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Singapore voices concern over naming of Indonesian Navy ship


Mar 22, 2013
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Singapore voices concern over naming of Indonesian navy ship

Singapore has voiced concerns over Indonesia's reported plans to name a naval ship after marines who were executed for bombing an office complex in the city-state during a period of tense relations in the 1960s.

Singapore's foreign ministry said in a statement issued late Wednesday that Foreign Minister K. Shanmugam had spoken to his Indonesian counterpart Marty Natalegawa over the issue.

It said that Shanmugam, who visited Jakarta this week, registered "Singapore's concerns over the naming of the navy ship and the impact this would have on the feelings of Singaporeans, especially the families of the victims" of the bomb attack for which the two Indonesian marines were executed.

"The two Indonesian marines were found guilty of the bombing, which killed three people and injured 33 others," the statement said.

Indonesian daily newspaper Kompas Tuesday reported that the country's navy was planning to name a recently refitted frigate "KRI Usman Harun", after Osman Haji Mohamed Ali and Harun Said, who were executed in Singapore for their role in bombing a downtown office complex in March 1965.

The attack was part of an effort by then Indonesian president Sukarno to stage an armed confrontation against the newly formed federation of Malaysia, which included Singapore.

Sukarno had whipped Indonesia into a fervour in the campaign of "konfrontasi" to display its objection over the inclusion of the Borneo states of Sabah and Sarawak in the newly formed federation.

The two marines were members of Indonesia's special Operations Corps Command, now the Marine Corps, who had been ordered to infiltrate Singapore.

Singapore acrimoniously split from Malaysia to become an independent country on August 9, 1965, and Indonesia's armed campaign dissipated a year later following the ousting of Sukarno.

"Singapore had considered this difficult chapter in the bilateral relationship closed in May 1973 when then-PM Lee Kuan Yew visited and scattered flowers on the graves of the two marines," the Singapore foreign ministry statement said.

Indonesia is Singapore's third largest trading partner, with total bilateral trade reaching Sg$79.4 billion ($62.6 billion) in 2012.

Relations between the two countries hit a low point in the late 1990s after the fall of former dictator Suharto, and his successor B.J. Habibie famously referred to the tiny city-state as a "little red dot" on the map.

Ties have improved considerably in recent years under the stewardship of current Singapore Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong and Indonesian President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyuno
Singapore concerned over naming of Indonesian navy ship after executed commandos.

Singapore has registered its concerns over Indonesia’s naming of a navy ship after two Indonesian marines who took part in the 1965 bombing of MacDonald House on Orchard Road.

Singapore’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) spokesman said on Wednesday night that Foreign Minister K Shanmugam spoke to his Indonesian counterpart, Dr Marty Natalegawa, to register these concerns “and the impact this would have on the feelings of Singaporeans, especially the families of the victims”.

Indonesia’s Kompas daily had reported this week that the last of the Indonesian Navy’s three new British-made frigates would be named the KRI Usman Harun, after marines Osman Haji Mohamed Ali and Harun Said.

“The two Indonesian marines were found guilty of the bombing which killed three people and injured 33 others,” the MFA spokeman said in response to media queries.

“Singapore had considered this difficult chapter in the bilateral relationship closed in May 1973 when then-Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew visited and scattered flowers on the graves of the two marines,” he added.

The duo were members of Indonesia’s special Operations Corps Command, which is today the Marine Corps, and had been ordered to infiltrate Singapore during Indonesia’s Confrontation with Malaysia.

Then-president Sukarno had opposed the formation of Malaysia, which Singapore was part of from September 1963 to August 1965, as a puppet state of the British.

Both marines were convicted and executed in Singapore in 1968 for the March 10, 1965 bombing of MacDonald House, which stands near where Dhoby Ghaut MRT station is today.

Their hanging saw some 400 agitated students in Jakarta ransack the Singapore embassy, attack the consul’s residence and burn the Singapore flag, and bilateral ties remained tense for several years.

The marines were welcomed home as heroes, and given a ceremonial funeral at the Kalibata Heroes Cemetery in South Jakarta.

Relations between Singapore and Indonesia were restored when Mr Lee Kuan Yew visited Jakarta in 1973, and sprinkled flowers on the marines’ graves.

Former Singapore ambassador to Indonesia Lee Khoon Choy had earlier recounted that the gesture, which the Javanese believe propitiates the souls of the dead, moved the hosts deeply because it demonstrated that Singapore was sensitive to Javanese culture.

But in recent years, efforts to commemorate both marines – alongside other declared heroes – have resurfaced, and last year(2013), the Marine Corps proposed to rename Jalan Prapatan in Central Jakarta, where the unit’s headquarters are, as Jalan Usman Harun. The Navy said two other new ships it would take charge of would be named after Indonesian independence heroes Bung Tomo and John Lie. The first, KRI Bung Tomo, will set sail from Britain in June 2014.

Bung Tomo led the popular resistance against Allied British and Dutch forces in the Battle of Surabaya in November 1945, while John Lie smuggled agricultural produce to buy and smuggle arms from Malaya for the fledgling Indonesian armed forces from 1945 to 1949.

Kompas cited Indonesia’s Navy chief, Admiral Marsetio, as saying that the three ships would be named after these men “in remembering the services they had rendered to the Indonesian nation”.

Singapore concerned over naming of Indonesian navy ship after executed commandos
Singapore is welcome to speak out their concern, but the ship has been named and will not be changed.

Salute to the heroes Usman-Harun, Bung Tomo, and John Lie.
another konfrontasi in the making ?

Mr Lee Kuan Yew's visit to Jakarta in May 1973, five years after the Singapore government hanged two Indonesian marines sent by the Sukarno government to plant a bomb in MacDonald House in Orchard Road. .

While in Jakarta, Mr Lee also visited the graves of the two Marines and placed flowers on them
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These folks are hero to Indonesia but scum to Singapore. All Indonesian intellects I met still harbor the dream of Nussantara, while a minority even Maphilindo.

That is the reason Indon folks in PDF are worshiping these terrorist 007 as heroes. Neither Singapore's POV that these are terrorist is wrong. You cannot expect Indon or Singapore to change their own opinion.
another konfrontasi in the making ?


No just making a reason to speeding up our military modernization, we are provoking Singaporean and their show off their military might to our people and parliament, and then our military can get a rightful reason to request more military budget next year. It is very suck just to have 0,8 percent of our GDP for military budget. At least they want to ask between 1,5-2, 2 per cent of GDP, it means around 14 to 20 billion US dollar. And i think it has worked, Singaporean just flying their F-16 in low altitude above the Batam islands of Indonesia, located in vincinity of Singapore. Regard with this matter one of our parliament member in public media just say,

"The Singaporean can file a protest to us, but we will stick to our decisions, and if they keep complaining, just let our Navy to make or buy a bigger ship than this one and we will naming the new ship as KRI Usman Harun 2.0"
These folks are hero to Indonesia but scum to Singapore. All Indonesian intellects I met still harbor the dream of Nussantara, while a minority even Maphilindo.

why did the Singapore PM in 1973, place flowers in their graves ?
File image shows the aftermath of the bombing at Singapore's MacDonald House in 1965.
SINGAPORE: Acting Manpower Minister Tan Chuan-Jin on Friday decried Indonesia's decision to name a warship in honour of two marines who bombed MacDonald House on Orchard Road in 1965, saying it reflects "callousness and disrespect".

On his Facebook page, he said his father worked in MacDonald House, but the bombing happened to take place on his day off.

The attack left his father shaken.

Mr Tan said many Singaporean lives have been permanently scarred by the incident, including the victims of the attack and their families.

Of Indonesia's latest move, he said it is "one thing to remember your heroes from your wars of independence, or those who have built your nation".

But he felt that it is another thing altogether when "those who had acted in a brutal and cowardly manner" are celebrated.

Mr Tan added that there is nothing heroic about killing innocent civilians.

The row started on Tuesday, when a Kompas article said Indonesia was planning to have a new ship named the "KRI Usman Harun" - to honour the marines.

On Wednesday, Foreign Affairs Minister K Shanmugam registered Singapore's concerns, asking Indonesia to consider the implications of the moves, especially to the families of the victims.

On Thursday, Deputy Prime Minister and Home Affairs Minister Teo Chee Hean, and Defence Minister Ng Eng Hen also raised the matter with their Indonesian counterparts.

- CNA/
why did the Singapore PM in 1973, place flowers in their graves ?

All these Indonesian and Singaporean politicians were bunch of idiots. Basically, Indonesian invested too many stake in their 007 marines caught in Singapore, whereby plenty of Indon big shots called for pardon. Unlike now, LKY then was a tough guy who was not afraid of foreigners.

Singaporeans have guts and did not give a shit to these Indon and we went ahead hanging them. Indon small minded politicians keep ranting and flaming for many years enshrining terrorist. So for reconciliation, LKY went and put a few flowers on their graves.

Foreigners in Singapore are lucky today that they have not seen the real Singapore who have balls. Now LKY especially his son became eunuch and castrate Singaporeans. Before, we have Chinese triads who will beat up white man if they did not behave.
All these Indonesian and Singaporean politicians were bunch of idiots. Basically, Indonesian invested too many stake in their 007 marines caught in Singapore, whereby plenty of Indon big shots called for pardon. Unlike now, LKY then was a tough guy who was not afraid of foreigners.

Singaporeans have guts and did not give a shit to these Indon and we went ahead hanging them. Indon small minded politicians keep ranting and flaming for many years enshrining terrorist. So for reconciliation, LKY went and put a few flowers on their graves.

Foreigners in Singapore are lucky today that they have not seen the real Singapore who have balls. Now LKY especially his son became eunuch and castrate Singaporeans. Before, we have Chinese triads who will beat up white man if they did not behave.
Where are the real Singaporeans ?
No just making a reason to speeding up our military modernization, we are provoking Singaporean and their show off their military might to our people and parliament, and then our military can get a rightful reason to request more military budget next year. It is very suck just to have 0,8 percent of our GDP for military budget. At least they want to ask between 1,5-2, 2 per cent of GDP, it means around 14 to 20 billion US dollar. And i think it has worked, Singaporean just flying their F-16 in low altitude above the Batam islands of Indonesia, located in vincinity of Singapore. Regard with this matter one of our parliament member in public media just say,

"The Singaporean can file a protest to us, but we will stick to our decisions, and if they keep complaining, just let our Navy to make or buy a bigger ship than this one and we will naming the new ship as KRI Usman Harun 2.0"

We can get you another Ship, as massive as you wish buddy.
Where are the real Singaporeans ?

They are now pussy. Singaporeans were tamed by PAP. Before, PAP enough though they were coward did showed some balls. These days, PAP government set cue for foreigners to attack Singaporeans and to make Singaporeans slaves in our country.

National Geographic Magazine - NGM.com

Lee Kuan Yew has been cursing Singaporeans as stupid, lazy...etc for signaling the foreigners. As a result, these days in Singapore, every foreigners are cursing Singaporeans as stupid as lazy using these reasons to fire Singaporeans and to ship their entire village to Singapore. The Indians are the worst culprit and every Singaporeans hate them.

This is despite Singaporeans have the highest IQ, aces all exams and are very successful if we manage to migrate from Singapore. In Singapore, foreigners having fxxx up results are given scholarship, while Singaporeans having better results are deprive one. PAP want to put Singaporeans into debt. The college tuition is very expensive, and many of us choke up debt. Fxxk up foreign students not only have their tuition paid, but an annual air ticket, stationary text books funded by Singaporean tax payers.


No Singaporeans above in Microwave labs. We can recognize PRC names as local names are spelled base on dialects like Hokkien and Cantonese while PRC are based on Hanyu Pinyin.

Foreigners are given 100% of all post graduates course in many research institute and schools and the professor keep saying Singaporeans are lazy and stupid.

There are many many examples of how Lee Kuan Yew want to create a caste system in Singapore. Singaporeans want him and his son dead.

chickening themselves in their apartment, maybe

If today Indonesians come and bomb us, you guys will walk free. PAP now tries very hard to lick up foreigners.
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They are now pussy. Singaporeans were tamed by PAP. Before, PAP enough though they were coward did showed some balls. These days, PAP government set cue for foreigners to attack Singaporeans and to make Singaporeans slaves in our country.

National Geographic Magazine - NGM.com

Lee Kuan Yew has been cursing Singaporeans as stupid, lazy...etc for signaling the foreigners. As a result, these days in Singapore, every foreigners are cursing Singaporeans as stupid as lazy using these reasons to fire Singaporeans and to ship their entire village to Singapore. The Indians are the worst culprit and every Singaporeans hate them.

This is despite Singaporeans have the highest IQ, aces all exams and are very successful if we manage to migrate from Singapore. In Singapore, foreigners having fxxx up results are given scholarship, while Singaporeans having better results are deprive one. PAP put Singaporeans into debt.


No Singaporeans above in Microwave labs. We can recognize PRC names as local names are spelled base on dialects like Hokkien and Cantonese while PRC are based on Hanyu Pinyin.

Foreigners are given 100% of all post graduates course in many research institute and schools and the professor keep saying Singaporeans are lazy and stupid.

There are many many examples of how Lee Kuan Yew want to create a caste system in Singapore. Singaporeans wanted him dead.

Isn't the party still run by LKY's son or relative? Your gov't made a mistake by letting in too many foreigners. Look at Europe as an example. The worse mistake is letting in Indians. These "educated" people with their doctorate degree from Indian universities are a joke.

Not to mention the native Singaporean birthrates are dropping quite fast.
Isn't the party still run by LKY's son or relative? Your gov't made a mistake by letting in too many foreigners. Look at Europe as an example. The worse mistake is letting in Indians. These "educated" people with their doctorate degree from Indian universities are a joke.

Not to mention the native Singaporean birthrates are dropping quite fast.

We can do nothing now. PAP evil plan is to take in a lot of foreigners, make them citizen. The newly minted citizen is the main reason why PAP is in power despite receiving so much hatred.

The elites do not give a damn on well being of people. Precisely because of foreigners, our land price and housing price are high. We are put into more debt and at the same time, Indians keep firing us from jobs. Due to this reasons we do not procreate. Then PAP tell us as we do not have babies, PAP must import even more foreigners.

Also foreigners are given many many advantage to help them speculate in property market. They are given scholarship just because they are foreigners and Singaporeans with better grades are not funded.

PAP need foreigners to keep them in power.

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