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Six AV-8B Harrier Harrier Jump Jets of United States Marine Corps Destroyed

Why arent any major news organizations reporting the loss of harriers? All of them are only mentioning loss of 2 soldiers. How credible is this news? Post links...

nvm found it BBC News - Afghanistan 'rogue' attack: Four US soldiers killed

well as far as I am concerned, I would welcome the loss of any combat aircrafts these cowboys use to kill fleeing civilians and shoot at funerals and wedding parties.

10 years running, the American might has failed to break the will of Afghans. All we got from Americans is blame on ISI and blame on the Pashtons. Soviets learnt their lesson in 10 years I hope Americans learn theirs in 15 or 20 years if they still think killing more Afghans will eventually win them the war,

The Afghans in uniform will continue to keep killing them because they cant ignore the brutality of Americans on Afghans. they snap with or without the help of Taliban or ISI. I know American pride will take longer to realise that this whole war is a farce but this is only a matter of time when Northern Alliance will start breaking up and distancing itself from the invaders.

American war crimes by their kill teams also include non- Pashton civilians where even children were killed not in selft defence but just for the sake of collecting human trophies

it is important that people are reminded of repeated American war crimes in Afghanistan, Pakistan and Iraq because people tend to forget them in the face of constant American propaganda.
Taliban destroy USMC Harriers in base attack

The US Marine Corps (USMC) lost nearly five per cent of its front-line McDonnell Douglas/BAE AV-8B Harrier II fleet when a Taliban attack on Camp Bastion in southern Afghanistan destroyed six aircraft on the ground.

The lack of physical protection against direct attack is illustrated in this image of a USMC Harrier aircraft parked at Kandahar Airfield in southern Afghanistan. The awning is a sun shield only and provides no ballistic protection, while the concrete revetments can only protect against the effects of indirect fire, such as mortars. (US Marine Corps) In addition to the aircraft lost in the attack, which took place on 14 September, a further two were "significantly damaged", the International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) confirmed.

Although a number of ISAF personnel were killed and injured in the incident, none of the casualties are thought to be connected to the aircraft.

On 15 September a ****** website quoted Taliban spokesman Qari Yusof Ahmadi as claiming responsibility for the attack.


The raid on Camp Bastion, with the destruction of the six Harriers, is arguably the most successful attack that the Taliban has conducted against a coalition facility in more than 10 years since combat operations began.

The security apparatus that surrounds ISAF airfields is such that they are considered to be largely impregnable to ground attack. This is reflected in the manner in which aircraft are parked on the flightline - in regular rows and out in the open, save for a sun shield for the ground crew.

The only nod to protection on the flightline itself is the relatively low concrete revetments that are designed to shield the aircraft from flying shrapnel from mortars and other indirect fire. These revetments do not protect against direct fire, such as the small arms, suicide vests, and rocket-propelled grenades as used in this attack.

Consequently, ISAF may need to re-examine the means by which it parks its aircraft on the ground to provide additional protective measures in the event of such an attack reoccurring. This could be achieved through greater dispersal of the aircraft themselves or through the use of hardened aircraft shelters.

While the international community has lost a number of manned fixed-wing combat aircraft over Afghanistan in the past decade, these have been sporadic and largely as a result of technical malfunctions rather than enemy action. As such, it might be reluctant to roll out additional security measures, such as those mentioned as they impact operational efficiency and can be costly to implement.

This is especially true as the only other manned fixed-wing aircraft to be lost to the Taliban since 2001 was a UK Royal Air Force (RAF) BAE Systems Harrier GR.7 that was destroyed on the ground at Kandahar in September 2005, and an RAF Lockheed Martin C-130K Hercules transport aircraft that taxied over a landmine at a tactical airstrip in 2006. Even so, with the two rocket attacks on Bagram Airfield in recent weeks that damaged a US Air Force Boeing C-17 Globemaster III airlifter and destroyed a NATO CH-47 Chinook heavy-lift helicopter, such attacks seems to be on the increase.

Although Taliban attacks on coalition aircraft (usually helicopters) often have a greater propaganda and psychological impact than they do a material military one, the loss of these Harriers will be keenly felt by both ISAF and the USMC.

Even though neither organistation has publically stated the numbers of Harriers in theatre, the aircraft lost would undoubtedly have made up a sizable chunk of the manned fixed-wing air support available to coalition forces in south Afghanistan.

For the marines, aside from the immediate issue of replacing these platforms in theatre, there is the added problem that, with the Harrier no longer in production, these aircraft cannot be replaced. Although six aircraft lost and two seriously damaged does not sound too concerning in the wider context of overall fleet numbers, it is hugely significant for a Harrier force that was just 134-strong before this incident (plus 22 TAV-8B trainer variants).

However, the USMC recently received from the UK 72 Harrier GR.9/T.12 platform, which it has been in the process of dismantling for spare parts. It could be that some of these surplus British Harriers at least could be pressed back into service with the marines to replace the machines it has lost in Afghanistan.
The wounded Taliban that was captured should be executed for wearing an enemy's uniform.
Easy for you to say when they don't have fancy planes, cruise missiles, tanks and drones to fight you back. That's why it's called unconventional warfare.
Pretty good. So far I've seen Muslims killing more Muslims. Thats a good sign. Mosques being blown up by their own people.

No 9/11 attacks equivalent since 9/11.

Sir, there was no Bush after that either. How long will American Gov run and hide the truth? Americans are already awakening.
So arrogance and complaceny are just as much to blame here- ISAF thought they were untouchable and look what happened. ISAF need to seriously get a grip, they are struggling to deal with emerging threats such as the ever increasing "green on blue" incidents and now a rise in attacks on bases with little counter measures being taken.
Pretty good. So far I've seen Muslims killing more Muslims. Thats a good sign. Mosques being blown up by their own people.

No 9/11 attacks equivalent since 9/11.

Sir, Your thoughts are so sick and offensive. You wouldn't like to be victim of Racism or Age but you are happy exhibit your hateful opinion about a relegion. Also its sad to see deaths are a good sign to you which is equally sad and unfortunate. With this post, you would've lost respect to many among the forum members.
Kill more Taliban, only way you can do.

Yes, reinforce the failure.

One of the definitions of madness is to keep repeating same action and expecting a different outcome. Who in the world would tell America that they have lost? Soldiers and Generals wouldn't accept defeat and would like to loose even more of their muscles, fire-power and patience. I don't see Happy Americans in Afghanistan and unhappy Americans have been killing Taliban without a second thought. I don't know how much "more" are you suggesting and what that "more" is going to earn America which presently it couldn't. How much more deaths and blood would be enough? Is some mind thinking on that?
Six Aircraft's Destroyed - A huge victory for Taliban, Ground Troops may feel the impact, as Number of aircraft available for close air support is reduced, But I wonder How they failed detect Infiltration of taliban into the base? Does the base have any security camera's? Observation Towers? Motion Sensors?
Some Americans are here for just Trolling... Topic is about Talibans attack on American base and some Americans are saying stuff about muslims killing mulsims sort of things...

On Topic ..
USA is loosing Afghanistan on all fronts,
these are the signs that americans are failing badly in Afghanistan, super power should leave afgani alone as soon as possible and that what american general public demands also.
Kill more Taliban, only way you can do.

There has to be a better way to tackle this.You kill 10 of those guys and in process harm 100s and half of them get enisted as Taliban.You cannot kill them all,even though it may sound a very fanacy thing to do.If you have difficulty in digesting this fact then I would like to draw your attention towards the fiasco that US had in Vietnam.
Prevention is better than cure.The Afghans must be prevented from being a Taliban in order to win the war there.
The first step in solving a problem is identifying the problem.So,why is there an endless supply of Talibans?What is forcing the Afghans to take up arms against the US?
I think the following can be the potential reasons:

1.the Afghans view the US/NATO as invaders.

2.The foreign troops disrupt the lifestyle of the common Afghans,you know,killing of innocent civilians,either willingly or unwillingly.

3.Brainwash by the existing Talibans into believing that US are the common enemy of faith/culture.

4.The economic condition also has a role to play.Many Afghans have taken up arms in return of a petty sum of money and sometimes even narcotics.

Possible remedies:

1.NATO/US should step down from carrying out aggressive excursions and concentrate more on defending key areas,carrying out peace-keeping operations and play aggressive only in case of abject necessity.The "Kill 'em all" stratetegy simply wont work,it never worked.

2.Train the Afghan police and army to support their own need.Equip them with better equipements so that they develop a sense of superiority over the Taliban militia.Conduct humanitarian missions through the NATO forces,like health checkups rescue missions etcs. so that common people get to be closer to them and the fear-factor reduces.

3.Help in rebuilding the educational system.After decades of war and sectarian violence in Afghanistan,there is not much left.That will cost much less than bombing Taliban posts anyways.Proper education can be the single biggest tool in fighting against the Taliban.

4.Provide aids and carry out projects for economic development of the nation.Half of the Taliban/Taliban-supporters will simply vanish when they will be able to support their own livelihood and lead a peaceful life.

Proper educational and economic development can put an end to the problems there.of course it will bear returns ina longer-term but the returns will be good indeed and far more cost-effective.After all nobody wants to fight,if he is well-respected in the society,exercise his freedom and has means to support his own livelihood.
Regardless of how many Afghans they kill, the way the war was conceived and executed was flawed in the first place.

Not fully including the Pashtoons within the Afghan political process was a dangerous mistake.

Don't underestimate their resolve my American friends. You'd regret it.
this is huge loss man how it cost single jet

They destroyed 6 , damaged 2 beyond repairable out of total 10 so the whole squadron is lost and Harriers can not be replaced as there production is stopped long back.
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