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'Should understand what happened in East Pakistan, the atrocities committed': Imran Khan

This is from the same person who once claimed Germany and Japan shared a physical border during the 2nd world war..

Since he knew that atrocities were committed in Bangladesh during 1971 by Pak army, he should have apologized for it while he was in the office.
atrocities in east Pakistan were committed by Mukti Bahni and later by indian army mostly to silence those who were in Pakistan's favor. his reminder or reference to it is to warn people of Pakistan that his party is also capable of that if people are hell bent to favor Pakistan over him.
Are you still blind and deaf to what was done?

How DARE you come out with this filth?

Two sides of the situation properly conveyed in this post.
This is as stupid and as resistant to reality as it gets. It is because of this horrible attitude that the people of East Pakistan decided they wanted no more of Pakistan.

How much more could the man have bent to accommodate the idea of Pakistan, and to assure those who needed assurance that the Awami League was not against Pakistan?

Since he knew that atrocities were committed in Bangladesh during 1971 by Pak army, he should have apologized for it while he was in the office.
So he didn't.


How does it affect India? Or Indians who are not of Bangladeshi descent?

তোর কি আসে যায়?
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So he didn't.


That’s the closure Bangladesh is looking for. And this guy - an ex PM - happens to accept the atrocities after all.

How does it affect India? Or Indians who are not of Bangladeshi descent?

তোর কি আসে যায়?

I never said it does. Just expressing my opinion.
That’s the closure Bangladesh is looking for. And this guy - an ex PM - happens to accept the atrocities after all.

I never said it does. Just expressing my opinion.
That you have every right to do. I don't have to like it, but you needn't bother about that. It won't be a hindrance to your posting your opinion.

That’s the closure Bangladesh is looking for. And this guy - an ex PM - happens to accept the atrocities after all.
Point is, he didn't, when he was PM. Not much point in raking this up now. Especially from the Indian point of view. This is something between the Pakistanis and the Bangladeshis. Of course, as you have said in your own post, any Indian may share his opinion of the proceedings freely. Just that we are effectively sitting on the sidelines of a private conversation; India and Indians have no voice in that conversation.
So now Mr Khan considers himself Sheikh Mujeeb. Which means he is ready to break Pakistan for his goals? That’s insane. Whatever hope that I had for Imran is all gone. He’s turned into an enemy of the state.

1.Mujeeb was not given power after securing majority seats in the parliament while khan ruled for 3.5 years and voted out through the parliament
2. Mujeeb was backed by India and The Soviets financially and militarily as admitted by Russians themselves.
3. There are no atrocities being committed against an ethnicity here nor are they being marginalised. On the contrary it’s his party who is destroying public property and undermining the military and state.

Mujeeb disintegrated Pakistan for whatever reasons and if that’s what Imran khan wants than I have no sympathy left for this man.
Most Pakistanis probably dont know, but Bengalis were equally if not more staunch supporter of Pakistan as a United state.

That is until the generals refused to accept that a bengali candidate won majority vote in a fair election. Insted those stupid shortsighted generals began shooting AL party members and civilian protesters.

Ring any bell?
When you see with your own eyes whats happening in Pakistan with PTI workers being massacred.
Mujeeb was backed by India and The Soviets financially and militarily as admitted by Russians themselves.
Mujib had no backing from either India or Soviet Russia until long after Operation Searchlight. Your information is sadly defective.

Mujeeb disintegrated Pakistan for whatever reasons and if that’s what Imran khan wants than I have no sympathy left for this man.
Even during his epochal speech on Ramna Maidan, Mujib identified himself and the whole of East Pakistan as integral parts of Pakistan. What he got as a reward was a massacre under Tikka Khan, on orders from Yahya Khan, who promised Mujib a solution at his meeting with him in Dhaka, and then flew back to West Pakistan, after ordering the crackdown.

So less of that 'disintegrated Pakistan'.

It was the West Pakistanis who disintegrated Pakistan.
atrocities in east Pakistan were committed by Mukti Bahni and later by indian army mostly to silence those who were in Pakistan's favor. his reminder or reference to it is to warn people of Pakistan that his party is also capable of that if people are hell bent to favor Pakistan over him.
Mujib had no backing from either India or Soviet Russia until long after Operation Searchlight. Your information is sadly defective.

Even during his epochal speech on Ramna Maidan, Mujib identified himself and the whole of East Pakistan as integral parts of Pakistan. What he got as a reward was a massacre under Tikka Khan, on orders from Yahya Khan, who promised Mujib a solution at his meeting with him in Dhaka, and then flew back to West Pakistan, after ordering the crackdown.

So less of that 'disintegrated Pakistan'.

It was the West Pakistanis who disintegrated Pakistan.
Mukti Bahimi members has been receiving training in India long before any thing between Mujeeb and army had gone south, long before the elections were held. Awami party has been sending soldiers across the border in India to receive military training alongside Indian army. While the soviets conducted propaganda and psychological warfare. It was the reason why Pakistan army was irked, mujeeb was playing a double game. If you ignore the propaganda and study the issue unbiasedly you ll certainly come across the truth.
Even tho Bengalis were undoubtedly marginalised by west Pakistan which is true and yahya was a terrible ruler, it would be incorrect to say that the events unfolded only in the last year during yahyas tenure. Mujeeb has decided on separating long before.
I would recomend you reading Yuri Bezmenov’s book on psychological subversion where he’s clearly mentioned what happened in Dhaka.
what your basing your argument on plain indian and Awami league propaganda so I’d advise you research unbiasedly to find out the truth.
So now Mr Khan considers himself Sheikh Mujeeb. Which means he is ready to break Pakistan for his goals? That’s insane. Whatever hope that I had for Imran is all gone. He’s turned into an enemy of the state.

1.Mujeeb was not given power after securing majority seats in the parliament while khan ruled for 3.5 years and voted out through the parliament
2. Mujeeb was backed by India and The Soviets financially and militarily as admitted by Russians themselves.
3. There are no atrocities being committed against an ethnicity here nor are they being marginalised. On the contrary it’s his party who is destroying public property and undermining the military and state.

Mujeeb disintegrated Pakistan for whatever reasons and if that’s what Imran khan wants than I have no sympathy left for this man.
Mujib had no backing from either India or Soviet Russia until long after Operation Searchlight. Your information is sadly defective.

Even during his epochal speech on Ramna Maidan, Mujib identified himself and the whole of East Pakistan as integral parts of Pakistan. What he got as a reward was a massacre under Tikka Khan, on orders from Yahya Khan, who promised Mujib a solution at his meeting with him in Dhaka, and then flew back to West Pakistan, after ordering the crackdown.

So less of that 'disintegrated Pakistan'.

It was the West Pakistanis who disintegrated Pakistan.
Bangabandhu never intended to break Pakistan. His 7th March speech was a rally against Yahya's tyranny and establishment of equal rights for East Pakistan.
Both Awami League and ultranationalist Pakistanis/Faujeets try to give him false credit/blame:
(1) Awami League does it to undermine Tajuddin's cabinet in exile and cope with their guilt from the fact that the wider Awami League leadership including Bangabandhu contributing little to the Liberation War. If you notice, most of Awami League's top leaders were adults at the time but the majority did not take part in the war. In the lead up to Op Searchlight starting 25th March 1971, Bangabandhu was repeatedly warned by Tajuddin, lower level Awami League activists and serving Bengali miltary personnel that a military crackdown was impending yet he refused to declare independence.
BB was adamant to keep negotiating with the Establishment due to his staunch loyalty to Pakistan - this is a very inconvenient truth for Awami League hence they push the false and comical narrative of BB magically getting hold of an EPR radio and declaring independence right before his arrest on 25th.
BB's love for Pakistan is also evident by his lack of interest in prosecuting war criminals and strong desire to quickly normalise relations between Bangladesh and Pakistan post seperation.

(2) Ultranationalist Pakistanis and Faujeets on the other hand love accusing BB of conspiring with India from the start to cover for their precious Generals who wanted to get rid of East Pakistan at any cost to protect their power.
Yahya and the other Establishment bastards wanted
India to step in, use that as an excuse to label East Pakistanis as traitors and take no blame for seperation.

Indira Gandhi on the other hand, had no interest in getting involved even after Op Searchlight due to fragile economic conditions in India and poor state of Indian military.
Pakistan Army deliberately launched a genocide to create a refugee crisis and drag India into the fight. India still refused to intervene directly and instead chose to help out the Mukti Bahini Leadership with training and arms.
Paksitan Army was getting desperate from the beating they were taking from Mukti Bahini and India's lack of intevention hence they chose to attack India from the West.
India stepped in right at the end when PA forces were already retreating towards Dhaka. Niazi surrendered on the condition that they surrender to IA and not Mukti Bahini and therefore avoid getting lynched.

PA breeds cowardice.

Post-independence, Bangladesh Army bled for 20 years due to coups and counter coups caused by the power lust of overly entitled PMA Kakul-trained officers dominating the ranks. BA became a professional outfit with strong chain of command once PMA trained officers became a minority in the 90s due to retirements.
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Mukti Bahimi members has been receiving training in India long before any thing between Mujeeb and army had gone south, long before the elections were held. Awami party has been sending soldiers across the border in India to receive military training alongside Indian army.
Where did you get these fairy tales? I was there at the time, the son of a father in a senior position in the decision making at the state. East Pakistanis were treated as hostiles, and during the 1965 conflict, there were skirmishes on both sides of the border, the Bengal side and the Assam/Tripura side, between Indian armed police and the East Pakistan Rifles led by a Pakistan Army brigadier named Torgul.

There were no Awami League men in arms before Operation Searchlight, and those after that horrific massacre were rebels from their armed police and border guards.

What motivates you to talk such nonsense? Where were you at that time?
Why there was west Pakistan army presence in East Pakistan, why wasn't a few battalions, rather a full East Pakistan army independent control and command was raised by the natives, local Bengalis.

And why was the bureaucracy, senior government officers from west Pakistan, Punjab mostly, this was one of the major cause of dissent and subsequent rebellion.

The East Pakistan locals would have stood firm in any warlike situation with India, the major concern.

In there stupidity, the measure that was taken to stop it became the reason for it actually happening.

Points to the fact that Generals are generally ignorant, narcissists, lacks farsightedness, lacks the empathy and doesn't know the ground reality.

The reason politicians are entrusted with this task.
atrocities in east Pakistan were committed by Mukti Bahni and later by indian army mostly to silence those who were in Pakistan's favor. his reminder or reference to it is to warn people of Pakistan that his party is also capable of that if people are hell bent to favor Pakistan over him.
just what is your agenda?
what can be more obvious than the genocide that Pak army unleashed on its own citizen?
And yes the political leadership of that time was in cahoots so you can blame Pakistan in toto too
But whether the general public of west Pakistan hated their Eastern counterparts or not is unknown

WHat cannot be doubted or debated is the misleading of general public into hating others must stop
what your basing your argument on plain indian and Awami league propaganda so I’d advise you research unbiasedly to find out the truth.
Once again, don't talk nonsense. We heard - my mother and I - the speech made by Mujib after his meeting with Yahya, the day after the speech. There was no Indian propaganda about events in East Pakistan at the time, only hostile reports. Afterwards, Indian stories dwelt on the pathetic state of the 10 million refugees who swamped the frontiers and deposited themselves wherever they had crossed, until shelters were hurriedly built for them. Subsequent Indian narratives were naturally full of the march on Dhaka, and (from another personal but highly authoritative source) about the suicidal exploits of Bangladeshi frogmen against the East Pakistani ports.

I am sorry that you feel it appropriate to repeat such stories that are pure urban legend.

Bangabandhu never intended to break Pakistan. His 7th March speech was a rally against Yahya's tyranny and establishment of equal rights for East Pakistan.
His speeches, writings and published words amply bear this out.

Until Operation Searchlight, he was a loyal Pakistani with no thought of breaking Pakistan. If anyone had those intentions or acted in a manner injurious to Pakistan, it was Bhutto, whose vaulting ambition could not face defeat.

(1) Awami League does it to undermine Tajuddin's cabinet in exile and cope with their guilt from the fact that the wider Awami League leadership including Bangabandhu contributing little to the Liberation War. If you notice, most of Awami League's top leaders were adults at the time but the majority did not take part in the war. In the lead up to Op Searchlight starting 25th March 1971, Bangabandhu was repeatedly warned by Tajuddin, lower level Awami League activists and serving Bengali miltary personnel that a military crackdown was impending yet he refused to declare independence.
BB was adamant to keep negotiating with the Establishment due to his staunch loyalty to Pakistan - this is a very inconvenient truth for Awami League hence they push the false and comical narrative of BB magically getting hold of an EPR radio and declaring independence right before his arrest on 25th.
BB's love for Pakistan is also evident by his lack of interest in prosecuting war criminals and strong desire to quickly normalise relations between Bangladesh and Pakistan post seperation.
100% right, speaking as an observer from the distance of Calcutta.
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