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Shut Down to rebuild Pakistan !

even if u have the greatest saint on the planet as a leader it wont change pakistan because every other politician is corrupt
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Eagerly looking forward to drama by World's renowned Dharna Master Imran Khan.:lol:
even if u have the greatest saint on the planet as a leader it wont change pakistan because every other politician is corrupt

but we will fight for change, because that really is the point, atleast I will stand confident on day of judgement before Allah swt for I lived fighting for the truth.
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the system must be paused for people to wake up from this life ! :pakistan:

Thanks for admitting your dharna failed to wake anyone up apart from cult followers and party gooers.

but we will fight for change, because that really is the point, atleast I will stand confident on day of judgement before Allah swt for I lived fighting for the truth.
Yeah what truth, the guy who has been proven liar many times?

The guy who threatens everyone? yup.
but we will fight for change, because that really is the point, atleast I will stand confident on day of judgement before Allah swt for I lived fighting for the truth.
saying 'we will fight for change' has no credibility left anymore...thats what literally EVERY politician says in their speech.

there is no way to fix the corruption, only option we have is that the old pakistani politicians with no education and close minded will be replaced by fresh modern politicians with high education and open mindedness in 20~ years.

I know imran is not corrupt and w/e but him becoming the prime minister wont help, if he wants to help pakistan he can easily do it without needing to be prime minister. the amount of influence and resources he has is unbelievable. he is currently the only role model alive. no other pakistan is worthy in the era. he just doesn't know what to do

evident as imran is flanked with chaudharis, sheikhs, and quereshi.

Remember how they used to praise hashmi? And what happened then..
wtf are u saying
If you will not shut down how can you start again :cheesy: IT Logic
Well the tajirs in lahore have put up banners in Mall saying to not shut down and not to play such politics. It seems faisalabad traders arent soo keen either and frankly Who will happily give away his lively hood for a cause that is not giving any assurance in yielding results.
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the system must be paused for people to wake up from this life ! :pakistan:
easy to shut down
how to rebuild? plan?

I hope they throw eggs at you and drive you out of their city.: @TheFlyingPretzel #ImranKhanIsAJew #RoImranRo #SayNo2PTI #SayYes2Pakistan
why to thro eg.g..
he have right to excerise his will peacefully..
join or not its people decision
Well if the shutdown is successful government will be forced to negotiate on a serious note which they are not doing at the moment because they feel they have got Imran in a corner !

saying 'we will fight for change' has no credibility left anymore...thats what literally EVERY politician says in their speech.

there is no way to fix the corruption, only option we have is that the old pakistani politicians with no education and close minded will be replaced by fresh modern politicians with high education and open mindedness in 20~ years.

I know imran is not corrupt and w/e but him becoming the prime minister wont help, if he wants to help pakistan he can easily do it without needing to be prime minister. the amount of influence and resources he has is unbelievable. he is currently the only role model alive. no other pakistan is worthy in the era. he just doesn't know what to do

wtf are u saying

everyone may say so, but not everyone walks the talk. PTI and Insafians do, hence those on the path of truth know.
Well it will not be an easy job to shut down city like lahore, faisalabad and karachi.
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