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Silent Buildup

I wish you were that important for me to get excited in replying you, but you are NOT

With regards to using proxies to create disturbance in India ...You need to understand that the same can be done by India. In fact you guys lost close to 70000 people in last one decade and all of them by "Internal Players" in Pakistan. Your pakistani state does not give any signal of a coherent nation state, in fact you are just a bunch of tribes with their own selfish interest.

Don't threaten to burn someone else while sitting on a tinderbox
Excuse me !!!
“CAN BE DONE” ? Are you blind or psychopath ? Or living in alice’s wonderland ? India’s proxy is at it’s optimum since past few years and yet here we are, coming out victorious from all sides. This is why your “NANGA” PM and his Dhoti goons are dribbling ball out of basketball ground. GET YOUR FACTS RIGHT KID !!!
You guys are done for now, be it 5th gen warfare, or on the battlefield, all you are is now Prayers which won’t help you.
Excuse me !!!
“CAN BE DONE” ? Are you blind or psychopath ? Or living in alice’s wonderland ? India’s proxy is at it’s optimum since past few years and yet here we are, coming out victorious from all sides. This is why your “NANGA” PM and his Dhoti goons are dribbling ball out of basketball ground. GET YOUR FACTS RIGHT KID !!!
You guys are done for now, be it 5th gen warfare, or on the battlefield, all you are is now Prayers which won’t help you.
Excused ...

You guys supported Khalistani movement in 1980s. we crushed it, grind it, and flush it down in drain...
Pakistan supported militancy in Kashmir in 1990s... but here we are, ever so dominant on Kashmir after 30 years ... Those who opposed us on our side of boarder are now 6 feet under the ground. Remaining on the other side of the boarder are happy with their weekly doses of Dharna every Friday..

If you want to look at a text book case of proxy use, look at 1971 Bangladesh Liberation War. there is no better case than that for your gernals to learn few tricks ..
Excused ...

You guys supported Khalistani movement in 1980s. we crushed it, grind it, and flush it down in drain...
Pakistan supported militancy in Kashmir in 1990s... but here we are, ever so dominant on Kashmir after 30 years ... Those who opposed us on our side of boarder are now 6 feet under the ground. Remaining on the other side of the boarder are happy with their weekly doses of Dharna every Friday..

If you want to look at a text book case of proxy use, look at 1971 Bangladesh Liberation War. there is no better case than that for your gernals to learn few tricks ..
why you consider yourself only innocent/angle country on the subcontinent
You're the biggest mess/Threat for the peace of subcontinent
why you consider yourself only innocent/angle country on the subcontinent
You're the biggest mess/Threat for the peace of subcontinent
I am simply being pragmatic .. neither India nor Pakistan is innocent....

Just that each country differs in its capability to respond to the other... otherwise we are the same
I am simply being pragmatic .. neither India nor Pakistan is innocent....

Just that each country differs in its capability to respond to the other... otherwise we are the same
but you're most responsible to destabilize and creating most mess then Pakistan in the subcontinent, since our Independence,period
but you're most responsible to destabilize and creating most mess then Pakistan in the subcontinent, since our Independence,period
again, that is your narrative that you are brought up with..

mine is different, where Pakistan is the villain in my story...
but you're most responsible to destabilize and creating most mess then Pakistan in the subcontinent, since our Independence,period
Just press the flush button buddy. Poop is getting smellier
again, that is your narrative that you are brought up with..

mine is different, where Pakistan is the villain in my story...
The fact is always opposite , why you interfere our internal matter in 71, why you illegally captured Siachin Glacier, Why you supported tamil tigers to destabilized Sri Lanka , this enough or you want more
There has always been a war when Pakistan's economy rises and the indian one falls.
Do you understand India, Indian Govt and Indian Military ?

If we start with 2000's.
2001- parliament attack - 2001/2 military stand off - conventional ground forces reaching borders. no outcome.
2008 - Mumbai attacks, no outcome.
2016 - Uri attack, the story of a surgical strike using Indian SF.
2019 - Pulwama Attack - Airforces conduct strikes
2019 - Indian sub detected near Pakistani waters.

Indian Military has pitted all its conventional forces against Pakistan in past 20 years. Army, Special Forces, Air Force, Navy - Result ?

I wish you were that important for me to get excited in replying you, but you are NOT

With regards to using proxies to create disturbance in India ...You need to understand that the same can be done by India. In fact you guys lost close to 70000 people in last one decade and all of them by "Internal Players" in Pakistan. Your pakistani state does not give any signal of a coherent nation state, in fact you are just a bunch of tribes with their own selfish interest.

Don't threaten to burn someone else while sitting on a tinderbox
While sitting , no man , we were sitting in a tinder box . Now apni Khair manao bhakts
Sir... on the contrary... Can this event highlight PA that PAF is most important arm and they need to strengthen it as it was first responder after 26 Feb events occurred. So we procure more AD units and BVRs etc


Paf has been the most important arm of the defense forces and it is not going to change---.

What has happened with the Paf is that since the past---they have performed with LESS better than the enemy's MORE---and that as gone into their heads.

The problem right now and for years has been that they have confirmed the belief that that is the position they want to stay in---and that mindset and positioning is wrong---.

In their mind---they are defenders of the nation with less---.

What no one either told them or they never understood that was not their only job---.

They did not want to understand that with a timely purchase of more fighter aircraft---would have created a major paradigm shift in favor of pakistan & pakistan's power positioning---.

What that means in layman's term---they found a nugget of gold---it met "their needs"---they became satisfied---but they did not bother to look further for the "gold mine" that was right next to it which would have satisfied the needs of nation---.[/QUOTE]

1. No they have not been the most important arm of armed forces. Both in 1965 and 71, both fought their separate wars. Even in Kargil, Army went ahead with plans despite clear warning from PAF. Governments never took interest in PAF's requirements. Due to politicians' needs, army was and is preferred child among all armed forces. Why top positions in ISPR, CJCSC, SPD etc. are with army?

2. Future plans of PAF clearly negate this assertion that PAF deliberately want to stay there.

3. The only realistic way for turning their gold nugget into gold mine is to dive into the ocean of knowledge. Western powers provide hardware to 3rd world countries with certain strings attach. Even if we have gotten tech of F-20 in 80's or 50 more F-16s during Mush era, it would have not served us any better (Our adversary could have bought more Mirage 2000, MKIs, etc / US were to dump us after the demise of Soviet Union). PAF has learnt the most important lesson v hard way that in order to completely free from sanctions is to be as self-sufficient as possible. That's why Advanced Thunders and AZM is being pursued. Remember what EX-ACM PAF Sohail Aman said once, I am chief of 400 aircraft PAF, next chief will be chief of 500 aircraft PAF and next to him will lead PAF with 600 aircraft. It simply tells us one thing, PAF is trying to expand both horizontally (Tech Axis) and Vertically (Number Axis). And I am not saying that their planning is flawless. There are considerable holes. Like I wonder why we are not part of a strategic bomber program before going for a stealth project?

Now one must bear in mind, sometimes, it is governments who refuse to buy certain equipment required because of political capital and strings attach from supplier nation. In case of Pakistan, this has happened more than once. US supplied us F-16s for her own interests. They are willing to supply again but this time around conditions attached are suicidal for our strategic interest. So, Islamabad has to think. Weigh the pros and cons. JF-17 and Project AZM are not PAF's program. These are national program like our nuclear program perhaps more important than that!
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