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Sikh Nation’s Appeal to Pakistani People, Govt. & Media - Dr.Amarit Singh


Nov 27, 2017
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Dr. Sahib, don't give importance to Pakistani envelope media. Our channel is the enemy of our country, what will they help you with? May Allah help you people.Inshallah, the children of Pakistan are with you in the freedom of Khalistan.
Dr. Sahib, don't give importance to Pakistani envelope media. Our channel is the enemy of our country, what will they help you with? May Allah help you people.Inshallah, the children of Pakistan are with you in the freedom of Khalistan.

May Allah help sikhs even though sikhism is based upon the hatred of Islam and Muslims........... :disagree:............May Allah help sikhs even though sikhs are responsible for the largest EVER genocide committed against Pakistani people.........1 million innocent Pakistanis massacred by the sikhs in 1947......... .:disagree:
we are just ignoring india . india make CAA OR DAA not our problem
Pakistan should at least take these genuine concerns of Indian Sikhs forward to the UN.

When Khan speaks, one of the schoolboy errors he makes is that he presents the issue of Hindu fascism exclusively through his own lens. If he explains to the target western audiences that actually the Sikhs are constantly approaching and pleading with us directly to advocate for them, and shows these videos and messages and acts as a simple interlocutor, then the message will carry greater credibility. The white person listening will suddenly think - hang on, this isn't just hot air and propaganda, Khan is speaking the truth about hindustan.

And we all know what Hindus fear more than all of Shiva's avatars combined - the white man tutting with disapproval. The rate of submissive head bobbling is directly proportional to the duration of white man tutting.
May Allah help sikhs even though sikhism is based upon the hatred of Islam and Muslims........... :disagree:............May Allah help sikhs even though sikhs are responsible for the largest EVER genocide committed against Pakistani people.........1 million innocent Pakistanis massacred by the sikhs in 1947......... .

Would you rather the Hindutva regime strengthen itself?
IK and PTA should stop bitching about smartphones and vulgar content and spread awareness about this. What kind of cucked state responds to 5th gen warfare by denying its own people opportunities in the cyber world instead of rebutting with their own narrative?
ha ha ha ....sikhism was created to save dharma from muslim invaders .:enjoy:

who is this poor sold out .
so hinduism was created to stop budhism... what a nonsense.
we all know hindu of india think sikhs are buffer between hindu and muslims, i hope its true but its not till we have Khalistan and delhi will be capital of Khalistan and bountry goes to all the way to surat.
Pakistani media and people should support Sikh cause.

Why is media quite????
Our media is in bed with PML N and PML N is in bed with Modi. But we as people and establishment should be more supportive to the Sikh brothers and Khalistan as it will provide us a much needed strategic depth Vis-à-vis eastern border.
Thats the problem. They need to highlight issues of National importance.
Of course they have to but they never do. They have been receiving billion each year from PML N lead governments on the pretext of Goverment advertisements, public service messages, notifications, tenders and whatnot.

We as the people should boycott these media stooges, lately, Stephen Sackur showed us the reality of what journalism is meant to do. We should learn from it and boycott them until they put themselves in-line of the National interest, public interest, and the interest of the state.
Would you rather the Hindutva regime strengthen itself?
IK and PTA should stop bitching about smartphones and vulgar content and spread awareness about this. What kind of cucked state responds to 5th gen warfare by denying its own people opportunities in the cyber world instead of rebutting with their own narrative?

It is ACTUALLY in Pakistan's best interest that hindutva strengthens so that their is a civil war between indian hindus, so called "Muslims, sikhs and other indian minorities. In the end, ALL of these groups are the enemies of the Pakistan people and nation.
so hinduism was created to stop budhism... what a nonsense.
we all know hindu of india think sikhs are buffer between hindu and muslims, i hope its true but its not till we have Khalistan and delhi will be capital of Khalistan and bountry goes to all the way to surat.

keep dreaming.
ha ha ha ....sikhism was created to save dharma from muslim invaders .:enjoy:

who is this poor sold out .
DOn't know who he is but he believes that punjab farmers in Delhi are protesting against NRC, CAA law. ALso, he to is lecturing someone to grow a pair of balls.

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