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Should India officially support Japan's sovereignty over the Senkakus?


Sep 3, 2012
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Govt 'in last stage of talks to buy Senkakus'
The Yomiuri Shimbun

The central government is in the final stage of negotiations to buy three of the Senkaku Islands in Ishigaki, Okinawa Prefecture, directly from the owner for about 2 billion yen, according to sources close to the government.

The government plans to buy the islands, which China also claims, with reserve funds, the sources said.

With the aim of buying the islands before the central government, the Tokyo metropolitan government has collected more than 1.4 billion yen in donations from citizens.

The central government hopes to convince the owner of the need to bring the islands under state control and to offer him more than Tokyo has collected, the sources said.

The Tokyo government started negotiations to purchase the islands with the owner before the central government did.

However, when the Tokyo government filed a request for permission to land on Uotsurijima island, one of the Senkaku Islands, in August, it did not include a letter of agreement from the owner, prompting some government officials to suspect negotiations between Tokyo and the owner have bogged down.

But the Tokyo government has not changed its plan to buy the islands. On Sunday, a team of surveyors dispatched by Tokyo surveyed the islands and conducted research from boats in the sea surrounding the islands.

Therefore, the central government hopes to speed up negotiations with the owner to sign a purchase contract as soon as possible.

(Sep. 4, 2012)

Govt 'in last stage of talks to buy Senkakus' : National : DAILY YOMIURI ONLINE (The Daily Yomiuri)

Since the days of British colonialism, the only country in Asia that was supportive to India's independence has been Japan. We all know how Subhas and his Azad Hind Fauz received moral and material support from Japan and how Japan recognized an independent Indian govt under Azad Hind's leadership.


Its unfortunate that the Japanese effort could not materialize as the Chinese assisted the colonial British forces to stop that effort. Well, thats a different story. May be that was Azad Hind's destiny.

Japan, however, assisted India even after India's independence from the British rule. Japanese products proved to be a great help to the Indian society as we all know about Honda, Suzuki, Maruti etc. India's bilateral relationship with Japan has been always good and Japan perhaps considers India as a good friend.

Now a friend in need is a friend indeed. I think, Japan is in a trouble as some Japanese islands, called Senkakus, are now claimed by Chinese. Should India make a standpoint and officially declare its support to Japan's sovereignty over those Japanese islands? India also has territorial disputes with China and so if India and Japan unite, they both can reject Chinese claims.

IMO, India should display strong solidarity with Japan. India should not wait for Japan asking India's support; rather India should offer Japan its support. Indian Foreign Ministry should call a Press Conference and officially declare, "Yes, we support Japan's territorial integrity and sovereignty over its Senkakus island chains and we will be willing to provide military help if Japan ever asks us to provide to safeguard its territory." That would a hell of a strong statement. Not only from a strategic point of view, but also from a moral point of view, such diplomatic step would be radical.

What do you think of it? Can India do that? Should India do that? Please share your opinion with us. We might get such statement from the Indian govt in the coming days.
Since the days of British colonialism, the only country in Asia that was supportive to India's independence has been Japan. We all know how Subhas and his Azad Hind Fauz received moral and material support from Japan and how Japan recognized an independent Indian govt under Azad Hind's leadership.


Its unfortunate that the Japanese effort could not materialize as the Chinese assisted the colonial British forces to stop that effort. Well, thats a different story. May be that was Azad Hind's destiny.

Japan, however, assisted India even after India's independence from the British rule. Japanese products proved to be a great help to the Indian society as we all know about Honda, Suzuki, Maruti etc. India's bilateral relationship with Japan has been always good and Japan perhaps considers India as a good friend.

Now a friend in need is a friend indeed. I think, Japan is in a trouble as some Japanese islands, called Senkakus, are now claimed by Chinese. Should India make a standpoint and officially declare its support to Japan's sovereignty over those Japanese islands? India also has territorial disputes with China and so if India and Japan unite, they both can reject Chinese claims.

IMO, India should display strong solidarity with Japan. India should not wait for Japan asking India's support; rather India should offer Japan its support. Indian Foreign Ministry should call a Press Conference and officially declare, "Yes, we support Japan's territorial integrity and sovereignty over its Senkakus island chains and we will be willing to provide military help if Japan ever asks us to provide to safeguard its territory." That would a hell of a strong statement. Not only from a strategic point of view, but also from a moral point of view, such diplomatic step would be radical.

What do you think of it? Can India do that? Should India do that? Please share your opinion with us. We might get such statement from the Indian govt in the coming days.

I believe India should stay out of territorial dispute of other countries. I would ask this of America as well. No country should meddle with affairs of other countries.
This is 2012 and not 1940's. In the 40's Japan was enemy of the Western Powers. Today , Japan is part of the Western Alliance. It sounds moronic to use facts of the 40's as basis of todays diplomacy and strategy.
I believe India should stay out of territorial dispute of other countries. I would ask this of America as well. No country should meddle with affairs of other countries.

Well, the US is the super power going down while India will be the new King. To prepare for her new Lordship she should start meddle others businesses. Practices make it perfect.
Nope. We have our own fish to fry with the Chinese. Besides, Japan is capable of taking care of itself.
This is 2012 and not 1940's. In the 40's Japan was enemy of the Western Powers. Today , Japan is part of the Western Alliance. It sounds moronic to use facts of the 40's as basis of todays diplomacy and strategy.

Even if we forget about those days of the 1940s, today India and Japan are on the same page as both facing Chinese claims. Not only with Japan actually, but Viet Nam too, can join India and Japan. As for Western powers, they may help but they don't have territories claimed by China, isn't it?

Thats why India should stand with Japan and Japan will show a reciprocal approach to India.
I believe India should stay out of territorial dispute of other countries. I would ask this of America as well. No country should meddle with affairs of other countries.

Now it serves Indian interests and for its own interests India should meddle. I think, India is already considering this move and may declare this if China does not return Indian lands to India. China is perhaps aware of this possibility and thats why proactively trying to persuade India not to take such step.
Now it serves Indian interests and for its own interests India should meddle. I think, India is already considering this move and may declare this if China does not return Indian lands to India. China is perhaps aware of this possibility and thats why proactively trying to persuade India not to take such step.

With the current international atmosphere, India is not going to force China to return any territory. Nor would China be able to force india. The same can be say between India and Pakistan. Japan and China and Russia and Japan.
With the current international atmosphere, India is not going to force China to return any territory. Nor would China be able to force india. The same can be say between India and Pakistan. Japan and China and Russia and Japan.

On the contrary, the current international atmosphere allows India to force China and India has already forced. Indian Ministry of Defence has already issued official statement saying China occupies Indian lands. What does it mean? It means India has signaled China that its time you vacate Aksai Chin. Today's meeting between two defense Ministers will finally bring the result. Guanglie already told that not a single Chinese troop is deployed in the disputed region and also China won't have any naval base in the Indian ocean in a way as if he is asking for clemency. Meanwhile, India has asked Chinese defense Minister to visit Amar Jyoti Jawan memorial to pay homage to the Indian troops who were KIA in 1962 just to remind him that the war is not over. Chinese defense Minister was so scared that he refused to visit the memorial. Something like that must have happened. Whatever it is, Guanglie is under pressure and he will have to compromise this time. He may lie to Chinese people after going back to China for face saving.
Japan only wanted India to get independence because if British left India, India would be weak, and it would give Japanese a chance to invade
Yes.India should recognize Senkakus as Japanese lands and open a consulate there.
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