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Should Sharia be Established in Bangladesh?

sharia allows free sex, one man feely has sex with 4 women.. men can rape women if there is less than 4 people around.
it allows free sex .. only for men.

islam gives power to women. muslims dont give power to women. therefore muslims dont follow islam, hence muslims are not muslims
when i was a kid i thought burkha women were ghosts (i was 4).
the concept of burkha is wrong. men look at women lustily because they dont have free access to women. in a western beach when there are so many bikin womenother men dont stare. I remember in bali once my gf and I were on the beach. there was muslims man and his wife in hijab (wearing jeans and full sleeve shirt) waling. that man was staring at my gf. obnoxious.

see.. when you put a poor hungry man near food he tries to eat whatever he can and looks at it longingly(lust of suppressed men). but in a buffet of rich people, peopl dont care so much for the foor , they take only how much they want.
Similarly your prophet was wrong, if you have free sex people wont do it because its freely available.only if you say no, they will want it.

I won't even respond to you because you are so far out there. So everyone should go around having sex even though we know the dangers of said free sex. Those laws were made to prevent the spread of disease and immoral practises but hey if you have no problem with your sister sleeping with every other guy go ahead give her permission to do so and pray that your reverse psychology works out.

Second rape does not need 4 witnesses that is for accusations of adultery, rape only needs physical proof to get a conviction.
Which laws exactly? Do you mean the Islamic laws pertained to governance??

Islamic laws - go back a few pages, you know what, I thought it was clearly defined but armstrong mentioned that it was not and open to interpretation.
BD must become a sharia a state.it will give us the excuse to invade and conquer BD.Soon T-90's,MKI's,M777's,BMP 2 UPG,INS Kolkata will be moving towards BD.
BD will be our 30th state.
Sharia does not force you to do any of these. But regarding your daughter, yes it does give you certain more rights over her while choosing the groom and her freedom to travel and hanging out. It gives that right to her legal guardian (first to her father then to her husband). State will not come and dictate unless you urself make an complaint ofcourse.

that is the crappiest law, and then you saw islam gives right to women? is a girl your property?
sharia allows free sex, one man feely has sex with 4 women.. men can rape women if there is less than 4 people around.
it allows free sex .. only for men.

islam gives power to women. muslims dont give power to women. therefore muslims dont follow islam, hence muslims are not muslims
when i was a kid i thought burkha women were ghosts (i was 4).
the concept of burkha is wrong. men look at women lustily because they dont have free access to women. in a western beach when there are so many bikin womenother men dont stare. I remember in bali once my gf and I were on the beach. there was muslims man and his wife in hijab (wearing jeans and full sleeve shirt) waling. that man was staring at my gf. obnoxious.

see.. when you put a poor hungry man near food he tries to eat whatever he can and looks at it longingly(lust of suppressed men). but in a buffet of rich people, peopl dont care so much for the foor , they take only how much they want.
Similarly your prophet was wrong, if you have free sex people wont do it because its freely available.only if you say no, they will want it.

Wrong... just count the teen age pregnancy in the western world. You will know the real picture. Then there comes the HIV the great.
Multiple restrictions as per Laws ordained by our creator. That's the difference between ISLAM and other religions. What's the point of religion if u want to do what u feel like. Your blabbering is irrelevant here, as ISLAM is a complete way of life and Allah(swt) knows what's best for us. We are talking about sharia law in a muslim majority state not your bharat mata, so why are u getting crazy about your form of modernism. What ever you have uttered above contributes to lot of social ills and crimes. There is hardly be any difference between animals and men when people subscribe to all the "freedoms" u mentioned above.

to you her is blabbering, to him you are.so its mutual.
muslim majority country cannot have a law that tells me how to live my personal life. I disagree with islam or allah if thats the case.(without throwing bomsb or killing people of course)
Multiple restrictions as per Laws ordained by our creator. That's the difference between ISLAM and other religions. What's the point of religion if u want to do what u feel like. Your blabbering is irrelevant here, as ISLAM is a complete way of life and Allah(swt) knows what's best for us. We are talking about sharia law in a muslim majority state not your bharat mata, so why are u getting crazy about your form of modernism. What ever you have uttered above contributes to lot of social ills and crimes. There is hardly be any difference between animals and men when people subscribe to all the "freedoms" u mentioned above.

Yeah I was saying the same here - there is a difference between animals and men and women.
that is the crappiest law, and then you saw islam gives right to women? is a girl your property?

Yes kinda like that. You have to buy her from her father with some money to marry her. ;)
Wrong... just count the teen age pregnancy in the western world. You will know the real picture. Then there comes the HIV the great.

are you saying there is no teenage pregnancy in islam worls. most girsl are married in their early or mid teens thats a crime.
HIV came from islamic world (african muslim countries)

Yes kinda like that. You have to buy her from her father with some money to marry her. ;)

wow, ill go ask some muslims to sell me a few. in our world its called pimbing.
to you her is blabbering, to him you are.so its mutual.
muslim majority country cannot have a law that tells me how to live my personal life. I disagree with islam or allah if thats the case.(without throwing bomsb or killing people of course)

He's an idiot, don't even bother bro :lol:
But the whole point of restricting her from pursuing her studies or employment, traveling or having male friends and going out with them or being intimate with them is like treating her as not an equal.

The second one I find highly regressive is that there is a law which gives death sentence to someone who converts from Islam to another religion this is stone age mentality.

Nowhere in Islam does it say that woman cannot be educated in fact education is one of the biggest things in Islam for both male and females. The rest you are saying is Saudi laws like woman not traveling alone and such. Plus woman can have friends they are just told not to hang out alone together because you might get attracted to one another and do something you end up regretting.

As for the conversions away from Islam that has been debated for long, in the Quran it speaks of punishment after death for those who do that but it does not speak about punishment on earth yet some people think they need to play God and take it upon themselves. There have been example for both sides however the cases where people were executed for leaving Islam was only if said person took up arms or tried to harm the Muslims in some other way (incite others to harm Muslims, spread lies in order to hurt the majority).

to you her is blabbering, to him you are.so its mutual.
muslim majority country cannot have a law that tells me how to live my personal life. I disagree with islam or allah if thats the case.(without throwing bomsb or killing people of course)

Well you do not need to live in that country than go to some other country with different laws, that is the whole point those laws would not apply to you all the way in Singapore.
I won't even respond to you because you are so far out there. So everyone should go around having sex even though we know the dangers of said free sex. Those laws were made to prevent the spread of disease and immoral practises but hey if you have no problem with your sister sleeping with every other guy go ahead give her permission to do so and pray that your reverse psychology works out.

Second rape does not need 4 witnesses that is for accusations of adultery, rape only needs physical proof to get a conviction.
Nope rape needs 4 witness. if free sex is immoral, then why did muslim armies carry away women of defeated people (both muslim and nonmuslim) if a man arries multiple women and widows can marry other men, then it become equal to free sex.
same disease will be spread.
islam is not suited to intelligent people where people are free to question ideas.
which rich have had their hands cut off in numbers the poor do?

If that was the case physically maimed people would have been a common sight in KSA. But that doesn't happen. The severity of the punishment is go grave that people can't even think of committing such crimes, the law it self serve as a deterrent. But the implementation depends on the socio-economic parameters of the state and society.

As for nepotism ans status of the rich, U have to look back to the early ISLAMIC age of say the Rashidun chaliphate as it serves the best model of how Sharia can be implemented based on the different parameters of the society. Not even the governors of provinces and their families were spared by ISLAMIC law in those societies.
are you saying there is no teenage pregnancy in islam worls. most girsl are married in their early or mid teens thats a crime.
HIV came from islamic world (african muslim countries)

wow, ill go ask some muslims to sell me a few. in our world its called pimbing.

No, first of all that is a lie that people say blacks started HIV and secondly even if they did the first cases started in South African countries where Islam is not even a strong minority. Example in Liberia 2/3 people have HIV (this was an old stat it may have changed now).

Secondly he was being sarcastic how you did not see that is beyond me.
Nowhere in Islam does it say that woman cannot be educated in fact education is one of the biggest things in Islam for both male and females. The rest you are saying is Saudi laws like woman not traveling alone and such. Plus woman can have friends they are just told not to hang out alone together because you might get attracted to one another and do something you end up regretting.

As for the conversions away from Islam that has been debated for long, in the Quran it speaks of punishment after death for those who do that but it does not speak about punishment on earth yet some people think they need to play God and take it upon themselves. There have been example for both sides however the cases where people were executed for leaving Islam was only if said person took up arms or tried to harm the Muslims in some other way (incite others to harm Muslims, spread lies in order to hurt the majority).

The same misinterpretation is what I am talking about and this will be true for almost all Islamic laws, you leave it at the hands of the few who label themselves as scholars to interpret it as they wish and not a proper rule of law defined by the people's popular mandate. hope you got it now.

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