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Sikh Movie about Indian govt atrocities released : Sadda Haq

Sikhs back stabbed Muslims, most of the Muslims killing during partition was done by the hands of Sikhs. Muslims had to kill their daughters and sisters as these demented Sikhs were raping and abducting Muslim women. As far as I am concerned they deserve every '84 they get its Karma for their sins.

not really. i have met some partition survivors and agree that sikhs slaughtered muslims like there was no tommorow, but they dint rape and abduct Muslim women to a great extent. this "rape and abduct infidel women" part was done more vigorously by the muslims. (still being done today i believe)
not really. i have met some partition survivors and agree that sikhs slaughtered muslims like there was no tommorow, but they dint rape and abduct Muslim women to a great extent. this "rape and abduct infidel women" part was done more vigorously by the muslims. (still being done today i believe)

Oh shut up man... my granpa used to stuff abt partition about how he saw wells which were filled with the bodies of muslim women who commited suicide... to escape from those mofos.... and how sikh jathas were attacking muslim villages and migrators throughout their journey to Pakistan.... how people killed their young daughters...
Oh shut up man... my granpa used to stuff abt partition about how he saw wells which were filled with the bodies of muslim women who commited suicide... to escape from those mofos.... and how sikh jathas were attacking muslim villages and migrators throughout their journey to Pakistan.... how people killed their young daughters...

Your gandpa only ttold you his side of the story and never bothered to explaine the carnage which took place was motivated by whom. Hands can only clapp by two hands, not by one. Your cry me a river manipulated story is only good for kids. Not for us grown ups.:nono:
Oh shut up man... my granpa used to stuff abt partition about how he saw wells which were filled with the bodies of muslim women who commited suicide... to escape from those mofos.... and how sikh jathas were attacking muslim villages and migrators throughout their journey to Pakistan.... how people killed their young daughters...

There's an incident called 'The Rape of Rawalpindi'. Not sure if u are aware of that. This incident marked the start of riots in the North West India. If someone starts it, somebody have to finish it. That's what the Sikhs did.
Your gandpa only ttold you his side of the story and never bothered to explaine the carnage which took place was motivated by whom. Hands can only clapp by two hands, not by one. Your cry me a river manipulated story is only good for kids. Not for us grown ups.:nono:

The same happened to sikhs in Pakistan.. but muslims suffered more bcoz Pakistan had sikhs in minority... while indian side of punjab had much more muslims.. motivated by whom.. the first train to arrive in Pakistan had only 1 survivor a baby in the arms of his dead mother...
Was this movie made in India. ??

However Khalistan TV is broadcasting in US and Canada.

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There's an incident called 'The Rape of Rawalpindi'. Not sure if u are aware of that. This incident marked the start of riots in the North West India. If someone starts it, somebody have to finish it. That's what the Sikhs did.

Rawalpindi was never a majority sikh city and chery picking words from the BBC documentary "short clip" aint cool... see the whole documentry...

As for ur stupid marked theory.. it was calcutta where riots took place first... than came the number of muslims in bihar.. as for finishing em... ur not even a punjabi or some guy who didnt suffer through partition... and thanks for showing ur true colors scumbag!
saada haq ..peoples in india thinks that this movie spreads hates .. but reality is different . i am from punjab . sikhs are educated . no one wanna see again 1984 riots again . our pm is sikh man . our army chief is sikh man . funny punjabi movie is more popular than saada haq . lucky ki unlucky story and saada haq both released in this week . but lucky ki unlucky story is superhit comparison to saada haq .
Rawalpindi was never a majority sikh city and chery picking the words from the BBC documentary "short clip"
aint cool... see the whole documentry...

As for ur stupid marked theorey.. it was calcutta where riots took place first... than came the number of muslims in bihar.. as for finishing em... ur not even a punjabi or some guy who didnt suffer through partition... and thanks for showing ur true colors scumbag!

U stop your BS u duffer. With Calcutta riots started in East. Rawalpindi marked the start in Punjab. I don't feel like pointing out everything to u, u bugger. U r showing your colors here, not me. Speaking as if u have suffered the riots. Nonsense folks, inse bahas karna, matlab aapna dimag ka dahi banana.
It once gain prove that India is a secular and democratic country with free speech.

right lets see what the censor board says about this one :lol:

by the way - it certainly learned all the bad things from bollywood. Garbage sound effects, garbage captions/titling, etc.
Congress have fooked this country big time . If under them we can achieve such an amazing growth then it will be wonders for India without them.
U stop your BS u duffer. With Calcutta riots started in East. Rawalpindi marked the start in Punjab. I don't feel like pointing out everything to u, u bugger. U r showing your colors here, not me. Speaking as if u have suffered the riots. Nonsense folks, inse bahas karna, matlab aapna dimag ka dahi banana.

Duffer see the whole BBC documentary ... and stop pulling out facts from ur behind...as for showing colors... it wasnt me who talked abt finishing people...? yes my maternal great grandfather was shot (he survived) trying to help the muslims by fighting sikh jathas.. my paternal granpa and his sons also took part in 47!
The same happened to sikhs in Pakistan.. but muslims suffered more bcoz Pakistan had sikhs in minority... while indian side of punjab had much more muslims.. motivated by whom.. the first train to arrive in Pakistan had only 1 survivor a baby in the arms of his dead mother...

From the boundry of Delhi to the banks of Ravi River the population is divided as follows: Muslims, 4,505,000; Sikhs and other non-muslims, 7,060,000. To this may be added the population of Sikh states of Patiala, Nabha, Jind, Kapurthala and Faridkot, which is about 2,600,000, of this Muslims constitute barely 20 percent and this reduces the ratio of Muslim population still further. We shall resist by all possible means, separation of Punjab from the all-India union. We shall never permit our motherland to be at the mercy of those who disown it. After it was a certainity that Pakistan will be formed, Giani Kartar Singh in 1943 declared a call for a Separate state called Azad Punjab, to be comprised of Ambala, Jullundar, Lahore, Multan, and Lyallpur divisions. Mastar Tara Singh president of SAD and other Sikh leaders such as Giani Sher Singh, Sadhu Singh Hamdard,Amar singh Dosanjh, Ajit singh Ambalvi supported this call for Azad Punjab. Then in a speech in Amritsar in August 1944, Master Tara Singh declared that Sikhs were a nation and as such a demand was formerly put forward by Shiromani Akali Dal in a resolution passed on March 22, 1946 for a separate Sikh state. After this situation in Punjab was getting tense. On one hand Jinnah and Muslim league was calling for blood or Pakistan and declaring that Muslims are no believer of ahimsa and will resort to any means possible to achieve their means. Muslim league declared August 16th 1946 to be observed as Direct Action Day, where all muslims were asked to show the support for Pakistan by rioting. Explaining the implications of Direct Action Day threat, Liaqat Ali Khan, general secretary of Muslim league said "Direct action means resort to non-constitutional methods that can take any form which many suit the conditions under which we live. We cannot eliminate any methods. Direct Action means any action against the law." Sardar Abdur Rab Nishtar spoke in more forthright terms: "Pakistan can be achieved through shedding blood of others. Muslims are no believers in ahimsa.

The decree of violence and jingoism was enthusiastically embraced by the Muslim masses. The Muslim league created a private army called Muslim National Guards. Arms were being secretely amassed, petrol stored and lethel weapons laid in. Muslim league volunteers were especially trained in the skills of stabbing and fire-raising. Simultaneously, a chorus of hate and inflammatory exhortation flowed from the League pulpiteers and newspapers. Communal frenzy was worked up to a dangerous pitch and on appointed day the storm burst in Calcutta. H.S. Suhrawardy, Muslim league leader from Bengal let loose horron on the Hindu population on the morning of August 16 1946. Stabbing, looting, burning were the order of the day. For four days the League desperados had the city at their mercy. According to rough estimated about 15,000 persons were killed and injured while one hundred thousands were rendered homeless. Then on 2nd September in Noakhali and Tippera (Bengal) where Hindus were in minority, violence broke out. Thousands of Hindus were cruelly murdered, their womenfolks abducted and compelled to marry Muslims, property looted. The Sikhs of Calcutta did a notable humanitarium job at the time of the Great killing, saving many innocent lives in Hindus as well as in Muslim localities. Soon violence spread northwards. According to Muslim league, the Sikhs were the only viable obstruction to Pakistan. Justice G.D. Khosla of the Fact Finding Organization setup by Government of India observed: "Sikhs had opposed the partition of India with even greater vigour than Hindus, because they felt that as a community they could only expect disaster in Pakistan, therefore it was against the Sikhs that spearpoint of the Muslim league attack was first aimed. In the March 1947 riots, the Sikhs or Rawalpindi faced ahhihilation and large number of them left the district. Within a few weeks almost the entire Sikh population had migrated from the district. Rioting in Punjab started in first week of December in the district of Hazara. A Holy war was declared on Hindus and Sikhs. Sikh habitations were wiped out, Gurdwaras were desecrated. Rioting in Lahore was started in March 4 1947, it started out as stabbing and small incidents and spread out to become arson and murder. Soon after Muslims in Amritsar (muslims were about 40-50% of population before partition) went rioting, a mob tried to attack Golden Temple and were repulsed with a pitched battle fought between handful of Sikhs under Jathedar Udham Singh Nagoke. Same day muslims of Sharifpura (a suburb of Amristar), stopped a train full of refugees from Pakistan for slaughter. After this incident, Sikhs and Hindus in Amritsar were furious and many innocent muslims had to bear the fury of anger. Soon after Amritsar was empty of Muslims. While total number of casualties were about same on both sides, about 100-150 million refugees were exchanged between both countries. There were large number of atrocities inflicted on women, many were abducted and raped. In village Thoh Khalsa (now in Pakistan), 1000 Sikh and Hindu women jumped into well to save their honor after their menfolks were killed by Muslim mobs. It is estimated that about 1 million Hindus/Sikhs/Muslims were murdered and 10-50 millions were injured. Property lost was in trillion of dollars.

Muslims did got their Pakistan but soon after it was put under marshall law by its feudal infested army. Sikhs did themselves a big favour by opting out of Pakistan at this time in Pakistan situation of few Hindus/Christians/other muslims (shia, Ahmadias) is worse off then in any other country. Judges are often asked to hang a non-muslims only on the basis of accusation. Sikh leadership opted for India and millions of Sikhs migrated to East Punjab and Delhi. Recently a well known bishop of a church shot himself on the door steps of a court in Pakistan after another christian was sentenced to death after a false accusation.
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