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Showbaaz asks UAE to FACILITATE talks on KASHMIR

I was going to say this but I thought, perhaps it's better left unsaid.

But yeah Pakistani liberals are a massive L on so many fronts it's actually crazy.

If you actually dissect it

Kashmir ensured a massive military build up and independence
Ensured nuclear capability
It ensured we gave India nothing and opposed it at every turn, this gave us independence economically politically militarily

India is blocked on the LoC
We destroyed their plans in Afghanistan
China is both taking the opportunity and being used to counter India and hit it

And now hindutva is taking the mantle and helping us clear the narrative of why Jinnah was always right to people across South Asia
Forget Muslims, even Sikhs and others are saying it out aloud

Pakistan has a constant 5th gen battle to divide India, just many won't realise it and hindutva has surpassed Kashmir in this battle

Kashmir saved us,, but if the Indians were smart they would have resolved Kashmir DECADES ago because ensured they could not dominate south Asia

Instead they allowed it to fester and now states either openly hate and oppose them or even seek to use China to counter India
@Tameem bhai,

As Long as there is no talk; Pressure remains on India to engage Pakistan one way or other from world community.

Well, then from the Pakistani perspective it is best that there is no talk. So the world continues to pressure India


Absolutely, from Past many months years its only your EAM who one way or other brings back Pakistan in all his discussions not us. Our FM Bilawal too only replied back or i say hit out once there was repeated instigations from your EAM, who seem dying to talk Pakistan.
My feeling after reading above posts..

Kuch to practical and logical hota.
Kashmir is not a bilateral issue between India and Pakistan anymore. The emerging Asia can only prosper if the ticking time bomb and the nuclear flashpoint is addressed.

India's unilateral actions endanger multilateral and regional instability.
Pakistan's adventure in Kargil in 1999 should tell us that nuclear weapons does not deter limited war. It was Pakistan with its unilateral actions in 1999 endangered the regional peace. It showed the world that Pakistan was irresponsible in bringing two nuclear powers to war.
My feeling after reading above posts..

Kuch to practical and logical hota.

This is not about practical or logical, this is emotional, it always has been

What you have given us now on top of Kashmir is hindutva

The Hindus think hindutva will help them oppress Muslims and out Indian Muslims in their place

NO,, the risk was never BJP or hindutva, the risk was always a secular state/congress giving Indian Muslims space, respect, to express their faith, culture, history etc which would take away the reason for partition.
The risk for Pakistan was always how do we ensure enmity so we can ensure independence

Kashmir gave us the independence we needed
And hindutva will ensure that the 700 million Muslims of South Asia will be clear willed let's say
Pakistan's adventure in Kargil in 1999 should tell us that nuclear weapons does not deter limited war. It was Pakistan with its unilateral actions in 1999 endangered the regional peace. It showed the world that Pakistan was irresponsible in bringing two nuclear powers to war.

1999 was nothing but a mere skirmish.

India has routinely provoked Pakistan more and more in the recent decade not to mention carrying out sweeping demographic changes to the disputed territory.
It's not just about Kashmir anymore, India is quite empowered and is after the whole of Pakistan, she senses blood...
How? What is happening in Pakistan is your own doing? We didn't lit the fire-- it was from left over embers from fires which you could never extinguish.
How? What is happening in Pakistan is your own doing? We didn't lit the fire-- it was from left over embers from fires which you could never extinguish.

The fire was started because instead of respecting why partition was occurring you forced a Muslim majority state into a union full of Hindus
India is very much manageable and Pakistan has enough power to handle it

To do that you need a strong national government

We had a national government that was able to win from all provinces of Pakistan

Our establishment replaced it with the current clown fest of PDM consisting of 13 parties

Moral of the story: Don't sabotage national parties and national leaders since they are the ones who unite the country against foreign aggression not clowns like Shehbaz Sharif who is begging UAE to have dialogue with hindus's latest bhagwan from Gujarat
What happened to your doctrine to bleed India with thousand cuts? Now you want peace talks? Whenever a peace talk happens it ends up with Kargil, Uri or Pulwama.
He only said it to a news anchor so it doesn't mean much and probably won't happen.

IK had said the same to a Russian channel if I'm not mistaken.

If Kashmir had a solution like this it would have been solved time ago, not now when India is in a stronger position than ever.
The economy doesn't matter when it comes to Kashmir. Ever since both India and Pakistan became a nuclear power , neither side can take Kashmir by force nor willing to give  it up willingly.
The fire was started because instead of respecting why partition was occurring you forced a Muslim majority state into a union full of Hindus
We did not send the Kabali forces into Kashmir. You did. You broke the stand still agreement with Raja Hari Singh. You forced the Raja to join Indian Union for providing help.
My bad; my mind was reading it as '65 for some reason. It's almost 2 AM here finishing up some files and going to hit the bed. Lol.

They should have kept up the insurgency or started it back up again. There are enough Afghan, whereas you have to point and tell them to shoot, and they'll do it barefooted.
State should have understood the evolving game and would have readjusted her goal however we (read elites) were so busy in petty politics against our very own people. What is left with us is knee jerk reactions which are going to hurt us more than our enemies.
@Mirzali Khan

Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif on Monday asked Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi to hold serious and sincere talks

Fat chance of that happening if his Foreign Minister Billo Rani keeps abusing Modi and calling him the Butcher of Gujarat!


Bilawal is right; there is no hope of any talks with India as long as BJP is there and shes not going anywhere lately, So why hold anything he comes out all guns blazing for a reason, rightly so.

Butcher of Gujrat could be digested by India but in the same breath he actually went further by saying "lives". This one word hurts enormously within India!!
Forcefully, that's why. You literally filled Kashmir with soldiers just to keep it locked down otherwise Pajeets were scared to even step foot without immense security

Strategically it's not that well placed, it's quite narrow making it easier for Indians. Plus the Afghanistanis got plenty of natural resources...

We shall approach the Taliban in kind for a confederation.

And amass our mujahideen forces at the border before flooding Kashmir with men yearning for death more than a Pajeet yearns for bobs and vagenes, armed with the most lethal weaponry and hate for Hindus.

The only way to liberate Kashmir is to awaken the spirit of Jihad in the entire nation. The Indian conventional advantage will be completely useless once paired with millions of mujahids and a low level conventional deterrent of Pakistan's.

Do you realize how much the average Afghan loathes Pakistan and Pakistanis?

This whole thing boils down one thing and one thing only. The intense and absolute hatred of India and Hindus which has meant that Pakistanis see and discuss nothing more than how to destroy India or defeat imagined Indian plans. Indian politicians were always reactive, concerned only with making money and somehow staying in power. And only now is there a party in power for the last 10 years that has a deep strategic mind and is dealing with Pakistan in a manner that is termed as offensive defence.

The reality is that if Pakistan hadn't sponsored terrorism to the degree that it did in J&K and rest of India and kept it's defence spending within reasonable limits, the entire situation in South Asia would've been very different. Trade would've been possible, people to people contacts would've been possible, Pakistani spending on it's defence could've been reined in to spend more on civic aspects. A less powerful army would've meant stronger democratic institutions. But the focus on terrorism and jihad in India and Afghanistan has led Pakistan down a path from which the way back is now going to be very hard.

Frankly almost no one here in India cared that much about Pakistan or wanted it's destruction, if it weren't for the perennial terrorist attacks, bombings all over India that we used to see in the pre 2014 era. But it suits some people to keep harping about the "India threat" to make sure that money is always there for their budgets.

Jobs, economy, basic facilities, growth, housing, etc. those are the things that are on the top of most Indian's minds. India still had and still does have a lot of people in poverty who need to be pulled out of poverty and given a decent standard of living. The focus is the economy and how to employ hundreds of millions of people. It is the reason that India's economy is going where it is. When has that been Pakistan's focus?
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