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Showdown in August in Pacific


Feb 22, 2019
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US Congress Speaker Nancy Pelosi is visiting Taiwan tomorrow. Chinese government has been warning the US against her visit. PLA has been doing exercises in Taiwan strait. Entire US media is radio silent on her visit. While US aircraft carrier and two amphibious assault ships are on standby near Taiwan.

Is an armed conflict a possibility?
Will China finally change the status quo with Taiwan?
If PLA goes in for the kill then probably it will happen after Pelosi has left Taiwan for the US.

What do you guys think?

Well, on the one side US would be deletet and this would help Germany. On the other side Germany also would be deletet. If i think about....i dont care. Push the buttons!
I predict that China will launch a reunification war within a week, unify Taiwan, and severely punish Taiwan independence elements.
I propose to eliminate the class of Taiwan independence thinkers. Including writers, scholars, politicians, to behead the snake
Russians make their move, and west did not attack Russians directly, if China makes their move western Powers right now in no condition to take both Russia and China, Political stability in USA is also questionable, Biden is weak and old and of course Americans will not waste their people lives for a Small Island. But I don't think right now China has the will to Launch an offensive, they are playing the long game and only time will tell if that works for them or not.
2 Amphibious Ready Group (ARG-31 PLANS Hainan & ARG-32 PLANS Guangxi) together in the far seas right now :smokin:


Both of Chinese Navy Carrier Battle Group (CVBG-16 PLANS Liaoning & CVBG-17 PLANS Shandong) also moved out from their Ports and in the far seas right now

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Pelosi uses Indonesia and Philippine Air Space to go to Taiwan. Reminding me of Austronesian journey from Taiwan into Philippine and then Indonesia.

If she wants to just visit South Korea and Japan, she will not take that route
Meanwhile on the streets of Taipei, Taiwanese island residents protesting against pelosi visit to their island

In the San Francisco streets

Starting in 20 minutes in front of San Francisco Federal Building! We are here to tell Nancy Pelosi to cancel her Taiwan trip & to stop inflaming tensions with China! See you all here soon!

Nancy Pelosi, it's time to cancel your #Taiwan trip! Congress says more war, we say NO more!

P2P co-founder @sheilaxofficial
shares with us that "our enemy is inflation, this economic crisis. In the richest country in the world, people are living on the streets! That’s our problem, not China!"


Ret. Judge and P2P co-founder Julie Tang described that “Nancy Pelosi’s attempt to visit has done nothing to bring peace to the people on both sides of the strait.”

Ret. Judge Tang: “Nancy, come home and deal with our local issues - homeless, monkeypox, and all of those things killing our people - instead of pushing foreign intervention.”

Gordon Quan, President of the Consolidated Chinese Benevolent Association, speaking on the war drive’s impact on anti-Asian racism.


Mike Wong of @VFPNational told the crowd that “in war, everyone loses. That’s what Nancy Pelosi needs to remember.” #Taiwan

Ret. Colonel @AnnWright46 joined us today & said: “The U.S. naval buildup around Taiwan can lead to nothing but war with China. Biden and Pelosi must realize that war is not the answer.” U.S. HANDS OFF #Taiwan!!!

Pelosi uses Indonesia and Philippine Air Space to go to Taiwan. Reminding me of Austronesian journey from Taiwan into Philippine and then Indonesia.

If she wants to just visit South Korea and Japan, she will not take that route

You should add : from Southern China to Taiwan island to Philippines to Indonesia and then to Australia.

All of native in that islands are Descendants from China :tup:

Sabina Wildman of @answercoalition
: “Nancy Pelosi is not representing our interests. She represents the interests of the U.S. ruling class and the military contractors! Meanwhile we don’t have housing, we don’t have healthcare, we don’t have reproductive rights!..."

Sabina also added that "...According to Nancy Pelosi, we don’t have the money to solve those issues, but we do have billions in weapons to send to #Taiwan!”


Cynthia Papermaster of @codepink
: "We demand that Nancy Pelosi cancel her #Taiwan trip, come home, and do the right thing by her constituents who are sleeping on the street right in front of her office!"


Dr. John Walsh of @VFPNational told us: "There is only one reason & it is the same reason why we’ve had death & destruction in the last 20 years of war...since the U.S. has been more or less in charge.”

Richard Becker: "What we in the @answercoalition & P2P want is something very different from cold war - a new policy of cooperation & friendship among the peoples of the world. We can work together to confront the problems of hunger and militarism that threaten all of humanity."
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Pelosi's SPAR19 plane just changed course and is heading north in the direction of Taiwan island.

Several websites of the separatist 'government' have reportedly been DDoS'ed per Taiwan's so-called 'Presidential Office'.

Pelosi flight information circulating on the Internet seems to confirm that Taipei Songshan Airport is the final destination.

DDoS attack confirmed by TVBS. The attack traffic was 200 times that of a normal day.

Current position of Pelosi's plane.

Afraid of South China Sea 🤣

South China sea today already become a Chinese lake, even US afraid to fly that planes above SCS. Despite barking have useless aircraft carrier sailing there LOL


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