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Sikhs Helping Kashmiri Freedom Fighters

You can bet you don't know more than me about Sikhs!

I wil grant you that, only if it makes you confident of your absurd argument and makes you feel good about the pack of misconstrued and deliberate subterfuge that you unloaded in your previous post..........

Sikhs wanted the division of the original Punjab so that they can have a majority in the state and it was given to them. I have never seen a word of discontent from anyone on how the state was divided and I have lived in Chandigarh which is the capital of Punjab (and Haryana)!

You have never seen a word of discontent from muslims (atleast that is what i have gathered from your post), christians and Sikhs because you have deliberately decided to delude your self into it. None of their fault and it doesnt take away their veritable aspirations merely because Vinod has not seen or heard it. Probably, they are fearful of talking about it openly infront of right wing guys.

Sikhs live all over India having strong pockets in Punjab (obviously), Haryana, Delhi, parts of Rajasthan, Uttaranchal etc. I am not sure what you mean by claiming parts of different states. if you mean they would like them to be a part of Punjab you are mistaken.

Surely some one is mistaken here, but i am confident that it would not be me. If the division was to be on lingual lines then these strong pockets of Punjabi speaking people should have gone to Punjabi Suba. Why was Chandigarh made a union territory, if there were no misgivings about the division??????? why was Chandigarh supposed to be handed over to Punjab few years ago???????which btw has not happened...........................

Sikhs were not the only people who served the British Indian army. I am sure there were many time more Muslims in the army.

Correct, so were the favourites like Gorkhas, Punjabi Musalmans etc. All were rewarded. Gorkhas still continue to serve as mercenaries in British army. And the Punjabi Musalmans are the elite of today's Pakistan. So how do you want to prove your argument...........................

I pesonally know of several stories where the people came empty handed after losing all in Pakistan and have rebuilt themselves. It is not just the matter of starting well

You would surely know about the story of millions who came to Pakistan, some of them were not even fortunate to even have hands what to talk about empty one............... They mainly settled in Karachi and urban areas of Sindh. They also started their lives afresh and are doing much better as a burgeoning middle class community. At least, all Sikhs did not have to migrate, most were already well placed in the society and helped their fellow sikhs in their life.

Irrespective of what you mat feel about the "revolt", there was never one. The terrorists were defeated by the Punjab police manned by mostly Sikh officers.

Now, that is one big sweeping statement which can be termed as the biggest joke on this forum. Care to inform us why a Sikh body guard killed the serving prime minsiter of hindustan???????????????? Care to check the list of damages interms of life, property and infrastructure during the revolt???????? Your pedantic chauvinism makes you look like an intransigent school boy admantly holding on to his toy (read argument) no matter what.

Why Blue Star? Tell me why Lal Masjid!

Now you know.

Logical to ask a Pakistani about Lal Masjid........ but why are you running away from replying about Blue Star as a hindustani. Did it occur in Pakistan......... What is the relation ship of Lal Masjid with this thread which is discussing Sikhs and their discontentment with the oppression. Again, your pedantic insistence shows very well, how you behave when confronted with incontrovertible logic i-e run with tail between legs.
Why Blue Star? Tell me why Lal Masjid!

Now you know.

Logical to ask a Pakistani about Lal Masjid........ but why are you running away from replying about Blue Star as a hindustani. Did it occur in Pakistan......... What is the relation ship of Lal Masjid with this thread which is discussing Sikhs and their discontentment with the oppression. Again, your pedantic insistence shows very well, how you behave when confronted with incontrovertible logic i-e run with tail between legs.

Well if you consider lal masjid attack an attempt to flush out the militants holed up in the masjid then.. you would undestand what what Mr. Vinod tried to say. Khalistan militants where holed up in the Golden temple, and indira gandhi much to the anger of sikhs decieded to flush them out using force. It was a difficult and brave decision which she had to pay the price with her life. However gone are the days of khalistan movment in india. And punjab is the perfect example of a discontent people(after operation bluestar) have turned around and become the real face and pride of india. The bottom line is peace was given a chance in Punjab..!!! Else with the massive massacare of sikhs in 1984 would you think still punjab would have been with india..?????
Ha ha ha, what a lame one :)

a drunk sikh allows terrorists to use his house to store stuff, and it becomes an ideological sikh participation in kashmr insurgency :) :) :)

so, 1 altaf husain = all mojahirs think pakistan was a blunder
1 bugti - all balochis want freedom from imperialistic punjabi army
1 faizullah = all pakhtuns want freedom from imperialistic punjabi army
1 ajmal kasab = all punjabis are terrorists

hee hee hee, i'm sorry but could not resist that one. just by using aggressive language and 'top pakistani defence analyst' logic ppl are under the illusion that they are making sense :) hey for divide and rule, u need to be as smart as the british :p

btw they also caught a hindu 'freedom fighter' in kashmir too :) that means hindus are also supporting kashmir 'freedom fight'...

aren't u feeling a bit lost, baby?
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And what about sikh struggle in india? it got over LOOOOOONG back, today our PM is sikh... sikhs are the most prosperous group in india, inspite of ur daydreaming, there's no issues with sikhs today.

when the border between indian punjab and pakistani punjab was fenced, a lot of 'unhappy' sikhs went back wherever they'd come from :)
Well if you consider lal masjid attack an attempt to flush out the militants holed up in the masjid then.. you would undestand what what Mr. Vinod tried to say. Khalistan militants where holed up in the Golden temple, and indira gandhi much to the anger of sikhs decieded to flush them out using force. It was a difficult and brave decision which she had to pay the price with her life. However gone are the days of khalistan movment in india. And punjab is the perfect example of a discontent people(after operation bluestar) have turned around and become the real face and pride of india. The bottom line is peace was given a chance in Punjab..!!! Else with the massive massacare of sikhs in 1984 would you think still punjab would have been with india..?????

Hey, thanks for atleast accepting a well documented and recorded fact of hindustani history that massacre of Sikhs did occur..... that they did revolt.... that they were massacred inside their holiest place.( its difficult to extract that from hindustanis) our little friend here was not even ready to accept that it was a revolt... that it was a massacre. But i do see him thanking you and will consider it an acknowledgement.
Now, as far as Lal Masjid is concerned, this issue has been discussed thread bare in various thread on the same forum and this thread is not the place for it. If you are interested, open a new thread. You bet, i will be there and will continue to accept what is wrong with our government and our society. Can i expect the same from hidustani members of the forum????????? Sorry, but most of them are only trolls like some Pakistani members on this forum. So, please stick to the topic.
Ha ha ha, what a lame one :)

a drunk sikh allows terrorists to use his house to store stuff, and it becomes an ideological sikh participation in kashmr insurgency :) :) :)

so, 1 altaf husain = all mojahirs think pakistan was a blunder
1 bugti - all balochis want freedom from imperialistic punjabi army
1 faizullah = all pakhtuns want freedom from imperialistic punjabi army
1 ajmal kasab = all punjabis are terrorists

hee hee hee, i'm sorry but could not resist that one. just by using aggressive language and 'top pakistani defence analyst' logic ppl are under the illusion that they are making sense :) hey for divide and rule, u need to be as smart as the british :p

btw they also caught a hindu 'freedom fighter' in kashmir too :) that means hindus are also supporting kashmir 'freedom fight'...

aren't u feeling a bit lost, baby?

If following is not sufficient to jump start your dead brain cells then i wonder what is...???????????????????????

LeT may form terror team with Khalistanis
Josy Joseph
Monday, January 26, 2009 3:55 IST

New Delhi: The Indian security establishment is mounting special precautions as it wakes up to a new and more complex challenge of Islamic terrorists teaming up with remnants of Sikh extremism.

Sources said security forces in and around Chandigarh and other sensitive installations in Punjab and Haryana have been put on high alert, in the wake of reports about the Lashkar-e-Taiba and Khalistan Commando Force (KCF) trying to work together to carry out terrorist strikes in India.

KCF has been involved in several attacks, including the assassination of former Army chief General AS Vaidya in Pune in 1986. A few months back, the Punjab police claimed that members of KCF, which has a base in Pakistan, tried to smuggle in weapons.

The German government has alerted New Delhi to a meeting between LeT and KCF representatives in Germany last November. It is not clear if the meeting was before the Mumbai attacks, but the alert came in the wake of the November 26 attack.

Sources said the Germans said the representatives decided to carry out a terrorist strike in northern India, especially in Chandigarh or in Punjab-Haryana. Among the possible targets is Indian Oil's refinery in Panipat.
According to sources, the two groups plan to carry out an aerial attack that will be more sensational than any India has seen till date. The government has warned the Bureau of Civil Aviation Security and aviation regulators to tighten formalities and security for private helicopter rides and chartered aircraft.

The attacks may have been planned for Republic Day. Indian air force sources said they will impose an airspace blockade in and around Delhi, stretching up to Chandigarh during the few hours of Republic Day parade.
For the security establishment what is most worrying is the effort to revive violence in Punjab, around Sikh insurgency, which died out almost two decades ago. "That would be disastrous," said an official who has worked on Punjab extremism in the 1980s

dnaindia.com: LeT may form terror team with Khalistanis

Hey brother, dont feel obliged to respond to those post which strike within an ace of your knees................. If you are not intellectually equipped to respond reasonably then i suggest you work on improving it. But till that time, give us a break from your ludicrousness.
Prodigy17, you don't know a thing about Sikhism and how well they are integrated in India.

You are welcome to believe what you want. The reality is so different.
Prodigy17, you don't know a thing about Sikhism and how well they are integrated in India.

You are welcome to believe what you want. The reality is so different.

:lol:........:) You are not the first one taking refuge in "you dont know" one liner after your argument has been thrashed by pure logic and facts.
I have already asked you to open a new thread on Sikh grievances against hindustani state............... remember?????????????????????

Open a new thread, if you want me to debate legitimate grievances of Sikhs against hindustan.

You are free to hold your views close to your heart.
If following is not sufficient to jump start your dead brain cells then i wonder what is...???????????????????????


Hey brother, dont feel obliged to respond to those post which strike within an ace of your knees................. If you are not intellectually equipped to respond reasonably then i suggest you work on improving it. But till that time, give us a break from your ludicrousness.

peace upon u brother, u need it.

"For the security establishment what is most worrying is the effort to revive violence in Punjab, around Sikh insurgency, which died out almost two decades ago."

yeah, so a bunch of terrorists are trying to use other 'spent force' terrorists, alright i agree. that does not mean sikhs are joing LET, keep hoping fervently tho, as ur posts heavily depend on hope :)

how's this for reasonableness - i drunkard sikh used by terrorists for storing asla, by giving money and daru - conclusion of the reasonable one - "Sikhs are joining the kashmiri freedom struggle, all is not well in hindustan blah blah blah" :) u really are very logical :)

BTW, why sikhs would be unhappy, they are allowed to keep their beards in indian air force :rofl:
there are sikhs in kashmir too
maybe he understood their pain
maybe he remembered when the indians butchered and burned sikhs alive in the streets of india
maybe he remembered the sikh women that the indian raped and thrown out naked in the streets of india
he has many motives
:lol:........:) You are not the first one taking refuge in "you dont know" one liner after your argument has been thrashed by pure logic and facts.
I have already asked you to open a new thread on Sikh grievances against hindustani state............... remember?????????????????????

I can rebut each point of yours but there seems little point.

You are refusing to understand the reality from someone in the midst of things and want to cling to what you want to believe.
Well prodigy..!!! The massacre and the operation blue star are as you said well documented and is clearly written in our history books. So i dont think Mr. Vinod, myself or for any one in india would say that such a massacre and operation bluestar didnt happen. So having stated that fact, i would also like to inform you that, khalistan movement died long back. However i have heard there are some sikhs in canada that nurture khalistan feelings. Today these guys are by far the most patriotic citizens of india. This what i have understood from interaction with sikhs in all walks of life. Unlike kashmiris from whom you could get a sense of helplessness and frustrations with the terroirst activities there..!!!! So I and for that any indian would object questioning of the full econcmic,cultural mental integration of punjabis of present day india by linking the same with the khalistan movement which happend decades ago.
there are sikhs in kashmir too
maybe he understood their pain
maybe he remembered when the indians butchered and burned sikhs alive in the streets of india
maybe he remembered the sikh women that the indian raped and thrown out naked in the streets of india
he has many motives

maybe he was far too drunk to remember anything including the fact that he was helping terrorists.:devil:
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