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Should Pakistan give up on Afghanistan?

Durrand Line is invalid the borders should remain open. There should be no seperation between the families on either side of the so called Durrand Line.
☪☪☪☪;959340 said:
I am just sick of regular bomb blasts and the bloodshed just because of Afghan's. Pakistani People's lives are far more important then any strategic game.We should
1)Fence Border
2)Send back the Refugees who don't hold Pakistani Citizenship - If you want to stay in Pakistan surrender your Afghan Nationality.
Besides these Afghans refugees have taken a lot of jobs of Pakistani Pakhtuns in Khyber Pakhtunkhaw.

Yes and Afghans are sick of Pakistan meddling in their affairs. Afghans are sick of Pakistan creating and supporting the Taliban in an attempt to control them.
Pakistan needs to go into Afghanistan and create a 100 mile buffer zone -

The borders need to be fenced , and patroled by UAV , and no trucks should be allowed into Pakistan from Afghanistan.

Ideally Pakistan should just make Afghanistan a 5th province and just integrate Afghanistani into Pakistan

And that way we can go in and burn all the opume and drugs in Afghanistan borders

And establish a road from Gwadar to Kabul
Pakistan needs to go into Afghanistan and create a 100 mile buffer zone -

The borders need to be fenced , and patroled by UAV , and no trucks should be allowed into Pakistan from Afghanistan.

Ideally Pakistan should just make Afghanistan a 5th province and just integrate Afghanistani into Pakistan

And that way we can go in and burn all the opume and drugs in Afghanistan borders
Pakistan not rich like America - We're a poor third world country so we cannot make Afghanistan our province.Afghanistan is a sovereign territory.You really want to make that country our province?That'll bring our per capita and GDP down to 0$.Afghanistan is problem every country in the world.Let the Afghans build it - It is their country.We should not have DADA OF Region Foreign Policy.
☪☪☪☪;956954 said:
I think we should let india do whatever the hell it wants to do there - We should get out all our assets out of Afghanistan and block all links with Afghanistan - Cut it virtually from Pakistan - It's not worth the investment - We should instead strengthen our internal security.I just can't understand why we have to counter India there - Afghanistan is a stone age country what is there?Nothing - Instead we should improve our relations with India and that is the best solution and then concentrate on our economy.Fighting proxy wars will hamper our economy.

What assets does Pakistan have in Afghanistan???
☪☪☪☪;959394 said:
Pakistan not rich like America - We're a poor third world country so we cannot make Afghanistan our province.Afghanistan is a sovereign territory.You really want to make that country our province?That'll bring our per capita and GDP down to 0$.Afghanistan is problem every country in the world.Let the Afghans build it - It is their country.

Reality is that 95% of Afghans are in pakistan , and they are already beneficiary of all the things Pakistanis enjoy.

So from my prespective its natural transition for Afghanis to join as new province.
From prespective of being close religion prespective it is also a good solution

Afghanistan has no export or import , my proposition is a solution to help solve the void of security in Afghan province - if our Armed units are able to create 100-200 miles buffer zone inside Afghanistan we will be able to curb the lawlessness in the zone and prevent future troubles

The biggest benefit will be we will be able to move alot of Afghanis from other provinces volunteerily to Afghan province , and also we will be able to use our existing forces and police to safe guard it

Expecting Karzai to control and fix Afghan is silly , a Nuclear Pakistan is more suited to protect Afghanistan now then was the case in 80's

And traditionally pre seperation , Afghanistan as a whole was part of Pakistan region

The biggest danger in 80's was Pakistan was too weak to protect Afghanistan so there was a proxy war with US involved now we can just move our troops into Afghanistan and neutralize any terroist elements

Afghanistani are already living in Pakistan , and alot of them fear going back to Afghanistan due to security issues and losing Pakistani entry or citizenships etc

So its ideal solution for 95% afghan population that is in Pakistan & also to 10% people in Afghanistan so they have secure no war period

We need to be in Afghanistan ACTIVELY to protect Afghanistani and this will also encourage Afghans to join Pakistani police and armed units and get stationed in Afghanistan -

@ present drug trade and illegal operations are on rise in Afghanistan as that is the only way to make money and if we can go in and CLOSE THE DRUG trade that would be great gain for Pakistan , and also Afghanis will have peace for change with Pakistan Armed froces taking over from NATO as caretakers
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Pakistan needs to go into Afghanistan and create a 100 mile buffer zone -

The borders need to be fenced , and patroled by UAV , and no trucks should be allowed into Pakistan from Afghanistan.

Ideally Pakistan should just make Afghanistan a 5th province and just integrate Afghanistani into Pakistan

And that way we can go in and burn all the opume and drugs in Afghanistan borders

And establish a road from Gwadar to Kabul

good luck. :rofl::rofl:
Reality is that 95% of Afghans are in pakistan

as i said in my introduction thread. alot of stupidity on here.

and they are already beneficiary of all the things Pakistanis enjoy.

yet again.

Obviously, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa is just as wealthy as Punjab. Its further obvious that Khyber Pakhtunkhwa has all the access that residents of Punjab has. Its just so obvious.:hitwall:
as i said in my introduction thread. alot of stupidity on here.

yet again.

Obviously, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa is just as wealthy as Punjab. Its further obvious that Khyber Pakhtunkhwa has all the access that residents of Punjab has. Its just so obvious.:hitwall:

Unfortunately I have seen various news articles documenting , reluctance of nationalist in tribal ares who hold guns using malitias who refuse gov offices and buildings to be created - its a power game in tribal areas if you hold a gun you rule and have access to resources and that has to change , that mentality has to get changed

If people are blowing up schools and offices then prosperity will not come easily , it also depends on mindset of public as a whole

I think that since there is vast territory in Afghanistan we should be able to create a new city and link that up close to Gawadar , and that can be new province for Afghanistan province , as center of trade in region a new modern city

I think being part of Pakistan Afghanistan as a whole has alot more to gain part of nuclear nation , and in any ways 95% afghans already live and speak Pakistani languages

Hopefully if we can move in 100,000 troops in that should help provide security in Afghanistan when Allied forces leave.

The biggest issue I see in Afghanistan is that if Pakistan does not moves in , the local factions will start civil war , and then the whole war will happen again and again

Also at present the local army is too currupt and involved in drug trade and is not dependable

The only solution - a long term solution to Afghanistan is Afghanistan as a new province to Pakistan

a) Afghans get to join Pak Army and get stationed inside Afghistantan with normal pak

b) Pakistan police , and legal institutes setup inside Afghanistan to provide justice to
people and rule of law

Since the Afghanistani would be new province then people will not need new passports they can just apply for Pakistan ID cards or use their existing Pakistani National ID cards ... as residents of Afghanistan province.

A new city can be formed close to gawadar , and then that can be main city of Afghanistan , and with china we can help construct new airport in that city

Since Pakistan is nuclear power I doubt any nation would dare attack Pakistan -


As there will be 100,000 troops from Pakistan in Afghanistan , and 50,000 will be trained 50% afghan 50% other citizens of Pakistan to help manage Afghanistan province.

And Afghanis can form a political party in the new province like MQM or PPP is in Sindh and then they can also have a polical say in matters

Its a pretty simple solution - a long term solution which raises GDP for Afghanistan province and also helps resolve the terrrosim problem for Pakistan
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and in any ways 95% afghans already live and speak Pakistani languages
they don't and you cannot prove this.

The only solution - a long term solution to Afghanistan is Afghanistan as a new province to Pakistan

Let go of this idea, it will never happen.


I support these drone attacks, while it hurts me that innocent do get harmed no act of war will result without collateral damage.

I support U.S. involvement in Afghanistan, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa as the only way to rid these extremists and their ideology is by force.

I am against India involvement in Afghanistan. They can give us weapons, money but other than that they are not wanted. They need to pack up all their statues and cows and get the hell out.

I would support Pakistan's involvement in Afghanistan ONLY if they had a sincere desire to help us WITHOUT an alterior motive. But the Pak government, military and ISI has proven otherwise.
PhastunPak aka Afghani Backstabber While your attempt to flame has been good.Let me tell you something - Khyber Pakhtunkhwa is much better then any Afghan Province.I have been born and raised in this province.I have spent 25+ years of my life in this province and trust me if you think we will give up this province just because it is not on par with Punjab then you're sorely mistaken.Even in Punjab there is a lot of poverty besides the main areas.You are a ********* sitting in Punjab and trying to taunt Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.Listen asshole Khyber Pakhtunkhwa was the province which accepted largest numbers of Afghan refugees Moor Kwas and allowed them to live here.You people are spitting in the same plate in which you eat.Listen there have been no American involvement in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa..FATA is federal territory.Yeah the indians can also ***** your women and pimp them but you're against their idol worshopping only..
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** I think about it and that is the only way for long term peace in
Afghanistan otherwise the cycle of civil war , power struggle with
guns will juts carry on

Because Afghanistan in itself is weak financially they can't maintain things by themsleves for very long

a) No farming
b) No major assets
c) No commerce

There is rule of gun in Afghanistan

Having Pakistan push in 100,000 troops would be helpful

#1 Nato forces can leave , but the surge can help capture all militants
#2 Drone attacks would end
#3 The surge of NATO and Pakistani forces would just break
Terrorist's backs
#4 As part of Pakistan , the Afghan province will get a budget
for being part of Pakistan, more schools and trade
#5 Afghans living in Pakistan will move their money into Afghansitan
so the economy will move
#6 GAWADAR can be linked to new city in Afghansitan
and new airport in the new city.
#7 Afghan nationals will be able to use Pakistani Passport
and have security of Nuclear umberella
#8 With in 20 years a new generation will emerge from this that can
help take more leadership roles open new political party etc
in new province , and logically improve standing of afghan
#9 Gov offices open in Afghan province, and afghanis enjoy dignity and proper
respect in world as citizens of strong United Pakistan

#10 Afghans will have access to all the education and facilities in Pakistan such as
hospitals etc the existing afghans can live in Pakistan just pay taxes normally etc

#11 Engineering projects can commence in Afghanistan province that will help build
local infrastructure, telecom etc

#12 Pakistan will get 20 F16 C/D from US and these will be used to protect Afghan
province , and we will start to train , 2-3 pilots / year for Afghanistan province

#13 Pakistan gov can help setup 1-2 universities and schools in Afghan province with
UN assitance, trained staff can move into Afghan province to help educated the
local kids and population

Also nationals in Afghan province will be able to travel freely into and out of other provinces of Pakistan

And we would be able to extend our railway into Afghanistan with China's help that should further help grow afghan province , food and other goods will go to Afghanistan as normal

That is just my vision of safety and security in Afghan province.

The alternative view is ..... not well

+++ Nato leaves, Obama loses election
+++Afghanistan is no longer part of political debate
+++ Afghan gov has no funds , gets aid
+++ Mutny in the units holding weapons
+++ Low GDP , lowest in world , no hospitals , no schools or universities
+++ Civilian gov is assasinated , and civil war again
+++ Gives chance to terrorism to flourish again and problem remains
+++ Afghan nationals migrate again to Pakistan , and decide to not
+++ Drugs trade fourishes , and it kills people world wide
++++Gang wars in Afghanistan , and guns flourish in region and
people have no justice , as there are no institues like police or
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☪☪☪☪;959441 said:
PhastunPak aka Afghani Backstabber While your attempt to flame has been good.Let me tell you something - Khyber Pakhtunkhwa is much better then any Afghan Province.I have been born and raised in this province.I have spent 25+ years of my life in this province and trust me if you think we will give up this province just because it is not on par with Punjab then you're sorely mistaken.Even in Punjab there is a lot of poverty besides the main areas.You are a ********* sitting in Punjab and trying to taunt Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.Listen asshole Khyber Pakhtunkhwa was the province which accepted largest numbers of Afghan refugees Moor Kwas and allowed them to live here.You people are spitting in the same plate in which you eat.Listen there have been no American involvement in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa..FATA is federal territory.Yeah the indians can also ***** your women and pimp them but you're against their idol worshopping only..

and why did you have to use all those f*i*l*t*h*y language against afghanistan as a whole? you can disagree with pakpashtun, but you have no right to insult people like that. what if he retaliate in the same way against you? will you like it?
Let Afghans decide their own future and kindly stop tht B.S abusing..

A stable afghanistan is good for Pakistan...we can have trade and other activities but Afghanistan need to finish the indian influenece and indian terrorist element tht are using afghan soil to spread terrorism in our country...

Hopeful for the future.-
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