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Should we make a Petition to change the Devanagari script of Bangla!?

Are we ready for this? Will you support the Bangladesh people for this CHANGE?

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Lol. I think you're Bengali? A person's ethnic group doesn't really dictate their religion, otherwise we'd all either be Muslim or not.

Yep, I am among the remaining Bengalis from West Bengal!! :)
Why? Are you planning for my meeting with him for supporting the OP's noble cause??? :fie:

Nope, Kaffirs are still better!! :ashamed:
Check this................!!
Yes....I think both of you can make the journey together....It won't hurt...I promise!
Why? Are you planning for my meeting with him for supporting the OP's noble cause??? :fie:

Nope, Kaffirs are still better!! :ashamed:
Check this................!!
Yes....I think both of you can make the journey together....It won't hurt...I promise!

Why? Are you planning for my meeting with him for supporting the OP's noble cause??? :fie:

Nope, Kaffirs are still better!! :ashamed:
Check this................!!
Yes....I think both of you can make the journey together....It won't hurt...I promise!
Yes....I think both of you can make the journey together....It won't hurt...I promise!

:D :D :D
You are brainwashed by those evil malaun Hindu brahmanical mushriks, and now acting like a kaffir!! :yes4: :yes4: :yes4:
Good to hear that you had Islamic studies, some of my cousins from English medium don't even know the history of prophets before Mohammad (SM) syllabus must have been changed after the last decade .

On topic, so you want to create havoc and spent millions of dollar to change a script which Allah and his Rasul didn't made Haram?
who made the Farsi, Urdu or any Nastaliq-Bangla haram? or why were they made haram? or who made the Muslim names of towns, villages and cities haram that they were changed by the Hindus during the colonial period?

and having an official Nastaliq-Bangla does not necessarily place any ban on any Sanskrit Bangla. but you just don't like the idea of Muslim cultural elements regaining influence after they were replaced by Hindu culture during the 200-year colonial period.

it seems you are quick to mention the Quran and the Sunnah when defending an unwarranted dominance of a Hindu practise, but hate the existence of any culture that is part of BD's Muslim heritage. if there is anyone who is calling something haram, it is you who is calling Muslim culture as haram
I won't tolerate such humiliation of a notable writer like @MBI Munshi !! :pissed: :pissed: :pissed:
that's a lie

and i wasn't even trying to "humiliate" MBI Munshi in any way

if u guys dont accuse me of anything , and if no one jumps on conclusions , may i ask sth ?

didnt dear bangladeshi people use to read and write in persian ? what happened ? who changed it ?
Dude Persian was used as court language by many muslim rulers, all over India. It was NOT the common man's language. I'm sure the inferiority complex ridden bngladeshis will try to mislead you.
my grandparents had scholarly grip on Farsi. it was common then. they were far from having a 'court background'

I am sorry I didn't mean it. But all the other Indians are attacking me and I am losing out of words. What am I supposed to do back away? Why are they so concerned with whatever we do?
we know the nature of Indians (excluding a couple here maybe). and besides, did you check their population size? so good luck replying to every troll they post
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Okay, I apologise if I hurt you in anyway. Sometimes I can be a bit too rash in my actions... And IF Bangla is ever to be changed to a script then I think Nastaliq script fits more because both are Indo Aryan languages. And there is P and V in Persian.

Thanks! I am not saying we are literally going to change the script but just wanted to know what others think about this matter. And then you have most of these Indians coming here, bashing and making fun of this topic.

You are crazy and delusional. Whatever perception you have of me are wrong because I am a pious person, who don't think about stupid kind of things. And to answer your question, no I don't watch shows like Gossip Girls or Vampire Diaries etc. Infact I hate them!

Okay, now no one can.


@DRAY Do not quote me like that!! :o: And sorry if you got offended by anything I said! I am quite impetuous... :unsure:

The tradition of Punjabi language literature began only in the 12 or 13th century around Baba Farid's time. Punjabi didn't have a standardized script before that, as most people were illiterate. So the primary script used to write the language among the few educated became Nastaliq (later Shahmukhi). Since the inception of Sikhism, Gurmukhi began to be used as well. So in Punjabi's case, the Nastaliq script was already well established before the other variant came into the picture. Similar case with Urdu, where Nastaliq was being used to write it until Devanagari was later introduced.

Bengali on the other hasn't been written with a script other than what you currently utilize. You should just keep it.
i think my id is hacked !!! :(:(
Just because so many nationalities /countries exist doesn't mean Islam allows that. All of this was foretold by our Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) and the punishment for those who transgress and disobey Allah(swt) commandments has also been made very clear in the Quran and sunnah. Let just say Islam is perfect but muslims are not and we all will have to answer to Allah(swt) on the day of judgement. And yeah a muslim must strive for an fully islamic society within his/her limited capacity as Allah(swt) sees the intention and yeah there are still many islamic societies albeit not perfect. KSA and now brunei are good eg.

Btw most muslim states in its current form didn't exist before european colonization and weakening of the last islamic Caliphate the ottomans. SO muslims were indeed united for a large part of the last 1400 years. Its hasn't been 100s years yet since the ottoman empire got dissolved. As for a model islamic caliphate after prophet Muhammad (pbuh) death ...... that would be the Rashidun caliphate governed by the 4 rightly guided companions of Prophet Muhamman (pbuh). @Vyom

If you come out with garbage like this, you are inviting a detailed reply with all the information that you don't seem to have on the taxonomy and classification of Muslim states across the world. Please make at least a superficial effort to get your facts correct.
If you come out with garbage like this, you are inviting a detailed reply with all the information that you don't seem to have on the taxonomy and classification of Muslim states across the world. Please make at least a superficial effort to get your facts correct.

Please expand.
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