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Sick government bans sites in India

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I dont understand this one bit.

I use a BSNL connection. I have not experienced a single obstacle in my pirating ventures till date. Is this phenomenon restricted to certain regions only ?
enjoy the cuddling in american lap..this is what happens when you try to be whiter than white!
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Indian government is going sicker day by day. Now the torrent sites have been banned and many other sites like amaderforum have been banned.

I really hate to say but we are slowly loosing our freedom and becoming the toys in the hands of congress bullsh1t. This government has been the worst of all and it has started feeling like living in a monarchy or a zamidari system. The prices have gone pretty high for daily goods and there is approximately 50% increase in the daily spendings over the past 2 years.

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Anonymous Cochin protest

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