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Should Pakistan give up on Afghanistan?

In the same tune can GOP and Pak Army give assurances that it will not meddle in the affairs of Afghanistan directly or through their proxies ?

As far as the borders are concerned both the countries have to come to a negotiated settlement.


As pointed out earlier, it is infact the GOA who have always disputed the border not the other-way around, if GOA are candid and stright forward in their admission and settlement of the issue then we have no problems.
First and foremost , Pakistan should never have involved in Afghanistan in 1976. What did we achieve by doing it ? We have a burden of millions of refugees which changed our social structure. We have today terrorism on the streets .The economy is in limbo. Soviets at least minimized their losses by cutting and running from Afghanistan while accepting their mistakes but we continued with the obsession of so called Strategic depth. Afghanistan has become a strategic blunder of us instead. What did we achieve so far ?

An anti-Indian, pak-friendly govt in Kabul in the form of taliban (till it existed as a govt).

A lever in the form of Afghan Taliban to influence events in Afghanistan (now).

Whether it was worth it is an all-together different question.
These so called mentors and trainers you are referring to trained the Mujahideen, not the Taliban.

Oh, so then can you enlighten us what is the difference between the two?? If Talibans werent the holy warriors (Moojahidins), then why did you support their government when whole world did not even recognised them?

Potato( Potahtoe) and Potato (potaetoh) one and the same thing.
Why Hijrutullah was released who was allegedly involved in the Manawan police academy attack and was arrested from the scene? Terrorists give no receipts of their attacks, and the judiciary must not show any compassion to the terrorists. In the Karachi, the main reason of unabated target killing is the lenient and very strange attitude of courts, which set free the terrorists promptly.Sindh Minister for Home Dr Zulfiqar Mirza has at last spoken the truth which is known by the whole city and which is one of the root causes of the target killings in the megapolis of Pakistan. He claimed that 380 alleged terrorists were “roaming freely—thanks to the judiciary”. He said these alleged terrorists had been arrested since 2002, but all of them were released by the courts. These terrorists were arrested red-handed with explosive materials, suicide jackets etc. “But they are now roaming freely-thanks to [the] judiciary.”If the judiciary carries on with this streak, terrorism and target killings cannot be stopped. Judicial activism is really a problem in Pakistan and is fast become a dilemma. The verdicts of the courts are the biggest discouragement for law-enforcement agencies, and surely a paradise for the criminals and the terrorism. I am waiting for the time when the honorable chief justice of Pakistan would take suo moto notice of this practice
First and foremost , Pakistan should never have involved in Afghanistan in 1976. What did we achieve by doing it ? We have a burden of millions of refugees which changed our social structure. We have today terrorism on the streets .The economy is in limbo. Soviets at least minimized their losses by cutting and running from Afghanistan while accepting their mistakes but we continued with the obsession of so called Strategic depth. Afghanistan has become a strategic blunder of us instead. What did we achieve so far ?

beautiful comment :cheers: no one here wants to understand what you said. Sadly the Soviet Afghan war was the biggest mistake in Pakistan's history. It started of a deadly chain of events which now threaten Pakistan as a state.
Its not so simple as that - There was never any agreement on the border between Afghanistan and Pakistan to accept durand line as international border.

King abdul Rahman Khan signed the durand treaty and gave that part of the country to british india in that time. that king also gave lands to the russians in those times which is now part of central asian repulblics, if we dont hear noises from some specific people and groups about those lost territories to the russians, i cant understand why should there be talk about the so called pashtonistan issue? it is internationally recognized border, the UN has accepted it, pakistan has accepted it, only a few people in Afghanistan who put interests of one particular group ahead of the interest of whole country think this way. majority of afghans consider nwfp(kp) as integral part of pakistan, if pakistan was clever enough and didnt aleniate alot of people intentionaly, there would have been alot of progress in this issue. but nothing is too late, hope something good comes out.
Every penny what india earns has a share in planning terrorism in Pakistan or build nagative propaganda on media or on diplomatic level or spreading corruption in Pakistan etc.
We cannot separate our geography from us.
Don't be misguided that all living in Pakistan are Pakistanis.. thousands of them are embeded moles with different task.... like running criminal gangs.... some are disguised as fanatic mullahs, some are in judiciary and some are in political parties etc.
If we don't fight back india will bleed us to the point that we will loose all values and even our religon for the sake of our survival.

It is up to us to reach that point where we start to care more for our survival rather than Pakistan or any thing else or push back this fourth generation war waged upon us.

We should never forget that our enemy have no values they believe in deception. So let me ask... where your mind would set the limits for an unbeliever?

I bet, in present circumstances Pakistan society cannot survive even two more years.
Every day we hear trucks of explosives being recovered .....by chance!!! to me it only tells over whelming presence.
Where as govt. never officialy disclose the origin of those wepons.. every day terrorists are being captured in major cities .......by chance.... so it also tells me of their over whelming presence!

War is in our back yard not in Afghanistan.... our enemy knew one day we might block Afghan border same way as we did with indians and they also knew next govt. will stop all transit activity so they havce to be stupid for not capatalizing the fortune moment.
Now on we will be fighting war in our streets.... we should be thankful that efforts of ethnic war and tribal war has failed... all thanks ot the society which is largely liberal and not fanatic.
For comming years our society will remain hijacked by those mobs of RAW operatives who go out and burn markets and trains.
What next ???
Govt. has accelerated target killing upon strict advise of RAW... .no pro Pakistani will be in peace from npow onwards he or she will be rounded up one way or the other.
I think if govt. succeed in terrorising the society and civil administration with few hundred target killing than no one will ever speak against them and they will rig next elections and will impose them as rulers once again.
May Allah save us all from this state sponsored target killing headed by Rehman Malik.
u really believe in these things don't u?
Every penny what india earns has a share in planning terrorism in Pakistan or build nagative propaganda on media or on diplomatic level or spreading corruption in Pakistan etc.
We cannot separate our geography from us.
Don't be misguided that all living in Pakistan are Pakistanis.. thousands of them are embeded moles with different task.... like running criminal gangs.... some are disguised as fanatic mullahs, some are in judiciary and some are in political parties etc.
If we don't fight back india will bleed us to the point that we will loose all values and even our religon for the sake of our survival.

It is up to us to reach that point where we start to care more for our survival rather than Pakistan or any thing else or push back this fourth generation war waged upon us.

We should never forget that our enemy have no values they believe in deception. So let me ask... where your mind would set the limits for an unbeliever?

I bet, in present circumstances Pakistan society cannot survive even two more years.
Every day we hear trucks of explosives being recovered .....by chance!!! to me it only tells over whelming presence.
Where as govt. never officialy disclose the origin of those wepons.. every day terrorists are being captured in major cities .......by chance.... so it also tells me of their over whelming presence!

War is in our back yard not in Afghanistan.... our enemy knew one day we might block Afghan border same way as we did with indians and they also knew next govt. will stop all transit activity so they havce to be stupid for not capatalizing the fortune moment.
Now on we will be fighting war in our streets.... we should be thankful that efforts of ethnic war and tribal war has failed... all thanks ot the society which is largely liberal and not fanatic.
For comming years our society will remain hijacked by those mobs of RAW operatives who go out and burn markets and trains.
What next ???
Govt. has accelerated target killing upon strict advise of RAW... .no pro Pakistani will be in peace from npow onwards he or she will be rounded up one way or the other.
I think if govt. succeed in terrorising the society and civil administration with few hundred target killing than no one will ever speak against them and they will rig next elections and will impose them as rulers once again.
May Allah save us all from this state sponsored target killing headed by Rehman Malik.

Hey batty you are a genious conspirapist !!! :victory: :victory:
Every penny what india earns has a share in planning terrorism in Pakistan or build nagative propaganda on media or on diplomatic level or spreading corruption in Pakistan etc.
We cannot separate our geography from us.
Don't be misguided that all living in Pakistan are Pakistanis.. thousands of them are embeded moles with different task.... like running criminal gangs.... some are disguised as fanatic mullahs, some are in judiciary and some are in political parties etc.
If we don't fight back india will bleed us to the point that we will loose all values and even our religon for the sake of our survival.

It is up to us to reach that point where we start to care more for our survival rather than Pakistan or any thing else or push back this fourth generation war waged upon us.

We should never forget that our enemy have no values they believe in deception. So let me ask... where your mind would set the limits for an unbeliever?

I bet, in present circumstances Pakistan society cannot survive even two more years.
Every day we hear trucks of explosives being recovered .....by chance!!! to me it only tells over whelming presence.
Where as govt. never officialy disclose the origin of those wepons.. every day terrorists are being captured in major cities .......by chance.... so it also tells me of their over whelming presence!

War is in our back yard not in Afghanistan.... our enemy knew one day we might block Afghan border same way as we did with indians and they also knew next govt. will stop all transit activity so they havce to be stupid for not capatalizing the fortune moment.
Now on we will be fighting war in our streets.... we should be thankful that efforts of ethnic war and tribal war has failed... all thanks ot the society which is largely liberal and not fanatic.
For comming years our society will remain hijacked by those mobs of RAW operatives who go out and burn markets and trains.
What next ???
Govt. has accelerated target killing upon strict advise of RAW... .no pro Pakistani will be in peace from npow onwards he or she will be rounded up one way or the other.
I think if govt. succeed in terrorising the society and civil administration with few hundred target killing than no one will ever speak against them and they will rig next elections and will impose them as rulers once again.
May Allah save us all from this state sponsored target killing headed by Rehman Malik.

First u swear that u will not write posts right after watching movies like 2012 or Resident Evil....These doom's day theory movies can have really bad effects on human mind...
What is this?? Grand daddy of all nightmares??Cocktail of all conspiracy theories??In that case u forgot to add the vital spices named CIA,Mossad,ISI,al-Qaeda,FSB,MI5,and God help us all,last but not the least,the abominable extra terrestrials...

On a more serious note,Pakistan is doing progress in its WoT,the developments are observable.The govt. of Pakistan is not conspiring to kill all the Pakistanis and take off,India has no logical reason to fuel those very radicals who are actually a threat to Indian society as well.
Infact the WoT is actually benefiting the Indians.
Afghanistan is our neighbouring nation, we share a 2552 KM long border. Iran's regime is not very comfortable with Pakistan, we have a chance at having friendly nation at the western border, all we need to do is be considerate, we are already investing over 500 million dollars per annum in Afghanistan and we have an Afghan population of about 4 to 5 million inside our borders. I believe we cannot ignore Afghanistan, if you had said this in Daud's time I would have been agreeing with you but not now.
I think that fencing your borders is the utmost important task that your country is expected to do. Firstly to stop the movement of terrorists and secondly to legitimize territorial administration of either side.

Other than that, at the given moment Pakistan should keep its hands off Afghanistan because the Americans are already on it. Any further involvement than counter terror would only be a problem for your fragile economy. You have contributed a significant amount for your economy and that is good. I think that currently Afghanistan needs contribution rather than playing the strategic sidekick to either you or the Indians.
I think that fencing your borders is the utmost important task that your country is expected to do. Firstly to stop the movement of terrorists and secondly to legitimize territorial administration of either side.

Already tried that, ANA tore it down,they believe that Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa is rightfully their territory and we have no right to fence it.

Other than that, at the given moment Pakistan should keep its hands off Afghanistan because the Americans are already on it. Any further involvement than counter terror would only be a problem for your fragile economy. You have contributed a significant amount for your economy and that is good. I think that currently Afghanistan needs contribution rather than playing the strategic sidekick to either you or the Indians.

We can't stay very far from Afghanistan because the Americans will eventually leave, but Afghanistan will always be there as our neighbour, if we don't try and help them to the best of our abilities, we will never have a friendly neighbour other than China.
We can't leave Afghanistan on mercy of evil's forces who can pose
serious threats to our sovereignity by uprising insurgencies.
Pakistan should not go against the people's welfare of Afghanistan and should
not discourage investment from any country.
On the other hand we must make sure that an antagonist government also dont get pop up.
As a state, there must be calculus strategy for every potential threat rather than to close eyes and go in submission.
I am just sick of regular bomb blasts and the bloodshed just because of Afghan's. Pakistani People's lives are far more important then any strategic game.We should
1)Fence Border
2)Send back the Refugees who don't hold Pakistani Citizenship - If you want to stay in Pakistan surrender your Afghan Nationality.
Besides these Afghans refugees have taken a lot of jobs of Pakistani Pakhtuns in Khyber Pakhtunkhaw.

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