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Should their be a joint venture with France for a LCH?


Mar 17, 2008
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United States
how about PA specification Fennec with light stealth features and fully combat capable and yet can deliver couple of troops in war zone.. and not to forget a M197 style gatling gun that seems to be missing in current AS 550..
there must be but this does not seems happening any time soon!

It would be nice if we have more helicopters, but it seems that all the forces are satisfied with their needs. License production of helicopters which have demand like Mi-17 or light helicopters could be beneficial for Pakistan.
There are roughly 20 Fennecs with Pakistan. Fiting them out with US supplied Gatling guns should not be problem or unguided rocket pods.

The problem is that these are basically civilian helos adopted for millitary application and that too as observation and utility duty platforms. They would required Kevlar type armour protection and upgrade in the negin rating due to heavier loads and night vision upgrades.

This can form an armed squadron dedicated to COIN Ops or low intensity conflict zones.

Fennecs dont fulfil our needs of attack helos. moreover is we are willing to convert them into attack platforms then what will be our utility helicopter!
the Fennecs are good for the role they were made for, good utility helicopter. let them do what they are good at!
for attack role we will have to go for WZ10 and T129!

Fennecs dont fulfil our needs of attack helos. moreover is we are willing to convert them into attack platforms then what will be our utility helicopter!
the Fennecs are good for the role they were made for, good utility helicopter. let them do what they are good at!
for attack role we will have to go for WZ10 and T129!


Do you understand the term (LCH)?

My whole point of this thread is to discuss PA possible answer to IAF acquisition of their own LCH... PA may be able to get 20-30 next generation choppers such as Tigers, T-129 or Z-11 but still they are going to be very small force..
As for Fennec.. the current version of AS 550 can deliver up to 5 fully equipped troops in addition to its Anti-tank, anti-personal role....
now lets see....
IAF will be inducting Armed version of Dhruv, LCH, next generation HAC, and not to forget their current upgraded combat helicopter fleet.
and your answer is.... Z-11 or T-129 and if PA does induct them will take no earlier then 2015... and that only few of them..

The Fennec is a perfect LCH for PA... i would like to see what iranis did with jetrangers.... on Fennec... in simple words.. AS 550 =force multiplier..
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Are we getting Attack Helos any time soon from where ever? No, we are using precious air-time of our front line attack helos on COIN Ops.

The point I am trying to make is exactly this. Use whatever we have for the light armed catagory -- adapt it and save your frontline Helos for the real thing.

Using Cobras or Super Cobras to kill "Rag Head Talibans" is an overkill.

For cash strapped, lead time handicapped PA, it is the better option not the best one mind you.

Thanks & Cheers

Are we getting Attack Helos any time soon from where ever? No, we are using precious air-time of our front line attack helos on COIN Ops.

The point I am trying to make is exactly this. Use whatever we have for the light armed catagory -- adapt it and save your frontline Helos for the real thing.

Using Cobras or Super Cobras to kill "Rag Head Talibans" is an overkill.

For cash strapped, lead time handicapped PA, it is the better option not the best one mind you.

Thanks & Cheers

I dough 30-40 or so AH-1 can make any significance to take on indian army.. they are armed with TOW missiles, Rockets, and a Gatling gun.. exactly what we need to take down rag tag.. actually Apache would be a over kill not AH1.
we need LCH in large numbers to give our troops some air support when ever possible. not like rely on few high tech choppers to do the job of 150-200 combat choppers..
I agree with you sir, but we do not have 200 to 300 Attack Helos and would never have them. As rightly observed, we would require LAH to fill gaps and coupled with our land based ATGW platforms can form hunter killer teams to blunt Indian armoured onslaught in the south.

In an ideal situation, Cobras woul be the ideal helo for armed escort for transport helos (this was how it was used in Vietnam) but we do not have anything better to tackle the Indian armoured columns -- so we should conserve them and as suggested by you look for a LAH or a possible combo of light utility/scout/LAH type of platform

The dicussion can be on what type of platform we can adapt locally or be bought cheaply in abundant quantities w/o excessive control regimes.

I donot think so that France will ever want or need to have a joint venture with Pakistan. Question is what type of technology Pakistan can provide to France?:undecided: and ofcourse France is not like China:china:. It can provide TOT but joint venture NO WAY.:disagree:
i fully believe that pakistan had to go for these choppers..they are gud...and also serves the purpose considering the terrain...of pakistan and weather conditons throughout the country
yes ofcourse...the big step has to be taken first atleast france does not view the global scenario from the US eye...it has a different approach...
First of all may Nicolas Sarkozy get well soon and I hope Pakistan will sign few important agreements during his visit to Pakistan.
I donot think so that France will ever want or need to have a joint venture with Pakistan. Question is what type of technology Pakistan can provide to France?:undecided: and ofcourse France is not like China:china:. It can provide TOT but joint venture NO WAY.:disagree:

Joint venture does not necessarily means a 50-50 technology input. in our case... PAK can chose France to do the project while pak itself will be the prime user... our input will only be the technical requirement...

in my opinion... PA should acquire 20 or so AS 550 C3 on fast base in order to meet its WOT requirement while sign a contract for 100 or so pak version of the chopper.
yes ofcourse...the big step has to be taken first atleast france does not view the global scenario from the US eye...it has a different approach...

France and Germany are two Nato nations which have not fire a single shot in Iraq or Afghanistan.

In case of war with India , yes they will not give Pakistan after sale services but for time being tigers will be big help in western boarders.

French were close to Tipu Sultan too but they left him before the English attack else french could have been second official language in sub continent :lol:

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