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Sinosphere : China, Japan, Korea, Vietnam Traditional Dress

Yeh he is a troll, I either find him making fun of Vietnamese or Indians.

But its light hearted at least.

Ya, we can study more about Hinduism when we, Vietnamese and Indian, we are good friends, now and in future.
I think this kind of thread should be stopped, otherwise it will easily lead to bashing.

When Vietnam is still poor, no one want to include us into their group. But if Vietnam ever become rich, all of a sudden, I bet that many nations will find the brotherhood with us, as far away as Myanmar or India.

The same with China though. Very likely that many nations, even as far away as Russia, Turkey or Finland will try to "prove" that they share some blood relationship or DNA or whatever with the Chinese, if China ever become the top superpower.

Most of Vietnamese do not care about this, except professionals.
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I am surprised that you memorized it point by point. :D
Confucian teaching: memorizing all stuffs even talks of haters, trollers and others :-)

I think this kind of thread should be stopped, otherwise it will easily lead to bashing.

When Vietnam is still poor, no one want to include us into their group. But if Vietnam ever become rich, all of suddenly, I bet that many nations will find the brotherhood with us, as far away as Myanmar or India.

The same with China though. Very likely that many nations, even as far away as Russia, Turkey or Finland will try to "prove" that they share some blood relationship or mutation or whatever with the Chinese, if China ever become the top superpower.

Most of Vietnamese do not care about this, except professionals.
VN belongs to both east Asia and Southeast Asia. That is not necessary a bad thing. Whether the Viet people are east asians or not is a academic discussion with little relevance in daily life.
I think vietnam traditional dress for girl is great, but for a man it is a bit silly.


This dress becames popular among young Viet girls. Too Chinese cry some critics.

Introduce Vietnamese worshipping belief in Europe
Mon, 18 Aug 2014. Last updated Thu, 25 Jun 2015 08:47
  • introduce-vietnamese-worshipping-belief-in-european-155.jpeg
A program on a collection of clothes of Vietnamese worshipping belief, particularly, Mother Goddess worship in Vietnam will be introduced in 4 European countries including Germany, France, Belgium and Netherlands.
Mother Goddess worship is the most long-standing belief in Vietnam. In Vietnamese belief, Mother Goddess is the one who created the earth, water, and mountain. She blesses Vietnamese with fortune, good health, abundant harvest, and so on. Therefore, Mother Goddess is worshiped by Vietnamese throughout the country.

The Mother Goddess Worship serves the spiritual life of Vietnamese with the desire of good health, fortune, and luck. The belief associates with images of many historic heroines or goddesses handed down in folklore. In the beginning, goddesses worship depicted representations of nature like the goddess of the earth, water, and mountain. Later, princesses, queens, and female founders of craft villages were honored and worshipped by the local people as Mother goddesses. The program introducing Mother Goddess in Vietnamese belief is held by Vietnamese Cultural Center in France in collaboration with Vietnam Union in Germany and My Son Export Joint Stock Company. Representatives of the organizing committee have said that a large number of Vietnamese popular artists will take part in this program, such as Xuan Ba, Hieu Phuong, Thu Hang, Hoang Long, Khac Tu,…


Artists introduce Vietnamese worshipping belief - Source: Image from cinet.gov.vn

A collection of traditional clothes used in Mother Goddess worshipping rituals will be introduced to European friends. The collection is made by a Vietnamese well-known fashion designer, Mrs. Mai Tran. The collection aims to not only introduce ritual clothes of Vietnamese, but also express the beauty and diversity of Vietnamese culture. The program is a part of activities launched by the Ministry of Culture, Sports, and Tourism for the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization to recognize Mother Goddess worshipping belief of Vietnamese as an intangible cultural heritage of humanity. In addition, it is an opportunity to introduce and promote the image of Vietnamese culture, country and people to international friends.

Earlier, in March 2014, Vietnam has officially file Mother Goddess Worship and trance rituals to UNESCO. Trance is an especially important ritual accompaning the religion of Mother Goddess worship, and is now an art performance with dancing and singing. Once recognized by UNESCO, this belief will officially become intangible cultural heritage of humanity.


Mother Goddess worship in Vietnam - Source: Image from daomau.com

Mr. Ngo Duc Thinh, a member of National Heritage Board said that Mother Goddess Worship is a Vietnamese folk belief which has existed for a long time while still changing to adapt to current society. Having to struggle with harsh nature, the abuse of old-fashioned feudalism, and the brutal foreign invasion, Mother Goddess worshipping belief has a naturally close relation ship with Vietnamese people of all classes. Several Domestic and international researchers appreciated that Mother Goddess worship and the trance ritual are of great historical value in Vietnam, which represent the people’s creativity, the community’s strength and the country’s development.

Ancestor worship in Vietnam
Ancestor worship – A millennium tradition of Vietnam:

Ancestor worship in Vietnam is not a religion or a belief. But rather, it presents the gratitude of descendants toward to their ancestor. The Vietnamese follow religions: Buddhism… but venerate also their ancestors, even among Catholics people.
This cult is not only the most important in the spiritual life of the Vietnamese people but also one of the main elements in the Vietnamese culture.

Why is there ancestor worship in Vietnam?
This tradition comes from the conception: Every human being has two parts: body and mind. When someone is dead, the body is buried but the spirit continues to live with families. So there must be something to these spirits: It is the ancestral altar.

How to worship ancestor:
Dependent on the ability of the descendants, the altar may be a room in the house, a wooden floor hanging on the wall or a small house apart from home. Anyway, the ancestral altar still occupies the most sacred and solemn part of the house.

In general, there is a throne for the genealogy books, two vases, one for flowers and one for packets of incense sticks, 3 cups for tea, water and rice wine, plates for offerings, an urn in which we burn incense sticks, photos of the deceased persons…

Vietnamese people believe that the spirits of the ancestors continue to live after the burial of the body. They continue to share the joy as the sadness of living descendants. They are always there to help the living but also blame them for stupidity. So, the descendants should pay attention to what they do to avoid saddening parents’ minds. The visible and invisible world connects to each other closely through this worship.

The Vietnamese people welcomes foreign religions such as: Buddhism, Catholicism …, but ancestor worship is still the most important spiritual life and highlighted by these religions.

So when we present offerings? Each month, on the arrival of the 15th day and 30th day of the lunar month, we present: Tea, alcohol, water, flowers … on the altar of ancestors.

Upon arrival of the day of the death of any one, we make a meal: Rice, pork, chicken, alcohol, betel, tools such as: hat, shoes … but in paper.

All these things are placed on the altar to invite the dead and ancestors. About an hour after, we take meal to eat before burning the tools in paper for the dead using it.

Why we celebrate the death date? We believe that: The birth to begin a precarious life, while the death is to start an eternal life. Therefore, we must celebrate it.

Offerings are also made for religious holidays such as: Mid – January, May 5, Mid – July, but especially the Tet – the Lunar New Year.

When there is an important event in the family: Marriage, house construction, good harvest, success of children in competition, people presents the offerings in the altar to announce it to ancestors.

When there is sadness, natural disasters … people burns just incense sticks to ask for help to the ancestors.

The offerings don’t ask not for expensive things: A cup of water, a cup of tea, and some fruits … depending of the possibility of children. If anyone is dead, he is venerated for 5 generations coming.

Ancestor worship in Vietnam also expresses filial piety of children towards their parents who give birth, feed them, and educate them. This is the basis of the virtue of being human, family and society.
Vietnamese are East Asians. They are part of the East Asian civilization. The difference between Western and Far Eastern civilization is that there is one country, China, that is the most influential. However, Vietnam, Korea and Japan are part of the Sinosphere. In Europe, there is not a country that has such the overwhelming influence. However, Chinese culture is not the whole East Asian civilization. It might be the most influential and the dominate one, but China does not represent the whole East Asian
Civilization. I believe Chinese need to be more accepting of other East Asian cultures in order to develop closer relationships with its cousins in East Asia, as it is the most influential one.

No. Vietnamese are not East Asians. They speak a Mon-Khmer language, same as Cambodian. Their syntax is Southeast Asian (e.g. "apple red", rather than "red apple"). The country is mostly tropical, and does not have four distinct seasons. They are a member of ASEAN. It is a Southeast Asian country. Genetically they cluster with Daic speakers and Northern Indochinese. They squeeze lime into their foods and use exotic tropical ingredients like lemongrass, basil, mint, etc into their foods, just like Thai. Even the most Southern Chinese cuisine, Cantonese, does not use such tropical exotic ingredients.

Yes Vietnam was influenced by Chinese culture (Sinosphere), but that does not mean it is an East Asian country. Singapore is not an East Asian country. Singaporean Chinese are mostly Southern Han, Vietnamese are even further Southern shifted, and cluster with Northern Indochina populations:






Although I admire China, I would never agree with extreme pro-China view of some Vietnamese modern historians living in the West (some living in Vietnam), who tend to describe Vietnamese culture as totally Chinese.

My thinking is that these so-called historians, who mostly come from the South, are still retaining their inferior complex, even they are living in the West, or because of them living in the West.

Before they thought Vietnamese was inferior to Westerner, now they are trying to prove that Vietnamese is inferior to Chinese.

My view is generally in compliance with modern and well established North Vietnamese historians. Vietnamese culture, albeit influenced by Chinese, is independent. Vietnam is not a little China.

I do not care if they are labeling Vietnam as East or South East Asian. Vietnamese culture, from my view, is different to all other South East Asian, Korea and Japan.

I agree with this
No. Vietnamese are not East Asians. They speak a Mon-Khmer language, same as Cambodian. Their syntax is Southeast Asian (e.g. "apple red", rather than "red apple"). The country is mostly tropical, and does not have four distinct seasons. They are a member of ASEAN. It is a Southeast Asian country. Genetically they cluster with Daic speakers and Northern Indochinese. They squeeze lime into their foods and use exotic tropical ingredients like lemongrass, basil, mint, etc into their foods, just like Thai. Even the most Southern Chinese cuisine, Cantonese, does not use such tropical exotic ingredients.

Yes Vietnam was influenced by Chinese culture (Sinosphere), but that does not mean it is an East Asian country. Singapore is not an East Asian country. Singaporean Chinese are mostly Southern Han, Vietnamese are even further Southern shifted, and cluster with Northern Indochina populations:






I agree with this
How about the French? Do they mon-Khmer too? because they say: la maison blanche.

You notice the order of words?

Troll harder!

la pomme rouge

That is your apple red :woot:
No. Vietnamese are not East Asians. They speak a Mon-Khmer language, same as Cambodian. Their syntax is Southeast Asian (e.g. "apple red", rather than "red apple"). The country is mostly tropical, and does not have four distinct seasons. They are a member of ASEAN. It is a Southeast Asian country. Genetically they cluster with Daic speakers and Northern Indochinese. They squeeze lime into their foods and use exotic tropical ingredients like lemongrass, basil, mint, etc into their foods, just like Thai. Even the most Southern Chinese cuisine, Cantonese, does not use such tropical exotic ingredients.

Yes Vietnam was influenced by Chinese culture (Sinosphere), but that does not mean it is an East Asian country. Singapore is not an East Asian country. Singaporean Chinese are mostly Southern Han, Vietnamese are even further Southern shifted, and cluster with Northern Indochina populations:






I agree with this

The first time I know Vietnam wants to be an East Asian country, I always was studied we are part of SEA and Asian nation from secondary school to university, Ok, I can understand Because you are not Vietnamese so You know nothing about my country and their thought. Of course, Some of Vietnamese You met on internets express their thought so It makes you suppose...You can come to VN and ask people Are they SEA or EA nation? I think You will get the answer more than this racial discrimination thing You aimed SEA country, Did you think EA countries more superior than? "They speak a Mon-Khmer language, same as Cambodian" :lol: OMG,
The ancestors of Austroasiatic people migrated into different regions in mainland South East Asia resulting in three different tribes (branches) which are Mon, Khmer and Viet-Muong.

  • Mon people are typically found in Burma. (west region)
  • Khmer people are typically found in Thailand, Cambodia and southwest Vietnam. (central region)
  • Viet-Muong people are mostly found in Laos and northwest Vietnam. (east region) (Note: Ethnic Kinh are not Viet-Muong people)
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