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Showbaaz asks UAE to FACILITATE talks on KASHMIR

Why would india needs to talks about on india's held kashmir...

Yes, issue is pending of Pak kashmir and GB, aksai chin and indian held J&k.

Practically, border issues has solved a long ago but politically, beating the same dead horse again and again..

Because India is partitioning internally,, communal hate is reaching pre-partition levels, it's why Hindus imposed upon Kashmir can be killed and Kashmiri won't even raise a protest

The issue has now gone beyond Kashmir as hindutva extremism spreads in India and goes back to Jinnahs message of why a single India cannot exist
True, but even Pakistani's don't trust their own Govt/establishment, so I guess we are same here. But the point remains that India is in position of Power and TBH our army have given up on Kashmir, Kashmir is now for them is a cash grab in Budgets that's it.
It's not just about Kashmir anymore, India is quite empowered and is after the whole of Pakistan, she senses blood...
@Mirzali Khan

Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif on Monday asked Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi to hold serious and sincere talks

Fat chance of that happening if his Foreign Minister Billo Rani keeps abusing Modi and calling him the Butcher of Gujarat!

It's not just about Kashmir anymore, India is quite empowered and is after the whole of Pakistan, she senses blood...

India is very much manageable and Pakistan has enough power to handle it

To do that you need a strong national government

We had a national government that was able to win from all provinces of Pakistan

Our establishment replaced it with the current clown fest of PDM consisting of 13 parties

Moral of the story: Don't sabotage national parties and national leaders since they are the ones who unite the country against foreign aggression not clowns like Shehbaz Sharif who is begging UAE to have dialogue with hindus's latest bhagwan from Gujarat
India is very much manageable and Pakistan has enough power to handle it

To do that you need a strong national government

We had a national government that was able to win from all provinces of Pakistan

Our establishment replaced it with the current clown fest of PDM consisting of 13 parties

Moral of the story: Don't sabotage national parties and national leaders since they are the ones who unite the country against foreign aggression not clowns like Shehbaz Sharif who is begging UAE to have dialogue with hindus's latest bhagwan from Gujarat
Internally perhaps but what about Kashmir? India has us outclassed on all fronts.

How do you plan on changing that? Or would you agree that LOC will be marked as IB in the future?
It's not just about Kashmir anymore, India is quite empowered and is after the whole of Pakistan, she senses blood...
Nope, Indian's are not stupid like us Pakistani's. They want rest of Kashmir and separation of Balochistan so Pakistan is weak enough to come under Indian Influence, no one in their right mind will try to take the region of KPK/FATA. If by any chance India do take over whole of Pakistan than they will be facing a insurgency which no country has ever faced, TTP+Taliban+ISIS+ISI combined on Steroids . Pakistan is so weak that If India decides to take AJK we maybe able to barely hold it, only thing that is ensuring our survival is our nukes, Indians knows that Pakistan is a full suicide mode can take any crazy action, and big powers like America will keep Pakistan on ventilator just so it remains alive so the nukes remain safe.
Internally perhaps but what about Kashmir? India has us outclassed on all fronts.

How do you plan on changing that? Or would you agree that LOC will be marked as IB in the future?

Just few years ago during Raheel Sharif's tenure Indians were getting roasted in Kashmir

Then you had a genus called as Bajwa who was more interested in sending Nawaz Sharif abroad and saving Zardari's cases than handling issues of national security

When you have such kind of clowns as military chief then such situation is inevitable

First step would be to bring internal stability and unity. Rest would follow after that. Today's Pakistan is weak and divided because a national leader was sabotaged. Undo that first
Nope, Indian's are not stupid like us Pakistani's. They want rest of Kashmir and separation of Balochistan so Pakistan is weak enough to come under Indian Influence, no one in their right mind will try to take the region of KPK/FATA. If by any chance India do take over whole of Pakistan than they will be facing a insurgency which no country has ever faced, TTP+Taliban+ISIS+ISI combined on Steroids . Pakistan is so weak that If India decides to take AJK we maybe able to barely hold it, only thing that is ensuring our survival is our nukes, Indians knows that Pakistan is a full suicide mode can take any crazy action, and big powers like America will keep Pakistan on ventilator just so it remains alive so the nukes remain safe.
They want total disintegration, each part separating into it's own so it can dictate the entire region and one day absorb them all.

A part of me feels Pakistan should make some sort of excuse and conquer Afghanistan - it's unlikely and difficult but if it can be done there would be immense benefits. (Economically it's likely far fetched but I think diplomatically it could tank it or even approach them)

The land mass and mountains could give us strategic depth as Pakistan currently is quite narrow. The natural resources are quite a lot. More land to offset population increase.

Only problem is the people...

Why would kashmiri freedom fighters will stopped their fight because a facsist modi and corrupt show baz talked ? Fate of the kashmir will be decided by guns of kashmiris

kashmir situation is better then what situations have in your Pakistan. If people say that local kashmiri is fighting then it is also happening at your place.

I am afraid that kashmir ki khwahish me kahin phir se Pakistan ke ek aur kukde na ho jaaye.

A part of me feels Pakistan should make some sort of excuse and conquer Afghanistan

That is a good idea. Pak should start working on that. Hazrat Ziaul Haq Shaheed (RA) had that idea- with the hope that A'stan would open the doors to the 5 Central Asian stans.

kashmir situation is better then what situations have in your Pakistan. If people say that local kashmiri is fighting then it is also happening at your place.

I am afraid that kashmir ki khwahish me kahin phir se Pakistan ke ek aur kukde na ho jaaye.
Forcefully, that's why. You literally filled Kashmir with soldiers just to keep it locked down otherwise Pajeets were scared to even step foot without immense security

Not worth the effort and useless

Current territory of Pakistan is enough to out India in its place

Only it lacks is leadership
Strategically it's not that well placed, it's quite narrow making it easier for Indians. Plus the Afghanistanis got plenty of natural resources...


A part of me feels Pakistan should make some sort of excuse and conquer Afghanistan

That is a good idea. Pak should start working on that. Hazrat Ziaul Haq Shaheed (RA) had that idea- with the hope that A'stan would open the doors to the 5 Central Asian stans.

We shall approach the Taliban in kind for a confederation.

And amass our mujahideen forces at the border before flooding Kashmir with men yearning for death more than a Pajeet yearns for bobs and vagenes, armed with the most lethal weaponry and hate for Hindus.

The only way to liberate Kashmir is to awaken the spirit of Jihad in the entire nation. The Indian conventional advantage will be completely useless once paired with millions of mujahids and a low level conventional deterrent of Pakistan's.
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@Areesh bhai, @Bleek

Only it lacks is leadership

Well, Afghanistan can provide THAT leadership. Historically, Afghania has never been short on leadership material- Ghori, Ghazni, Abdali, Omar et al, while Pak has been (barring Ranjit Singh the sardarji)

kashmir situation is better then what situations have in your Pakistan. If people say that local kashmiri is fighting then it is also happening at your place.

I am afraid that kashmir ki khwahish me kahin phir se Pakistan ke ek aur kukde na ho jaaye.
beta modi was not born in 1933 when kashmiris started tthis freedom movement even india was not there back then . tum kis duna main ji rahy ho ?????
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