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Singapore orders Indian imam's expulsion for remarks against Christians, Jews


Sep 20, 2014
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  • Nalla Mohamed Abdul Jameel pleaded guilty to a charge of promoting enmity between different groups on grounds of religion or race at the State Courts.
  • He was handed a fine of Singaporean dollars 4,000 ($2,860), the Channel News Asia reported.
An islamic religious teacher Nalla Mohamed Abdul Jameel (L), 47, arrives with his lawyer Noor Marican (R) at t... Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA), in a separate statement, said Nalla has paid the fine and will be repatriated.

"Any religious leader from any religion who makes such statements will be held accountable for their actions," the MHA said.

"Under Singapore law, we cannot, regardless of his religion, allow anyone to preach or act divisively and justify that by reference to a religious text," it said.

The imam had on Friday apologised in front of Christian, Sikh, Taoist, Buddhist and Hindu representatives, as well as members of the Federation of Indian Muslims, saying that he was "filled with great remorse" for the inconvenience, tension and trauma caused by his remarks.

Jameel had also visited Rabbi Moderchai Abergel at the Maghain Aboth Synagogue Sunday morning to apologise, local media reported.

On behalf of the Jewish community in Singapore, Rabbi Mordechai accepted the imam's apology and emphasised the need to be constantly conscious of Singapore's delicate harmonious co-existence, given its diversity.

The imam had made controversial supplications at Friday prayers.

The incident came under police investigation after a video of the sermon was posted on Facebook. It sparked heated debate, prompting Minister-in-charge of Muslim Affairs Yaacob Ibrahim to call for peace and unity in the Muslim community.

Jameel's lawyer Noor Marican was quoted as saying that the imam has accepted the punishment and is grateful that he was not sentenced to prison.

"Today he has learnt his lesson. Hopefully the inter-faith community and all Singaporeans can move forward," he told reporters outside the court.

The Association of Muslim Professionals(AMP), in a statement issued Saturday, urged Singaporeans to move forward from the incident, and not allow differences in opinion on the matter to cause divisions.

"Islam, like all other religions, enjoins peace and kindness towards others, and our religion is what should unite us as a community," said the statement.

Singapore - dealing with this in the right manner. No appeasement and punishing those guilty of hate speech also prevents innocents from being unfairly tainted or associated with bigots.
  1. Islamic preacher pleaded guilty to charges, fined 4,000 Sg dollars
  2. Had been accused of promiting enmity between different religious groups
  3. No room for such remarks in multi-religious society: Singapore government

An Indian Imam living in Singapore will be repatriated for his remarks against Jews and Christians. Nalla Mohamed Abdul Jameel, 47, had pleaded guilty to a charge of promoting enmity between different religious groups and was fined Sg $4,000 ($2,860). The Singapore government said there was no room for such remarks in a multi-religious society and he should be sent home.

"Nalla has paid the fine. He will be repatriated," Singapore's Ministry of Home Affairs said in a statement.

The imam, an Islamic religious teacher, had recited a supplication in Arabic during a prayer session at a mosque in January, which translated as "Grant us help against the Jews and Christians," court documents showed. A video of his remarks -- uploaded on Facebook in February by another person - triggered legal action.

The Islamic Religious Council of Singapore said in a statement that Mr Nalla's supplication "is not from the Quran and does not constitute part of the divine message".

"Recent events abroad have highlighted how the build-up of anger and resentment among different religious groups can lead to social friction and violence," the interior ministry of Singapore said. "The government has the responsibility to act quickly and firmly to repudiate divisive speech, even if the course of action is sometimes difficult."

Singapore is a mainly an ethnic Chinese society, with large Malay Muslim and Indian populations.

District Judge Jasvender Kaur said Singapore "cannot allow any person or group to sow discord or promote enmity among the different religious or racial groups when we have worked so hard as a society to achieve religious and racial harmony".

The judge said she imposed only a fine considering the "strong sense of remorse" shown by Mr Nalla, who has apologised to different religious leaders and even visited a Jewish rabbi to offer his personal regrets

The imam, an Islamic religious teacher, had recited a supplication in Arabic during a prayer session at a mosque in January, which translated as "Grant us help against the Jews and Christians," court documents showed. A video of his remarks -- uploaded on Facebook in February by another person - triggered legal action.
Excellent decision by the Singaporean govt, bravo. Religious intolerance has no place in a multi-religious society.
Why against Jews and Christians in Singapore?

I thought the majority of Singapore practice things like Chinese folk religion, Taoism, Buddhism, etc.
Grant us help against the Jews and Christians is equal to preaching violence ? How?
They dont have power to think just they tow one line without thinking ................ for them logic is dead , Jews and Christians are enemy of Islam ...he could have included Hindus also might be he has temporary visa of Singapore :P
Why against Jews and Christians in Singapore?

I thought the majority of Singapore practice things like Chinese folk religion, Taoism, Buddhism, etc.

Help to do what ?????
Grant us help against the Jews and Christians is equal to preaching violence ? How?
Why against Jews and Christians in Singapore?

I thought the majority of Singapore practice things like Chinese folk religion, Taoism, Buddhism, etc.
He is probably talking this in context of Israel(jews) occupation of palestinians and american(christians) illegal military adventure in Iraq and others Muslim countries
oh Yong Chuan
SINGAPORE - The Islamic religious leader who was fined $4,000 for making offensive remarks against Christians and Jews will be asked to leave Singapore.

On Monday (April 3), Imam Nalla Mohamed Abdul Jameel pleaded guilty to promoting enmity between different groups on the grounds of religion, and committing an act prejudicial to the maintenance of harmony.

“Nalla has paid the fine. He will be repatriated,” said the Ministry of Home Affairs in a statement on Monday.


Imam Nalla Mohamed Abdul Jameel leaves the State Courts

The imam, who is from India, has been working in Singapore since 2010 on a work permit.


“The action against Nalla has been taken with some regret,” the MHA said. “Nalla has worked diligently as Chief Imam at the Jamae Chulia Mosque over the past seven years, attending to the needs of his congregation, and reaching out to other faiths. He has not been deliberately malicious.”


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In February, a video of the imam reciting a prayer in Arabic that said “God help us against Jews and Christians”, among other things, was circulated online.

Last Friday, the imam apologised for his remarks. He clarified that the additional supplication he read was not from the Quran, but an old Arabic text originating from his village in India.

He made the apology to a group of leaders of various religious groups, including those from the Christian faith, at a closed-door meeting on Friday. He also visited the Maghain Aboth Synagogue at Waterloo Street on Sunday to apologise personally to Rabbi Mordechai Abergel and the Jewish community.

Meanwhile, the police have issued stern warnings to two Muslim Singaporeans connected to the video of the imam who made offensive remarks against Jews and Christians.

One of them had uploaded it on Facebook, the other had supported the imam’s messages.

Both have issued public apologies through the MHA.

Mr Terrence Kenneth John Nunis, 40, as warned for posting the video online instead of reporting it to the police.

The Attorney General’s Chambers has “assessed that his actions were also in breach of the law”, said the MHA in a statement.

The investment associate wrote in his apology: “I accept that what I did was wrong. Instead, I should have only reported the incident to the Police. My action was racially and religiously divisive. I unreservedly apologise to all Singaporeans for my conduct. I deeply regret my actions, and undertake not to repeat my conduct. I also accept that I made the situation worse by making some intemperate remarks.”

Imam Nalla Mohamed Abdul Jameel's lawyer speaks to reporters after the hearing

Dr Syed Muhammad Khairudin Aljunied was warned for two Facebook posts he made on March 1 and 2.

The posts by the 40-year-old associate professor at the National University of Singapore (NUS) were a fictional conversation between an imam and a “silly convert”.

Dr Khairudin said that fictional account was not meant to support of anyone in particular.

“I also wish to say that my posts could be seen as being supportive of the Imam, and I was wrong to have put them up,” he wrote. “I now wish to apologise unreservedly to Singaporeans and NUS, since my posts were supportive of what the Imam had said. I undertake not to repeat my conduct.”

The NUS, which suspended Dr Khairudin when the police were investigation, said on Monday night that it has also warned Dr Khairudin for breaching the university’s code of conduct for staff and the suspension will be lifted.


Indian Imam who made offensive remarks against Christians, Jews to be repatriated
ANI | Last Updated: Wednesday, April 5, 2017 - 00:31


Singapore: The Islamic religious leader who made offensive comments against Christians and Jews will be repatriated.

Imam Nalla Mohamed Abdul Jameel, hailing from India had been working in Singapore at the Jamae Chulia Mosque since 2010 on a work permit, the Straits Times reported.

The Imam pleaded guilty yesterday for promoting hatred between the two communities on religious grounds and bringing in disharmony.

"Nalla has paid the fine. He will be repatriated," said the Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) in a statement on Monday.

Earlier in February, a video of the Imam was circulated online, in which he was seen reciting a prayer in Arabic that read "God help us against Jews and Christians".

Last Friday, he apologised for his remarks and also clarified that that the text was not from the Quran but from an old Arabic text having its roots in his village in India.

The Imam apologised to a group of leaders of various religious groups, including those from the Christian faith on Friday.

Meanwhile, the police have issued strict warning to other two Muslims Singaporeans connected with the video.

Out of the two, one had uploaded the video on Facebook while the other had supported the Imam's remarks.

However, the two have tendered public apologies through the MHA.

First Published: Tuesday, April 4, 2017 - 23:57


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