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Situation is on the brink in Depsang-DBO axis, can Pakistan Army tilt the balance for a common goal


Sep 26, 2018
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Historical Perspective Indian View
According to sources in the defence and security establishment, tensions at Depsang Plains can be traced to China’s 18-km incursion into the area, which is close to the strategic Daulat Beg Oldi base, in 2013.It was reported in 2013 that the three weeks of tensions triggered by the Chinese incursions had been resolved after talks, with India and China agreeing to go back. But sources said PLA soldiers never went back completely across the Indian perception of Line of Actual Control (LAC), and stayed behind the limit of patrolling points.However, Depsang is an area where the perception of the LAC is starkly different between China and India. According to locally established agreements, both sides were allowed patrolling until certain areas that fell into individual perceptions of the LAC, but sources said the practice “came under stress” after the Doklam stand-off of 2017.
“The Depsang issue is different from the current stand-off that is taking place between India and China. The Chinese have been blocking India’s patrol from bottleneck area to PP 11, PP12, PP12 A and PP 13. This has been happening from before the current tensions at LAC,” a source in the know said.
Another source said that Indians, too, have blocked Chinese patrols in the Depsang. However, this is because the Chinese perceived LAC is beyond the Bottleneck area (around 18-20 km from LAC) and just 1.5 km from Burtse.

Importance of Depsang Indian View
In 2013, the Chinese had managed to complete a road behind the Bottleneck area in what is known as the Raki Nala region. Indians used to go by foot beyond the Bottleneck area, through which, as the name suggests, it is impossible to take vehicles.

In April 2013, sources said, Chinese troops crossed into Indian territory and pitched tents for three weeks at Raki Nala, 30 km south of Daulat Beg Oldi, before they agreed to pull out. “However, they went back beyond the limit of Indian patrolling and not behind the LAC,” a source cited above said.

The Army has been tight lipped about the situation in Depsang but officers say enough men and material have been moved there to prevent any incursion by China.

Apart from its proximity to Daulat Beg Oldi, what makes the area more strategically important is that if the Chinese do decide to build up until what they perceive to be the LAC, they could then gain control of the Darbuk-Shyok-Daulat Beg Oldi (DS-DBO) road and also attempt to take over the Saser La pass, which could cut off Siachen Glacier for India.
This situation has been war-gamed multiple times by the northern command, the sources said.

“This all has been war-gamed. However, it is not the case that the Chinese can just come in and occupy these areas. The sub-sector north (which oversees Depsang and Daulat Beg Oldi) itself is very important for India and there is enough of defence already in place. More has been added in wake of the current tensions at LAC,” a source said.

Satellite images have shown increased Indian and Chinese deployments at Depsang Plains. The Chinese have deployed additional tanks and artillery guns and moved them slightly forward from their usual positions. But they are still away from India’s perception of LAC.

India has also moved additional men, tanks and other equipment into Depsang Plains to counter Chinese build-up.


Pakistan Army has a brigade HQ in Goma that provides supplies and ammunition to the Soldiers posted in that sector. Along the Shyok river there is a strategic village of Turtuk that we once held till 1971, commanding the vantage heights and access to Nubra valley. The only obstacle between Pakistan Army linking up to PLA is the SALTORO RANGE that lies in between. It is a harsh and inhospitable landscape, the way around is para dropping commandos over the Range and capturing the strategic SASER LA pass on the DBO road.

There were talks in the Indian media of Pakistan and PLA recruiting locals for the Al Badar outfit to carry out activities in that region.

Northern Ladakh is the most vulnerable region of Indian held territory, which many Indian Generals highlighted in the past. Recently they have beefed up their defences by deploying a lot more Infantry and Armour. It is estimated that both PLA and IA have deployed 35000-40000 men here alone. The DBO- Durbak road has been completed recently, with as many as 35 bridges to defend, certainly a nightmare scenario.
Pakistan Army can add to Indian woes by just deploying additional troops in an aggressive posturing mode. Increase in air activities will add to further pressure on the Indians. Training friendly locals across the LOC ,for a whole range of Military objectives should be looked into. Any Military hardware that can help should be bought ASAP. Some long range artillery can be deployed to target the Indian Supply lines on the DBO road.

The US and its allies will try all their best to dissuade Pakistan to build up troops in this sector . If we want to liberate Kashmir and Kargil seriously now is the time, past experience suggests Western lollipops never materialise.:pakistan::china:
To even think of such an activity, we need hawks and not sheeps that we currently have in the name of Khan and Bajwa. Aggressive posturing will require taking on not just India but its finances mainly Washington. Are we prepared for that?
Nazis on the door step is not acceptable to Pakistan, Bangladesh and China. Time to declare war on India but first we must ensure we have sufficient supply line to beat them.

You are blaming entire institution merely for the sack of it or just so that you don't anything about ground realities or any development at hand. Can we please stop acting like kids that hate everyone unless the wish come true? What is this about? Doing the perfect thing and making the job easier for enemies by degrading and blaming Military leadership. Where are our ethics to call someone by name as such? Or we are suppose to play the blame game and show demoralizing like this so other weak minds may also fell into same line of deluded disappointment? Have some sense brother.
You are blaming entire institution merely for the sack of it or just so that you don't anything about ground realities or any development at hand. Can we please stop acting like kids that hate everyone unless the wish come true? What is this about? Doing the perfect thing and making the job easier for enemies by degrading and blaming Military leadership. Where are our ethics to call someone by name as such? Or we are suppose to play the blame game and show demoralizing like this so other weak minds may also fell into same line of deluded disappointment? Have some sense brother.
Bajwa is not the entire institution, he is just one man who is not above criticism. Let us stop making holy cows here specially for those who had completed their tenure and would had been replaced, instead they took an extension.
Besides when will so called ground realities ever be favorable? How long do you think Pakistan should wait, a decade, maybe another 7 decades.
Let me quote you someone whose signature i kept for a while " A good plan violently executed now is better than a perfect plan executed next week".
Do you seriously believe that China India will remain engaged like this for ever or do you think China and India will nuke each other out and that is the favorable condition we are reminded off again and again? The reality we have wasted opportunities before 62,99 and we will waist another one in our quest to find that perfect opportunity rest assured.
Bajwa is not the entire institution, he is just one man who is not above criticism. Let us stop making holy cows here specially for those who had completed their tenure and would had been replaced, instead they took an extension.
Besides when will so called ground realities ever be favorable? How long do you think Pakistan should wait, a decade, maybe another 7 decades.
Let me quote you someone whose signature i kept for a while " A good plan violently executed now is better than a perfect plan executed next week".
Do you seriously believe that China India will remain engaged like this for ever or do you think China and India will nuke each other out and that is the favorable condition we are reminded off again and again? The reality we have wasted opportunities before 62,99 and we will waist another one in our quest to find that perfect opportunity rest assured.

Pakistan Army does not evolve around one person or there is no one man show. You are totally misguided in this regard. Just read the recent meeting of COAS with retired Generals. The institute functions on a set of doctrine. Those old days are long gone.

No one is making a holy cow instead, it is the matter of ethical calling, manners & not to spread demoralizing among people. He didn't look for an extension rather a decision made by Premier and approved by President though, you can call it whatever you want. Lest have a room then instead of blaming. The ground realities turns into favour only if people strive and work as a nation instead of divided like this for unknown reasons. Furthermore, these opportunities are created and takes years of planning. Mind you, just look at the pocket and how these moves costs and then look at economic situation since decade at-least. Not to forget the political sabotages and sellouts as well. A plan needs resources as well.

You cannot just throw your men without proper gun & more bullets. What's wasted in past is not the part of current war games. Who said that we believe into what is happening between China & India. In-fact the planners will look at every possibility and so will avail opportunity and will be taking the chances with care. After all, as I said, 62 & 99 had its own set of political failure as well and Pakistan was not in position like today. How come one can ignore all the factors as such.
As both IA and PLA have both deployed armoured divisions in these harsh conditions, there may be a possibility of PA looking to deploy some Tanks in this region!. Our good old T59 has never let us down in the North West.


Really need to update the color scheme of this tank with a winter camo to help conceal it.
Bajwa is not the entire institution, he is just one man who is not above criticism. Let us stop making holy cows here specially for those who had completed their tenure and would had been replaced, instead they took an extension.
Besides when will so called ground realities ever be favorable? How long do you think Pakistan should wait, a decade, maybe another 7 decades.
Let me quote you someone whose signature i kept for a while " A good plan violently executed now is better than a perfect plan executed next week".
Do you seriously believe that China India will remain engaged like this for ever or do you think China and India will nuke each other out and that is the favorable condition we are reminded off again and again? The reality we have wasted opportunities before 62,99 and we will waist another one in our quest to find that perfect opportunity rest assured.
Well said. We are used to comparing ours and Indian equipment head on and some how convincing our selves that things are in our favour, be it MBTs, ATGMs, SAMs, Airplanes etc. Now imagine half of the Indian equipment is gone.

Be inventive, make the first move and grab the escalation ladder by its neck. e.g. ground-ops only with PAF to only establish no-fly zone over the battle field.
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