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Six JF-17's to escort Chinese PM into Pakistan

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Suffice to say this was probably the first time, PAF put up six JF-17s in the air as a package.....that adds to about $150 Million worth of assets. This amount will roughly buy you a couple of say Typhoons or Rafale fighters.
If six JF-17s were sent over enemy territory for a mission and even if 50% of the force was lost, the remaining three could still do plenty of damage OTOH, Dollar for Dollar, two Typhoons or Rafale sent on the same mission may not prove productive. !!

Typhoon and Rafael would have higher rate of survivability than JF-17. So your comparison is wrong OTOH

ISPR and PAF media wing par Do hatho ka salam. Still no official video or pics release by them.
@nuclearpak Bossjee, a 747SP does not have any tip winglets as far as the little I know.

And yes, Lakh di lanat Zardari nu.

Yeah sorry, didn't notice the winglets...but in an image I saw yesterday there was an SP, maybe it was archival footage.

Any idea if China has SP version or not?
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Yeah sorry, didn't notice the winglets...but in an image I saw yesterday there was an SP, maybe it was archival footage.

Any idea if China has SP version or not?

China Airlines had four 747SP aircraft which were delivered between 1977 and 1982, of the total 45 produced by Boeing. None are with them anymore, and I think only one of these four is still flying.
India is more important to china than Pak.

Yup, i think you may be right. India is more important to China like an audio music player to a def person. It can play all day, the def can't hear neither cares
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you can read in Chinese or by google translation
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