deaths. This has been revealed by a new report released by the United Nations and World Health Organisation (WHO).

However, according to the report — Diarrhoea: why children are still dying and what can be done — shows a decline in the mortality rate over the past two decades from an estimated 5 million deaths among children under five to 1.5 million deaths in 2004.

Despite this drop, diarrhoea remains the second most common cause of death among children under five globally, following pneumonia, the leading killer of children.

According to the report, pneumonia and diarrhoea together account for an estimated 40 per cent of all child deaths around the world each year. Nearly one in five children die due to diarrhoea, more than that caused by AIDS, malaria and measles combined.

Among the 15 countries of South Asia, India accounts for the highest number of deaths, much above China, Pakistan and Bangladesh.

As per the report, India witnessed 3,86,600 deaths due to diarrhoea in 2004, followed by Nigeria (1,51,700 deaths) in the same period.

The Democratic Republic of the Congo has reported 89,900 deaths, followed by Afghanistan (82,100), Ethiopia (73,700), Pakistan (53,300), Bangladesh (50,800) and China (40,000) in 2004. :smitten::pakistan::china:
These things happened a lot in Indian backward places.

but government is not doing anything, so whatever i don't really go in these things.
Shame on Indians and Chinese.
Indians because of such situation in country.
Chinese because they are so sick minded people that they enjoy discussing poverty and death for sake of fun.
Shame on Indians and Chinese.
Indians because of such situation in country.
Chinese because they are so sick minded people that they enjoy discussing poverty and death for sake of fun.

No, we actually want to help you improve your social condition from which millions of helpless indians suffer.

We just try remind you of your own drawbacks as you often deliberately forget your own drawbacks. Please do not get misunderstood.

No, we actually want to help you improve your social condition from which millions of helpless indians suffer.

We just try remind you of your own drawbacks as you often deliberately forget your own drawbacks. Please do not get misunderstood.

We very well know what you want to do. There are few people below humanity who enjoy all this and in my list 3 people of this forum have made that list 10 times at least. Shame Shame Shame.
These things happened a lot in Indian backward places.

but government is not doing anything, so whatever i don't really go in these things.

Your honesty earn my respect, at least you are brave enough to

admitted the reality here.

For God sake, its about "Life and Death" for your next generation

which referred to "Children of India" , but as usual, hardly any Indians

will be interesting to comments on this alarming issues.

The funny thing was something like China vs Google, Indians were so

much into the thread, updated anything every day with big efforts.

Now when it come to any short coming of India, everybody hide their

head in the sand, that just "Shameful", "Inhuman"

Failing to address such an important issue in India will certainly came

back to haunt you in a long run.

Spending less money than some most backward African countries in

Public Health care surely the main reason for this mess,

Admit it or not, GOI don't give a damn about life and death of her

citizens period.

Please no more excuses with something= we are progressing, its

takes time, every minutes, "Children in India paying the price" which is

India ranks 171 out of 175 in public health spending, says WHO study - India - The Times of India
We very well know what you want to do. There are few people below humanity who enjoy all this and in my list 3 people of this forum have made that list 10 times at least. Shame Shame Shame.

Nice argument, when indians post typical anti China ranting reports then its OK, but if we post reports about india from neutral sources, then we should be ashamed. :sick:

By the way, your Wikipedia source says:


Nineteen percent of the world's children live in India, which constitutes 42 percent of India’s total population.

In 2007 the Ministry of Women and Child Development published the "Study on Child Abuse: India 2007." It sampled 12447 children, 2324 young adults and 2449 stakeholders across 13 states.

It looked at different forms of child abuse: Physical Abuse, Sexual Abuse and Emotional Abuse and Girl Child Neglect in five evidence groups, namely, children in a family environment, children in school, children at work, children on the street and children in institutions.

The study's main findings included: 53.22% of children reported having faced sexual abuse. Among them 52.94% were boys and 47.06% girls. Andhra Pradesh, Assam, Bihar and Delhi reported the highest percentage of sexual abuse among both boys and girls, as well as the highest incidence of sexual assaults. 21.90% of child respondents faced severe forms of sexual abuse, 5.69% had been sexually assaulted and 50.76% reported other forms of sexual abuse.

Children on the street, at work and in institutional care reported the highest incidence of sexual assault. The study also reported that 50% of abusers are known to the child or are in a position of trust and responsibility and most children had not reported the matter to anyone.

Please verify whether the report is correct or not by clicking below:

Child sexual abuse - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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