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Sino-Pak nuclear collaboration

Still India spares no moment where it could to create an obstacle where Pakistan is concerned even with countries such as China which is considered friendly towards Pakistan. This shows their true determination in isolating Pakistan. For now it may turned out to be ineffective as clearly China has more interest in Pakistan then India but who knows about the future. There was a time the relationship between US and Pakistan were the same as present day between China and Pakistan and see where the US stands today.
Point i am trying to make is we should not underestimate India power of diplomacy and their determination where isolating Pakistan is concerned.

Once Pakistan is finished with the war on terror, you guys will certainly start to comprehensively increase your national power. :tup:

I see a big "economic boom" ahead for Pakistan. Pakistan has the same demographic factors (large+young population) that propelled China and other nations forward.

At that stage, India will not be able to continue their game of trying to isolate you, they will have to sit down and start making deals.
Once Pakistan is finished with the war on terror, you guys will certainly start to comprehensively increase your national power. :tup:

I see a big "economic boom" ahead for Pakistan. Pakistan has the same demographic factors (large+young population) that propelled China and other nations forward.

At that stage, India will not be able to continue their game of trying to isolate you, they will have to sit down and start making deals.

I certainly hope so. WOT has hit us hard both in terms of human loss as well as financial loss. Pakistan has the potential to recover from this but unfortunately the current leadership lacks the skills. But lets hope for the best.
Thanks for the encouraging post by the way.:tup:
Inexpensive sources of energy should be the number one priority of the Government Of Pakistan. Any sources other than oil and gas are the way to go for the future. Pakistan should diverisy the energy supply base with coal, nuclear, bio-fuels, wind and hydel projects.

With a sizable population in Pakistan, there is no shortage of consumers and consumption, so the investors are guranteed a fair return on their investment.

Nuclear reactors between Pakistan and China is crucial to the future of Pakistan and its interests.

what is the chances of 1Gaga power nuclear plant deal during the visit of chines PM to Pakistan?
Hi, Pakistan has to be realistic in this particular case. China should be able to sneak 2 300MW reactors under the guise of the exisiting Chasma deal. China is already saying these are reactors # 3-4. However, getting a brand a new 1G reactor might be a bit difficult.

The reality is that Pakistan is viewed as an unstable country and also battling an insurgency, by the rest of the world. It also is still trying to shake off the image of a proliferator of nuclear weapons technology (the AQ Khan affair). Until her image does not improve, getting a new 1G reactor might be hard. But then again, China might not care about the NSG and go it alone.

Time will tell, as getting a 1G reactor will not happen over night, the negotiations will take a few years also. Lastly there is the question of funding, as Pakistan is pretty broke right now and cannot afford this on its own. Take care.
Decades ago when my dad was working on Karakoram highway with Frontier engineering core or whatever it was called,i hear him saying that china wants to export nuclear power plants to pakistan but the road link cant take it..The load will be too wide and too heavy for the KKH..GOP had been passing tenders to widen and strengthen all the hundreds of bridgen along KKH,but that job always lands in the hands of Private contractors,and you know very well what happens then..
As a result Pakistan hasn't been able to provide reliable roads and bridges for transporting Nuclear power plant stuff from china despite their willingness to do so...
Dont know whats happening now,but that was what i heard in 80's.
Firstly, 1GB power-plant, that is funny.

A 1 GigaWatt power-plant is possible, but not using just 1 reactor. Only companies in the United States, Canada and Italy offer 1GW reactors or more (AECL, Westinghouse, General Electric, Areva etc). If you want a power capacity of 1GW, you must build a plant with multiple reactors.

Building a nuclear reactor doesn't require roads any wider than any other type of plant. Ideally, though, you want a rail-link between the manufacturing sites and the building site.

The place we need electricity the most is Karachi, but that is too far away for a first plant. Therefore, expect the first one to be somewhere near Central Punjab.

Also, the NSG won't be too much of a problem for China. The United States has weakened the Group by giving India preferential treatment, thus they have opened the floodgates. With any such international organization, once someone abuses the influence to violate the rules, there is no stopping it. This is, essentially, the main reason why many experts consider the United Nations to be a largely failed model of global cooperation. Frankly, Pakistan must thank the US and India for their nuclear deal, otherwise the door would never have opened for us.
Firstly, 1GB power-plant, that is funny.

A 1 GigaWatt power-plant is possible, but not using just 1 reactor. Only companies in the United States, Canada and Italy offer 1GW reactors or more (AECL, Westinghouse, General Electric, Areva etc). If you want a power capacity of 1GW, you must build a plant with multiple reactors.

Building a nuclear reactor doesn't require roads any wider than any other type of plant. Ideally, though, you want a rail-link between the manufacturing sites and the building site.

The place we need electricity the most is Karachi, but that is too far away for a first plant. Therefore, expect the first one to be somewhere near Central Punjab.

Also, the NSG won't be too much of a problem for China. The United States has weakened the Group by giving India preferential treatment, thus they have opened the floodgates. With any such international organization, once someone abuses the influence to violate the rules, there is no stopping it. This is, essentially, the main reason why many experts consider the United Nations to be a largely failed model of global cooperation. Frankly, Pakistan must thank the US and India for their nuclear deal, otherwise the door would never have opened for us.

Well..unlike 80s now Antonovs are available for hire,and transportation wont be a problem,but the project was held back for years due to logistics and mainly road conditions of Pakistan.
Hi, Pakistan has to be realistic in this particular case. China should be able to sneak 2 300MW reactors under the guise of the existing Chasma deal. China is already saying these are reactors # 3-4. However, getting a brand a new 1G reactor might be a bit difficult.

Deals for Chasma 3 and 4 are already done and work is going on in full swing on these sites. as for the 1000 MW nuclear power plant, two 1000 MW power plants will be installed at Karachi. The work will start on these nuclear power plants in a year or two. pakistan needs a mix a energy generating resources, like mega dams, coal fired power plants, solar energy for rural areas, gas turbines and nuclear power plants.

Big nuclear power plants of 1000 MW are what Pakistan atomic energy commission is looking forward too. smaller plants of 300 MW such as installed in chasma will not do the what is needed at this time.

Time will tell, as getting a 1G reactor will not happen over night, the negotiations will take a few years also. Lastly there is the question of funding, as Pakistan is pretty broke right now and cannot afford this on its own. Take care.

Yes funding is the main factor which is holding back Pakistan's acceleration in this area. China is not just proving the nuclear power plants but it is also the main financier for all these projects. China has provided 80% credit financing for the Chasma series of nuclear power plants (C1, C2) even for the Chasma 3, and 4.
GoP needs to divert its resources to mega projects instead to wasting them on charity in Benazir income support program (75 BILLION RS. THIS YEAR ALONE).
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See, its possible if the govt has the will and the money. But does Pakistan really need them?

I think Pakistan should work on cheaper means of producing electricity like coal fired thermal power plants, hydro electric dams, and wind power. And then move later to solar and nuclear energy, which cost way more, and need more maintenance.
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