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Should Europe Rebuild its Tank Forces?

It's impossible to 'substantiate', either way whether a people would fight. I say they wouldn't. They'd roll over and let Russia take what they wanted to take. Look at Crimea. All Europe cared about was whether their homes would be toasty warm this winter. And if Russia moved into Moldova or the Baltics, Europe would stand and watch with their collective thumbs up their collective @sses, waiting for the U.S. to do something.




If you want EU to ignore Russia, as far as energy is concerned, that's like saying "US ignore middle east / Gulf'. We all know why US went into Iraq... rather than consider alternative ways to power your gas guzzelers and air conditioners. or to do without them alltogether.

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Well, then they get to live in the land of head choppers and suicide bombers.

What's your opinion about recent developments? Do you believe that Obama is doing the right thing? Or you think that he should bomb them?
If you want EU to ignore Russia, as far as energy is concerned, that's like saying "US ignore middle east / Gulf'. We all know why US went into Iraq... rather than consider alternative ways to power your gas guzzelers and air conditioners. or to do without them alltogether.

So where is all the Iraqi oil we supposedly got ? We never got more than 2% of our oil from Iraq and now we get less. China and France were the big 'winners'. I wish we DID steal all the oil you guys say we did. There was no reason to get rid of Sadaam if it was about oil. He was more than happy to sell it to us, and skim his cut.

What's your opinion about recent developments? Do you believe that Obama is doing the right thing? Or you think that he should bomb them?

I wouldn't put another nickel into either country. Let the Iranians and Saudis beat each others brains in.
Well, Uncle Joe took about half of Europe. Berlin Wall ?

Great. Let the 'superpowers' China and Russia handle it. It's all in their neighborhood.
We want to own Guam,Is Uncle Sam willing to give it to us?:smitten:

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