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Should Mr. Modi visit to Pakistan now?

Mar 17, 2015
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Terroriest attack in Punjab. News are coming from many sources that GPS device proves that attackers came from Pakistan. Surely it will effect relation between India and Pakistan. Mr. Modi has accepted a propsal of Mr. Nawaz Sarif to visit Pakistan to make relation better between two enemy nations. It was a good gesture by Mr. Modi. Now question is if it proves that attackers were pakistani then Mr. Modi should visit Pakistan to make relation better with Pakistan in near future or should cancel the visit right now ? How it will effect Pakistan??
Yes, he should.

Till the time Pakistani Govt is in charge of its Army instead of Army running foreign policy behind the scene, there is no point in any talks with Pakistan.

Pakistan Army is able to leech off Pakistan and retain its utter primacy because it survives on conflict and will therefore never allow any normalization of relations.

Pakistan Army will continue to use terrorism so that it can sustain a low level conflict and maintain its un-constitutional power and money.
Mr. Modi should visit Pakistan to make relation better with Pakistan in near future or should cancel the visit right now ? How it will effect Pakistan??

Not unless he was bringing in at least a $100 billion investment. Otherwise he can stick to usual cancellation of Cricket, IPL, Hockey, restriction on Pakistani actors visiting India etc. Who cares...............
We want same but do you think it will be positive for Pakistan?
Man, has his incessant #56inchbreast thumping over the last few months been positive for Pakistan? Of course not. Did it affect us in any shape or form? Not really. He can cancel his visit and the visas of any visiting sports team or music band. Pakistan is used to this petty slum-dweller diplomacy.
Not unless he was bringing in at least a $100 billion investment. Otherwise he can stick to usual cancellation of Cricket, IPL, Hockey, restriction on Pakistani actors visiting India etc. Who cares...............
If not 100 billions , may be 10 billions. It will cost Pakistan if he cancels his visit. He is a bussinessman. Who knows might be he thinking to invest some in Pakistan to counter China?? LOL.
He must not cancel the visit. Game is on. Military should be made to payback for its adventures.. Personally...
If not 100 billions , may be 10 billions. It will cost Pakistan if he cancels his visit. He is a bussinessman. Who knows might be he thinking to invest some in Pakistan to counter China?? LOL.

How much business he owns? Don't tell me he has wealth that exceeds that of Nawaz Sharif and Zardari.

Don't need him to teach business here we are self sufficient, if he needs some tips let us know we can lend you Zardari for sometime. And we have survived the worst without him being in the picture then. He may be a Deota for you ............ for us he is a murderer, hate monger
How much business he owns? Don't tell me he has wealth that exceeds that of Nawaz Sharif and Zardari.

Don't need him to teach business here we are self sufficient, if he needs some tips let us know we can lend you Zardari for sometime. And we have survived the worst without him being in the picture then. He may be a Deota for you ............ for us he is a murderer, hate monger
This is pure hate and arrogence what you carry , not a bussiness mind. You might be rich but pakistani poor people need food and cloths . Mr. Nawaz sarif cant think like you if he is able to think for pakistani people. India has some money to invest now in other countries. Why cant be it Pakistan??
This is pure hate and arrogence what you carry , not a bussiness mind. You might be rich but pakistani poor people need food and cloths . Mr. Nawaz sarif cant think like you if he is able to think for pakistani people. India has some money to invest now in other countries. Why cant be it Pakistan??

India holds the worlds largest poor. Modi has not done anything for Indians and nor have the prime ministers before him.

Nawaz is a seasoned industrialist and a thousand times more successful than Modi. Hopefully your butcher of Gujrat can visit and take some tips from him.
It depends on if Pakistan really want him to go to Pakistan? And the 2nd objective is what is India and Pakistan will gain if Modi visit to Pakistan...India has to offer something to Nawaj Sariff, who is really interested in improving relationship with India. So i would think, If N Sariff is interested about Modi to go to Pakistan, Modi should go and offer something tangible benifit to Pakistan except Kashmir issue, from Indian side..
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