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Sikh politicians, separatists in Canada wade into farmers’ protest row

It was Indian Muslims who made a state solely for Indian Muslims in 1947, and the experiment failed miserably in 1971 as the commonality of religions is not a strong bond which can keep the country united.

But Indian is intact since 1947 even the basis of the country was not religious .....so something is wrong with the religious formula and if you think ethnicity should be base of division then you have to apply it on erstwhile Pakistan first to check if such an experiment works or not. I know current Pakistan is just a young nation of just 49 years of age

So only fact in the last 73 years of subcontinent history is religion is not a base for a country .... maybe Jinnah gave this message but you guys have literally proved him wrong .

Regarding English, my parents were not kind of Caravan hounds who travelled to master's country in the back of their caravans when they were leaving so please pardon my English
1947 wasn't a "partition" as Hindus owned nothing that could be partitioned.

It was the handing over of two separate nations from a colonial power to the respective recipients.

Learn English.
Indian Muslims who made a state solely for Indian Muslims in 1947, and the experiment failed miserably in 1971 as the commonality of religions is not a strong bond which can keep the country united.
Hmm. Did you miss the part where I said we don't care if Bangladesh is independent?

We don't lose sleep over it.

You're right that Islam doesn't unite the Muslims of the subcontinent, however a common hatred of "right of centre Hindu politics" does unite us.
t Indian is intact since 1947
That's odd. I'm sure I just read Amit Shah explain otherwise. Maybe it was fake news?
you have to apply it on erstwhile Pakistan
Oh dear. You really need to do a grammar check. Whatever you think "erstwhile" means, it doesn't work here.
parents were not kind of Caravan hounds
Oh dear. Someone is losing their cool on a Sunday evening. Never mind eh. Luckily I know who my parents are so I can confirm the above as patently false. Not sure if you're in such a fortunate position.
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Right believe me the hate of Hindus ( even Sikhs as in west Pakistan Muslims and Sikhs killed each other) was the same in 1947, the proof was the announcement of direct action day by the Muslim League in 1947 so, Indian Muslim hate non-Muslims as your holy book define then as Kafirs so we are OK with that, but the fun part is Muslims hate each other sometimes more then they hate non-Muslims ( even right-wing Hindus).

So Indian Muslim unity is a myth and the creation of Pakistan(East + West) 73 years back and then divided ( West Pakistan and Bangladesh) just after 24 years is a real lesson for Muslims living in India.

As far as Bangladesh is concerned my point was just to prove that they found out in just 24 years that religion is not the basis to have a country and people of the same religion can exploit each other. It's good you are not losing sleep over the creation of Bangladesh but there are still reasons why Bangladesh was created and I was just pointing towards them.

Hmm. Did you miss the part where I said we don't care if Bangladesh is independent?

We don't lose sleep over it.

You're right that Islam doesn't unite the Muslims of the subcontinent, however a common hatred of "right of centre Hindu politics" does unite us.
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Right believe me the hate of Hindus was the same in 1947, the proof was the announcement of direct action day by the Muslim League in 1947 so, Indian Muslim hate non-Muslims as your holy book define then as Kafirs so we are OK with that, but the fun part is Muslims hate each other sometimes more then they hate non-Muslims ( even right wing Hindus) .

So Indian Muslim unity is a myth and the creation of Pakistan 73 years back and then divided just after 24 years is a real lesson for Muslims living in India.
We don't hate Pakistani Hindus or Pakistani Sikhs. who told you this?. In fact, we keep taking them back when Hindustan - their supposed spiritual homeland - rejects them. It's just "right of centre" Hindus that we all hate.

I thought India was a safe place for the dharmic brotherhood.
Good that you do not hate any non-muslim but as per your own holy book they are Kafirs, can you deny this, and as per simple dictionary the meaning of Kafir is below :

Kafir (Arabic: كافر‎ kāfir; plural كَافِرُونَ kāfirūna, كفّار kuffār or كَفَرَة kafarah; feminine كافرة kāfirah; feminine plural كافرات kāfirāt or كوافر kawāfir) is an Arabic term meaning "infidel",[1] "rejector",[2] "denier", "disbeliever", "unbeliever", "nonbeliever". The term refers to a person who rejects or disbelieves in God as per Islam (Arabic: الله‎ Allāh) or the tenets of Islam,[3][4] denying the dominion and authority of God, and is thus often translated as "infidel".[5] The term is used in different ways in the Quran, with the most fundamental sense being "ungrateful" (toward God).[6][7] .

And you know about your blasphemy laws for non-Muslims but it's again your country your laws non of my business.

Regarding those two families, everyone has the right to go where ever they want to go ..... but the weird thing is why Indian Muslims are not seeking refuge in the country made solely for the Muslims of the subcontinent

We don't hate Pakistani Hindus or Pakistani Sikhs. who told you this?. In fact, we keep taking them back when Hindustan - their supposed spiritual homeland - rejects them. It's just "right of centre" Hindus that we all hate.

I thought India was a safe place for the dharmic brotherhood.
Why only farmers of Punjab are protesting ?????

Who is bearing the cost of their travel plus food plus lodging from Punjab to Delhi ??

Like Dadis of Shaheen bagh, these farmers of Punjab will also fade away when the funds will be dried up ......

Right now India is not a safe place for farmers...ironically the topic of this thread
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Good that you do not hate any non-muslim but as per your own holy book they are Kafirs, can you deny this, and as per simple dictionary the meaning of Kafir is below :

Kafir (Arabic: كافر‎ kāfir; plural كَافِرُونَ kāfirūna, كفّار kuffār or كَفَرَة kafarah; feminine كافرة kāfirah; feminine plural كافرات kāfirāt or كوافر kawāfir) is an Arabic term meaning "infidel",[1] "rejector",[2] "denier", "disbeliever", "unbeliever", "nonbeliever". The term refers to a person who rejects or disbelieves in God as per Islam (Arabic: الله‎ Allāh) or the tenets of Islam,[3][4] denying the dominion and authority of God, and is thus often translated as "infidel".[5] The term is used in different ways in the Quran, with the most fundamental sense being "ungrateful" (toward God).[6][7] .

And you know about your blasphemy laws for non-Muslims but it's again your country your laws non of my business.

Regarding those two families, everyone has the right to go where ever they want to go ..... but the weird thing is why Indian Muslims are not seeking refuge in the country made solely for the Muslims of the subcontinent

Why only farmers of Punjab are protesting ?????

Who is bearing the cost of their travel plus food plus lodging from Punjab to Delhi ??

Like Dadis of Shaheen bagh, these farmers of Punjab will also fade away when the funds will be dried up ......
Yep. Kafir is a kafir. But where is it stated in your excerpt that am I supposed to "hate" a kafir?

You must learn such fun things in whatsapp academy. I wish I could join.

As for your enquiries on India's current Muslims, we support their endeavours in ridding India of saffron filth. Why should we take them in when there is a good chance they will take your filth to the cleaners and sanitise Hindustan again?

Apparently, you wish to change Hyderabad's name - even Owaisi has drawn a line there.

Imagine - within a year - such snakes as Abdullah of Kashmir and Owaisi are more pissed at Hindustanis than ISI could have ever hoped for in decades.
I dint use Kafir to say that you hate or love them. Individuals are irrelevant here but it's a concept is in your holy book, which segregates Muslims from others or in some sense directs Muslims are superior to others ( most probably inferiors but at any cost not equals).

I really wish you support Indian Muslims and they openly seek your support in the cleansing of Hindus in India, if you support them with arms and training that will be better.

Just to correct you colour of Hinduism is red not saffron.

Who gives a damm to name change? Those Turkic invaders even changed the name most holiest place for Hindus, we just waited and get it changed again if some Afghan invader demolished the Somnath temple we constructed it again it's standing again at the same place.

Regarding Owaisis he is literally a BJP asset ...... who is helping them winning elections after elections.

Yep. Kafir is a kafir. But where is it stated in your excerpt that am I supposed to "hate" a kafir?

You must learn such fun things in whatsapp academy. I wish I could join.

As for your enquiries on India's current Muslims, we support their endeavours in ridding India of saffron filth. Why should we take them in when there is a good chance they will take your filth to the cleaners and sanitise Hindustan again?

Apparently, you wish to change Hyderabad's name - even Owaisi has drawn a line there.

Imagine - within a year - such snakes as Abdullah of Kashmir and Owaisi are more pissed at Hindustanis than ISI could have ever hoped for in decades.
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I dint use Kafir to say that you hate or love them. Individuals are irrelevant here but it's a concept is in your holy book, which segregates Muslims from others or in some sense directs Muslims are superior to others ( most probably inferiors but at any cost not equals).

I really wish you support Indian Muslims and they openly seek your support in the cleansing of Hindus in India, if you support them with arms and training that will be better.

Just to correct you colour of Hinduism is red not saffron.

Who gives a damm to name change? Those Turkic invaders even changed the name most holiest place for Hindus, we just waited and get it changed again if some Afghan invader demolished the Somnath temple we constructed it again it's standing again at the same place.

Regarding Owaisis he is literally a BJP asset ...... who is helping them winning elections after elections.
Gosh you're boring.

Kafir this kafir that. We don't hate kafirs, nor do we regard them as inferior. They are quite literally "disbelievers", as in, they believe something else. That's not a problem. But Hindu fanatics destroying mosques and forcing people to say "jayshree ram" IS a problem. Quite simple really. Pakistan exists to keep such barbarism out.

Now you have invented this suggestion that I want "Hindus cleansed"!? I never said that. I said "saffron filth", I.e. Hindu extremists, hindutva, brahminists, whatever you wish to call yourselves. Pakistani Hindus, non-casteist Hindus and secular Hindus can all be worked with. It's your lot - saffron, red I don't care - who is an endangered species.
South Asia needs Partition

Jinnah has been proven right

Jinnah didn't propose a Muslim state

He proposed a
Hindu states (multiple)
Muslim state (multiple)
Sikh state
Xtian state
Ethnic states like Tamils
In an interview with the Governor of Madras, Jinnah, the main leader of Muslim League, said that India should be divided into four regions: Dravidistan, Hindustan, Bengalistan and Pakistan; Dravidistan would approximately consist of the area under the Madras Presidency.

He proposed 4 nations only 1 is pending

Dravidistan former Madras Presidency present Tamilnadu
there was a protest at the gurdwara near my house..sikhs not happy campers rn
Jagmeet Singh, the leader of Canadian Federal Opposition New Democratic Party (NDP) has waded into the controversy surrounding the ongoing farmer protests in India.

In a tweet, Singh described the “violence perpetrated” by the government against “peacefully protesting” farmers as “appalling”. Stating he stood in “solidarity” with the farmers, he called upon the Indian government to “engage in peaceful dialogue” with them.

His brother Gurratan Singh, an MLA in the Ontario assembly also joined in, tweeting he felt the “pain and struggle of farmers protesting laws that threaten their livelihoods.”

Pro-Khalistan separatist groups in Canada have also joined the chorus of opposition to the farm laws against which the protests are being held. Sukhminder Singh Hansra, the senior member of Shiromani Akali Dal (Amritsar) Canada branch, wrote to Canada’s foreign minister François-Philippe Champagne, seeking intervention to protect the “fundamental rights” of the protesting farmers, adding that the Canadian Sikh community was “monitoring the situation very closely.” Hansra, one of the leading proponents of Khalistan in Canada, framed the matter in terms of self-determination.

The separatist Sikhs for Justice has announced plans to open call centres in US, Canada, UK, France and Germany to take online applications to “reimburse” farmers for their losses, while also trying to leverage that promise into registering them for the Khalistan Referendum. SFJ has been forced into postponing the so-called Referendum 2020 to next year due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

They are just trying to divert attention from their failure of some delusional "Referendum 2020". The year is nearing its end what happened to the referendum? NO states/UT in India will ever be able to leave the Indian Union. The government won't allow it, RAW/IB won't allow it, the Armed forces won't allow it and most importantly people won't allow it. Period!!
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