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Singapore voices concern over naming of Indonesian Navy ship

We can do nothing now. PAP evil plan is to take in a lot of foreigners, make them citizen. The newly minted citizen is the main reason why PAP is in power despite receiving so much hatred.

The elites do not give a damn on well being of people. Precisely because of foreigners, our land price and housing price are high. We are put into more debt and at the same time, Indians keep firing us from jobs. Due to this reasons we do not procreate. Then PAP tell us as we do not have babies, PAP must import even more foreigners.

Also foreigners are given many many advantage to help them speculate in property market. They are given scholarship just because they are foreigners and Singaporeans with better grades are not funded.

PAP need foreigners to keep them in power.

Well, you can ask Malaysia to invade you guys. That should get rid of PAP. Malaysia had plans to invade Sinagpore in the 60s.

Seems like Singapore is just another colony of the west.
Well, you can ask Malaysia to invade you guys. That should get rid of PAP. Malaysia had plans to invade Sinagpore in the 60s.

Seems like Singapore is just another colony of the west.

There is these wholegrain guy who keep on defending Islam and PRC guys here, think that he is a guru. The SE Asian Chinese know all the shitt thing about Islam. Malaysia is an Islamic caste system, SPECIFICALLY targeting Chinese, not so much to other race. Malay Islamist hate us for being clever, high IQ, law abiding, contributed a lot to society, help our community, doing charity work....etc.

We are so good that we put all other tribes especially Malay and to a smaller extend, the Indians into shame.

The Malay weapon against Chinese is Islam and they instituted the most horrible racism today against Chinese, depriving our good student to college, civil service jobs...etc. Unlike other Muslim countries where one can convert out of trouble Malaysia Muslim hated Chinese so much that in Malaysia, Chinese are the only race who cannot convert to Islam and avoid discrimination.

Indian can.

Malaysia Malay are so useless that they have desire both to invade and not to invade us. They hate us for being good, but at the same time, invading us will give them a lot of Chinese.

I should moderate a little, the average malay joe are nice guys, and discrimination against Chinese via islam is a way to keep the elite in power, as they rally the people.
Well, you can ask Malaysia to invade you guys. That should get rid of PAP. Malaysia had plans to invade Sinagpore in the 60s.

Seems like Singapore is just another colony of the west.

Lux de Veritas doesn't want to say it out loud, but the "foreigners" he is complaining about are "PRC" people as he calls them. He is disgusting.

Singapore's 'anti-Chinese curry war' - Telegraph

The judgment incensed Singaporeans, many of whom have eyed a recent flood of mainland Chinese immigrants with some disdain.
Almost a million mainland Chinese have arrived in recent years, making up a fifth of the island's population. Singapore's native Chinese population have been particularly upset by the newcomers, many of whom do not come from the provinces of Fujian and Guangdong that provided the original wave of immigrants before the Second World War. Most also do not speak English, which remains Singapore's national language.
Lux de Veritas doesn't want to say it out loud, but the "foreigners" he is complaining about are "PRC" people as he calls them. He is disgusting.

Singapore's 'anti-Chinese curry war' - Telegraph

We have problems with all foreigners. There are too many of them here and our government expect us to integrate with you guys. Whenver we have dispute, like the above curry case, the government side with foreigners, Indians, PRC, whiteman, Pinoy...etc
All this time I thoght he was pissed off about indians, but it's really Chinese.

The PRC incur a lot of resentment as well, but these days Indians are champion.

You guys have no idea how many foreigners among us. We have around 3 million citizen and 5.2 million foreigners. And many citizens are naturalize foreigners.

The reason I do not have that much worry about PRC is they studied and integrate themselves in our mainstream schools.

Indians here set up their own international schools and that is a big big center for propagating racism. Indians told me that their kids there got discriminated by high caste Indians.

The PRC 1st generation may not integrate. But their 2nd generation do not think themselves as PRC, but Singaporeans. I myself is a 2.5 generation, my mum is from China.

Singapore's 'anti-Chinese curry war' - Telegraph[/quote]

So there was an instant uproar when a local newspaper reported that one Chinese family, recently arrived from the mainland, had taken offence at their Indian neighbours' dining habits.

"The family resorted to mediation because they could not stand the smell of curry," reported the Today newspaper. "The Indian family, who were mindful of their neighbours' aversion, had already taken to closing their doors and windows whenever they cooked the dish, but this was not enough," it added.

Instead, the unnamed Chinese family took their neighbours to Singapore's Community Mediation Centre for a ruling on the matter.

Marcellina Giam, the mediator, eventually ruled that the Indian family could only cook curry when the Chinese family was not at home. In return, the Chinese family promised to try the dish.

Look at how PAP sided with PRC to bully Singaporeans. Thank you wholegrain link.
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This wholegrain should migrate to SE Asia and let Islamofacist shitt on him even if he is "Muslim". The Islamofacist here is backward, wicked, pervert, and once you convert to them, they expect you to adhere to their code of conduct.

They believe someone must die just because he get out of Islam.They believe in hate and murder.

This is complete different from Hui Muslim identity and conduct.

The Islamist PAS party in Malaysia is opposed to UMNO.

Pan-Malaysian Islamic Party - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

PAS counters race-baiting with ‘Turun’ campaign - The Malaysian Insider

Putrajaya seen as condoning extremist groups, say senior lawyer, PAS leader - The Malaysian Insider

The Malay leadership is UMNO, who build an Islamic state. They like to kill and rape Chinese especially in 1969. After enjoying their murder and rape, they accuse Chinese of inciting communal riot.

CNN.com - Mahathir: Malaysia is 'fundamentalist state' - June 18, 2002
The Malay leadership is UMNO, who build an Islamic state. They like to kill and rape Chinese especially in 1969. After enjoying their murder and rape, they accuse Chinese of inciting communal riot.

CNN.com - Mahathir: Malaysia is 'fundamentalist state' - June 18, 2002

Too bad for you, the PRC doesn't care what Mahatir says or does to Malaysia since he isn't against China unlike the "countries" Vietnam and the Philippines, whom you worship so much.

BusinessMirror - Malaysia splits with Asean on China Sea threat

Why Malaysia isn’t afraid of China (for now) | The Strategist

Malaysia Breaks Ranks on South China Sea: Video - Bloomberg

Malaysia's Mahathir says China is no threat - AJW by The Asahi Shimbun

Archives | The Star Online.


Mahathir Mohamad

The Dragon Looks South: China and Southeast Asia in the New Century - Bronson Percival - Google Books

ASEAN and the Rise of China - Ian Storey - Google Books

Most of the Chinese Peranakan (mestizos descended from Chinese marrying pagan/Hindu slave women from the east indies islands) in Malaysia were well integrated with Malay culture and language, before the British came. Then these Peranakans mostly became Anglophones after British rule. Then the British decided to import millions of new Chinese from southern China, and the colonial authorities encouraged lazyness among Malays and kept importing Chinese and Indian workers. When Malaysia became independent, there was a massive amount of theae foreigners imported by the colonial authorities.

Would you like it if some colonial power decided to import 500 million Angolans to your home province in Fujian?
Sukarno was the one who started Konfrontasi, under which Usman-Harun, Bung Tomo, and John Lie committed their bombing attack in Singapore, so why are you posting about the killings Suharto's regime did?

because he is a stupid person, the answer is simple for me

Why didn't you name the ship after me ? :cray:
KRI Armstrong ! :smokin:

Well i have given a lot of though about that bro :cheers:
Sukarno was the one who started Konfrontasi, under which Usman-Harun, Bung Tomo, and John Lie committed their bombing attack in Singapore, so why are you posting about the killings Suharto's regime did?

Thx, BTW both Bung Tomo and John Lie had nothing to do with Singapore incident, they were independence fighters. Bung Tomo lead the resistance against Dutch & British invasion in Surabaya 1945.

John Lie with his boat smuggled weapons and other goods through Dutch barricade for Indonesian fighters during war of independence. John Lie was an Indonesian chinese and a national hero.
Too bad for you, the PRC doesn't care what Mahatir says or does to Malaysia since he isn't against China unlike the "countries" Vietnam and the Philippines, whom you worship so much.

BusinessMirror - Malaysia splits with Asean on China Sea threat

Why Malaysia isn’t afraid of China (for now) | The Strategist

Malaysia Breaks Ranks on South China Sea: Video - Bloomberg

Malaysia's Mahathir says China is no threat - AJW by The Asahi Shimbun

Archives | The Star Online.


Mahathir Mohamad

The Dragon Looks South: China and Southeast Asia in the New Century - Bronson Percival - Google Books

ASEAN and the Rise of China - Ian Storey - Google Books

Most of the Chinese Peranakan (mestizos descended from Chinese marrying pagan/Hindu slave women from the east indies islands) in Malaysia were well integrated with Malay culture and language, before the British came. Then these Peranakans mostly became Anglophones after British rule. Then the British decided to import millions of new Chinese from southern China, and the colonial authorities encouraged lazyness among Malays and kept importing Chinese and Indian workers. When Malaysia became independent, there was a massive amount of theae foreigners imported by the colonial authorities.

Would you like it if some colonial power decided to import 500 million Angolans to your home province in Fujian?

Mahathir stance to China tell nothing about his internal evangelism of Islamofacism. Irrevant citation.

Fujian Quanzhou and Guangzhou was full of foreigners since immemorial.They have no problem.

From Han Chinese who invade the Baiyue, to Arabs, Persian, Hindus...etc Fujian and Guangzhou welcome them with hospitality just like their descendant Singaporeans do.

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