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Sisi: We are able to change the military scene in Libya quickly and decisively

Can Sissi change things in Lybia? let take a bet....of who's going to laugh the most...Serraj or Haftar


Egypt security is threatened in SINAI and in ETHIOPIA...
Sissi needs handle his Sinai coldron without or without the help of Israel and needs to sit down with his Ethiopian counterpart and negotiate how many jugs of water Egypt can have..Lybia nightmare hasn't threatened yet Egypt and if it wasn't Egypt arming Hafter, The Lybian saga would have ended a couple years ago...Algeria, Tunisia and the GNA have set after their Tripoli red line, and an invisible one on the Lybian Egyptian border....If Egyptian army crosses that border and all hell will brake loose...
Sissi always boasted to his cronies ,that he will put Algeria on her knees in less than three days...Time is now fir Sissi to prove it!

at least this is the clear objective of the Egypt .... be it the Italian or the Turkish occupation .... but you country who is switching sides according to the situation ... at first Algeria was supporting Turkish occupation .... then after a call from Macron of France to Algeria and Tunisia .... now both started to attack the Militia of Tripoli ...

in all cases , you are the ones will be affected by all those Terrorists transferred from Syria to your boarders.... soon if there is no action form the Algerian Army .... they will align with the Algerian Islamists who are still active but keeping low profile .... and terrorists in Tunisia which according to reports contributes the highest number of ISIS Terrorists Syria and Iraq.
We love Iran

All world knows it, but loving Iran doesn't mean that ''we'' shall hate every one, Iran hates!

Example of Qatar is in-front of us, those were cursed and attacked in Pakistan, until one fine morning when they became Iranian ally.

This only reflect a slave mentality.
Meanwhile Turkey and Turkish people be like ...

Egypt got the land advantage. They can easily roll over few hundred heavy tank which Turkey and rebel cant enjoy that luxury. Not to mention France will block further reinforcement of turkey from sea or air.
Why every one here hate Egypt so much? Any back ground?

Don't know exactly...but if you ever live in Gulf/KSA....The feeling is mutual among expatriates of both nations i.e., Egyptians and Pakistanis at least:lol:
Don't know exactly...but if you ever live in Gulf/KSA....The feeling is mutual among expatriates of both nations i.e., Egyptians and Pakistanis at least:lol:

Most Egyptians are arrogant and racist particularly against people with dark black complexion. I met quiet a few who used to brag about how they used to treat them like garbage and they seemed proud of it. They hate Pakistanis to their core just bcz they think Ajams cant be Muslims. Also our strong relations with turkey really pisses them off.
Don't know exactly...but if you ever live in Gulf/KSA....The feeling is mutual among expatriates of both nations i.e., Egyptians and Pakistanis at least:lol:

Yes.. i know what you are talking about. Egyptian common may have it's ways but if you work among the educated people and you yourself are not a sectarian hater than it's different.
While Egypt is a multi culti society, their are all sorts of people in society.
I was drugged and my apartment in Cairo was robbed, but the other Egyptians i know overwhelm that experience.
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Yes.. i know what you are talking about. Egyptian common ma have it's ways but if you work among the educated people and you yourself are not a sectarian hater than it's different.
While Egypt is a multi culti society, their are all sorts of people in society.
I was drugged and my apartment in Cairo was robbed, but the other Egyptians i know overwhelm that experience.

My Egyptian buddy eventually becomes a best friend to me.:smokin:
Egyptians and Pakistani military professionals gel in pretty well. It’s only this forum which gives the negative perception to Egyptian/Arab members. It’s more because of general sentiments of people here appreciate Turkish role in the ME and how forthcoming Turkey has been w.r.t the offer of Hi Tech Platforms to Pak Mil. Gen Sisi while he was a Brig Gen(Amid) was in Carlisle, Pennsylvania for American War Course. His best buddy while he there for the duration of the course was his Pakistani Army Counter part. Their families are still on great terms. And whenever anyone from Pakistani Military visits Egypt, Gen Sisi tells them to pay him his best regards and to take along with them the best gifts that one can imagine for him and his family as a token from Gen Sisi.
at least this is the clear objective of the Egypt .... be it the Italian or the Turkish occupation .... but you country who is switching sides according to the situation ... at first Algeria was supporting Turkish occupation .... then after a call from Macron of France to Algeria and Tunisia .... now both started to attack the Militia of Tripoli ...

in all cases , you are the ones will be affected by all those Terrorists transferred from Syria to your boarders.... soon if there is no action form the Algerian Army .... they will align with the Algerian Islamists who are still active but keeping low profile .... and terrorists in Tunisia which according to reports contributes the highest number of ISIS Terrorists Syria and Iraq.
You all got it wrong..Who armed Haftar Algeria or Egypt? Who is fueling the war Algeria or Egypt? Who lobbied against the appointment of the ex Algerian foreign Minister as U.N. Lybian envoy?..
Yes Algeria sided and helped Turkey to kick Haftar out of Tripoli, while keeping Macron busy with Droukel in Mali...Algeria's Tripoli red line was imposed by the force and the art of war...let see if Egypt can impose her in Judea and syrte... The unspocken and real red line imposed on you, ie for Egypt is the Lybian border..let see if Egyptian troops will cross it..I don't think so...The aim of Egypt to make Cerenaïca Province hers and hence split Lybia in three or four mini states will never happen...not today nor tomorrow...
Like I replyed to you in one of the threads, Turkey has no troops in Lybia..but mercenaries, and those are a lot easier to deal with..
For those who talk without knowing about Libya's danger on its neighbours in its current situation..here something to further their knowledge..:

Since the revolution in November 2011, which led to the fall of the regime of the late Colonel Muammar Gaddafi, Libya has witnessed the presence of a large number of armed factions struggling for influence on the Libyan scene, the number of which according to United Nations reports is estimated at more than 1,600 military formations, who own nearly 29 million weapons as light, medium and heavy ones. The chaos is all over and..without accountability.
For those who talk without knowing about Libya's danger on its neighbours in its current situation..here something to further their knowledge..:

Since the revolution in November 2011, which led to the fall of the regime of the late Colonel Muammar Gaddafi, Libya has witnessed the presence of a large number of armed factions struggling for influence on the Libyan scene, the number of which according to United Nations reports is estimated at more than 1,600 military formations, who own nearly 29 million weapons as light, medium and heavy ones. The chaos is all over and..without accountability.

Country of 7M people and 1,500 military formations -- I say just nuke the place and be done with it.
Country of 7M people and 1,500 military formations -- I say just nuke the place and be done with it.
But there is civilian population too..all these militias represent less than 15% of the total population..
The Egyptian parliament approves the deployment of combat forces in strategic "Arab fronts"..

Egyptian troops will not dare to cross the Lybian border..There a new sheriff in Lybia.:coffee::coffee::coffee::coffee:

Country of 7M people and 1,500 military formations -- I say just nuke the place and be done with it.
Well Pkistan has a population of 220 millions and each Pakistani is military formation of his own...and 160 nuclear warheads, I think Pakistan is a lot more dangerous to mankind than the Lybians..

For those who talk without knowing about Libya's danger on its neighbours in its current situation..here something to further their knowledge..:

Since the revolution in November 2011, which led to the fall of the regime of the late Colonel Muammar Gaddafi, Libya has witnessed the presence of a large number of armed factions struggling for influence on the Libyan scene, the number of which according to United Nations reports is estimated at more than 1,600 military formations, who own nearly 29 million weapons as light, medium and heavy ones. The chaos is all over and..without accountability.
Who's fault is that? Egypt helped dismantling Kaddafy regime, and helped a recruiting and arming Haftar...Egypt is in wrong place to be the good guy...
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