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Should Hongkong give back to Taiwan , Not China


Feb 23, 2015
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United States
United States
According to recent policy and system of Hong Kong, Do you think Hong kong should give back to Taiwan , Not China. Because Hong Konger can't vote for a president who they like.
Neither could they under the British, so what's the difference? they lost nothing. If they wanted to vote for a president, why Taiwan? Why not Burkina Faso? Taiwan has as much right to HK as Burkina Faso does (none).
the essence of hongkong's problem is not "democray" or " to vote for presidency",but the wealth distribution/disparity.

In hongkong ,only real-estimates ,tourism and finance prospers now ,while other economy sections has moved out or disappeared.
However, real-estimates ,tourism and finance can not provide enough decent jobs for ordinary Hongkongese,although they increase lots of money for house-owners class,while most houses in Hongkong are owned by tycoon class.

the lower class of Hongkongese has no chance to afford house all their life . Furtheremore, they also have no issurance of pension.

more the more mid-class are slipping down to "lower class",while most industry sections except finace and trouism have moved out of Hongkong.

So, under the currrent system, except tycoon class and a few house-onwer class, almost all hongkongese can hardly benefit from the persperity of its economy development.
Neither could they under the British, so what's the difference? they lost nothing. If they wanted to vote for a president, why Taiwan? Why not Burkina Faso? Taiwan has as much right to HK as Burkina Faso does (none).
Under one china rule Taiwan is as much a claimant to HK as ....
Another quality Vietnamese thread
Britain signed with Qing dynasty agreement over HK, ROC is the next govt of China after Qing and still existed in Taiwan.
People are forgetting the most important thing here, if the matter of HK's sovereignty is left to ROC government, HK today is most likely still a british territory. Do you think ROC government in anyway possible could negotiate something like Sino-British Joint Declaration?
According to recent policy and system of Hong Kong, Do you think Hong kong should give back to Taiwan , Not China. Because Hong Konger can't vote for a president who they like.

Why is this person not being reprimanded?

He is clearly not an American. He also has the habit of starting great troll posts, of scenarios directly from his dreams.
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