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Should Pakistan have more provinces?

Should Pakistan divide its current 4 provinces?

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Jun 2, 2015
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Hong Kong
Seeing how the provincial governments only focus on developing their capitals and not their other cities (Looking at you Punjab). Should Pakistan divide its current 4 to 9 or 10 so that more cities get developed and Pakistan can develop more evenly ? Or will such a division of provinces not help with the current disparity?
Furthermore should large cities like Lahore and Karachi become their own separate municipalities under the federal government instead of a province ?
Seeing how the provincial governments only focus on developing their capitals and not their other cities (Looking at you Punjab). Should Pakistan divide its current 4 to 9 or 10 so that more cities get developed and Pakistan can develop more evenly ? Or will such a division of provinces not help with the current disparity?

We dont speak utter Dakshin. we use Mashriqi, Maghribi, Shomali, Jonobi instead..
Theoretically speaking it makes sense. More provinces allows for more micro management and more regional and local focus by a central authority. This certainly is the trend internationally speaking and the vast majority of countries have far more provinces and special administrative units as compared to Pakistan. For example the average number of people living in a province/region in Pakistan is

220 pop /8 prov = 27.5 million per province (counting AJK, Islamabad, FATA and GB as separate territories).

In contrast countries with similar sized populations to us have far more provinces, such as

208/27 = 7.7 million per province

198/36 = 5.5 million per province

264/34 = 7.8 million per province


From above it can be seen that our average population per province is around 4 to 5 times more than the international average. Personally speaking I believe it would make much sense to divide the country into provinces as drawn above so that regions that have thus far been neglected get attention from a central authority. Having said that politics in Pakistan is dirty. Dividing up provinces like this will be used by politicians to make the populace emotional about them losing power on the national stage. Ethno-centric parties will deride the changes and marshal support from the masses in their provinces by claiming other regions will get more unjust power due to the impending changes. I therefore would not recommend Pakistan to do this in the current stage unless we have a federal government in power that is popular throughout the country. The chances of that happening at the moment are slim.
There should be around 50 provinces made up mainly out of existing "Divisions", while some divisions should be merged to form provinces. Provinces shouldn't be huge, their capitals should be accessible for the residents with 1-2 hr drive. Districts should be made smaller as well. We need to prioritize population density and how good governance, civil services would be provided.
Personally i don't think that more prov. will improve the cities, but they will add more burocreacy and authority problems.
So i think that the current situation( divisionaly) is good, but ofcourse punjab gov should also focus on other cities rather then Lahore.
The sindh case is just fu**ed up, personally when i think to sindh i can only immagine Karachi and fuckin desert( hope u get my point)
Balochistan is getting her CPEC projects of develompment.
KPK was the centre of terrorism for almost 15 years, but i think now is fast forward to development.

P.S. i'm not PML-N fan boy, the above mentioned word are my personal opinions.
Theoretically speaking it makes sense. More provinces allows for more micro management and more regional and local focus by a central authority. This certainly is the trend internationally speaking and the vast majority of countries have far more provinces and special administrative units as compared to Pakistan. For example the average number of people living in a province/region in Pakistan is

220 pop /8 prov = 27.5 million per province (counting AJK, Islamabad, FATA and GB as separate territories).

In contrast countries with similar sized populations to us have far more provinces, such as

208/27 = 7.7 million per province

198/36 = 5.5 million per province

264/34 = 7.8 million per province


From above it can be seen that our average population per province is around 4 to 5 times more than the international average. Personally speaking I believe it would make much sense to divide the country into provinces as drawn above so that regions that have thus far been neglected get attention from a central authority. Having said that politics in Pakistan is dirty. Dividing up provinces like this will be used by politicians to make the populace emotional about them losing power on the national stage. Ethno-centric parties will deride the changes and marshal support from the masses in their provinces by claiming other regions will get more unjust power due to the impending changes. I therefore would not recommend Pakistan to do this in the current stage unless we have a federal government in power that is popular throughout the country. The chances of that happening at the moment are slim.

bro in pakistan there is enough corruption u don't need more.
In al those country that u mentioned there is some sort of efficient burocreacy, but in pakistan u don't have an efficient sistem.
For example i live in Italy, in Italy there are 21 regions and they have governance problems, the regions were divided, years ago, on the base of local langueges and culture, but now everyone speak italian and share same culture.
Its easier for separatist elements to gain support in little states, just saying......if provinces are to be created than they should be divided in such a way that all four ethinicities are mixed almost evenly to preempt against any sepratist problem that might arise in the future.....another trait of the division must be that all provinces must be dependant upon each other for different resources......If that can be ensured than atleast 20 new provinces will usher in an era of rapid and evenly spread development across Pakistan because as things stand right now punjab will seem like the west in the decade while the rest of the country will remain a shithole...
Punjab just needs to be split so that it doesnt dominate everyone else, and Karachi from Sindh too.
Punjab just needs to be split so that it doesnt dominate everyone else, and Karachi from Sindh too.
Making Lahore and Karachi Federal cities could help with that
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.if provinces are to be created than they should be divided in such a way that all four ethinicities are mixed almost evenly to preempt against any sepratist problem that might arise in the future.

Agree with you, Sir.

In other words its called "divide and rule". Divide bigger problems in smaller ones so that its easier to handle with them.

Above all there is a Hadith of Prophet (PBUH) which also discourages the large Cities . We can infer that this is also true for large provinces.
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Well the reality is that we need to move our population more and more towards Baluchistan, we need to build more Cities in Baluchistan and a Modern ones. We also need at least 6 to 7 coastal cities, that's the only possibility which can help drive a huge population from Punjab and Sindh.
Administrative units comprising of equal population so no unit/province can control whole country.
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