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'Shots fired' in Munich shopping centre, Multiple deaths reported at shooting in Munich shopping mal

Does a Black become Chinese if he moves to China? No, of course not. Similarly German citizenship doesn't make one a "German" in the ethnic sense of the term.

What makes you a pakistani? Your language? Your culture? Your food? Your appearance? Nothing of them. You can learn the language, you can become part of the culture and society, cook and eat the way pakistanis do and appearance says nothing.We are human, Islam teaches that all human are equal. All these nationalities are artificial, so you can feel free and decide what you are. He decided that he is a german, as I do more and more. He defently was a german. It doesnt matter where his roots are coming from or what citizenship he has.

And yes if someone moves from south africa to china, develops a passion for this country and her people, who are you to decide what he is? Nobody, this is the answer, you would be nobody.
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If this would have happened about 15 years ago, we had this discussion not now. This rampage had been mentioned in connection with Erfurt or Winnenden not islamic terror... but we live in times in the here and now and the Iranian origin of the young makes the whole thing to politkum instead to take a look at it illness.

Jein, if someone is born is this country and he lost his soul for his homeland, who i`m to deny him this?
But on the other side, we have many migrants especially from islamic countries who, regardless of their place of birth and german citizenship, claiming to be Moroccans, turks or even Iranian.
At all this dual citizenship is on of the greatest jokes, either you are German or Iranian, but not both.

@Timur What`s your problem with Germany?

I dont have any problem, germany has a problem.. a very big problem...
I don't live in India anymore, and moreover, we have to travel to different countries, mostly UK, Japan, France and Germany for conferences. Usual things people do while doing PhDs in emerging fields.

Now, every time I'll visit France or Germany, I'll have that subconscious fear of a religious regards paving his way to a sensuous afterlife.

It goes without saying, but steer well clear of the French banlieues that are ghettoes for people from North Africa, Middle East etc.
In such cases, I always feel terrible for the parents. Imagine not only losing your child, but also facing the fact that he is responsible for the deaths of many people. Their child is dead, but at the same time, everyone hates him.
In such cases, I always feel terrible for the parents. Imagine not only losing your child, but also facing the fact that he is responsible for the deaths of many people. Their child is dead, but at the same time, everyone hates him.

I feel sorry for him too but then all these footage of his shootings come to my mind. All these young innocent souls.. So many lives wasted.. I wish we could go back in time and help him, help them.. That is so sad, I do not even have enough words to describe how sad it makes me..
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@SMS Derfflinger @flamer84

I will be waiting for people to find reasons to justify this attack.
I wonder wich muslim countries Germany 'invaded' or 'colonized'.
Interestingly,these people have no arguments and run away as fast as possible when peaceful countries like Germany who invaded nobody,who never really was in the colonial industry gets attacked...

Germany is responsible for the creation of Israel ......
Go on ... give us some insights.

am I talking with weirdos?

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