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Should Sachin retire from ODI cricket



New Recruit

Oct 25, 2011
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Hi friends.. being a sachin fan for such a long time.. it has started to feel that finally pressure has overtaken his mind and he is struggling with his form.. now after winning the worldcup and having all the possible batting records to his name has time come for sachint to retire?.. or should he go on and bid adieu only when he thinks its rite time.. after all he has done so much for indian cricket that he deserves it...
please be imprtial in your comments:yes4:
He will retire whenever he wants. My guess is when he will play a great innings he will declared it. It's not so far. But the day he declared his retirement that will be national mourn day. Thats sure.He is not only a cricket player he brings all diverse Indians together .:yahoo:
well said.. may be only for menutes or a hour or two but only he has the power to unite our nation..
The sheer passion he has generated in peple of india is unmatched.. not even the greatest of leaders were able to achive this..
I will quite watching cricket when sachin will quite playing it..
now on topic.. i think the pressure is not of performance or 100 hundred.. I feel its that phase in his carrier where he is getting confused in pacing his innings.. he is not able to decide whether to go for attack or defend a bit as the wicket has fallen at that crucial time.. many time in his recent innings he has lost his wicket being in double mind.. i hope that this thing is taken care off so that we can see our legend back on his best.. killing the bollers of the world around with his stroke play..
No offense, but he should retire as soon as but with a great farewell and respectfully. Need not to forget that Ian Healy was a great keeper but his delay shortened Gilly's carrier. I don't want this to be another example
Sachin Never do Bloging, Twittering, Press conference or reporting on performance…He always reply with the bat…

Moral of the Sachin is: Talkers never do and doers never talks.... So Guys got my point...??
In his career spanning more than two decades he has recieved several criticism and every time he has managed to silence all his critics and he will do the same again
This kinds of question was also raised several times after that disastrous 2007 world cup and see later within few time he reestablish his dominance in world cricket
No offense, but he should retire as soon as but with a great farewell and respectfully. Need not to forget that Ian Healy was a great keeper but his delay shortened Gilly's carrier. I don't want this to be another example

dude Hilly had great replacement in Gilly. Do you see anybody who can replace Sachin even in our bench strength.
dude Hilly had great replacement in Gilly. Do you see anybody who can replace Sachin even in our bench strength.

By that time Gilly was not but later on he came up with flying colors

True fact, nothing can be best and nothing can be worst. As you never know!!! I believe that

As per your logic, if we won't get any replacement for Sachin then he will have to play for another decade???? :no:
By that time Gilly was not but later on he came up with flying colors

True fact, nothing can be best and nothing can be worst. As you never know!!! I believe that

As per your logic, if we won't get any replacement for Sachin then he will have to play for another decade???? :no:

After world cup i thought sachin can retire now.. but then the kind of performance indian team has given after WC is forcing sachin to stay back.. he is still not sure that indian team is strong enough to take the world witout him.. see now this is the beauty bout it.. even after 20 years the story is same.. indian cricket team cant play without him.. wickets begin to tumble as soon as he is out.. in mid of all this chaos this 38 year old gentelman is not able to decide what is correct to do.. should he stay put and play deffensive.. should he go all out attacking.. should he retire or should he play few of the greatest knocks again and silence his critics once again.. answer is known only to him.. and i wish that he makeup his mind soon..
Before retiring from ODI, Sachin should retire from ridiculous IPL
Time for Sachin to say goodbye to oneday cricket... Nothing more blah blah....
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