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Shortage of mosques in France

That's an appropriate answer to such not-so-mature posts.
Your post is not so mature.

Saudi Arabia is not France.
France is secular country, We have churches In Pakistan? This forum is PDF ( P for Pakistan) .

We have Churches in all the countries that the French invaded and colonised ?

Muslim are openly discriminated against in France.
This is one of the tools they use to persecute them.

You should be ashamed of your response.
Sell out Muslims are part of the problem.
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That's an appropriate answer to such not-so-mature posts.
France - a secular republic
Saudi Arabia - an Islamic republic

Number of Muslims in France: 3,350,000 (2019)

Number of Christians in Saudi Arabia: 1,800,000

And you must also consider the ratio of practising Muslims and Christians within those populations respectively, which will likely be heavily unbalanced
France - a secular republic
Saudi Arabia - an Islamic republic

Number of Muslims in France: 3,350,000 (2019)

Number of Christians in Saudi Arabia: 1,800,000

And you must also consider the ratio of practising Muslims and Christians within those populations respectively, which will likely be heavily unbalanced
All very good points,
Also the Christians in Saudi Arabia, are not Saudi citizens and never will be.
We ( Pakistanis or Indians or most readers on this forum ) can never be Saudi citizens or enjoy the rights their citizens do.
We all know the deal there for the super rich gulf Arab counties.
But we have churches across most of Muslim world and have done so for a long time.

Most of the Muslims in France are full French citizens and have been French citizens for over 3 generations, some far more.

Many have ancestors who fought for France.
The ARE French and are considered French by all and have been considered FULLY french for many decades.
What we are seeing is a recent phenomena to persecute Muslims.
Your post is not so mature.

Saudi Arabia is not France.
France is secular country, We have churches In Pakistan? This forum is PDF ( P for Pakistan) .

We have Churches in all the countries that the French invaded and colonised ?

Muslim are openly discriminated against in France.
This is one of the tools they use to persecute them.

You should be ashamed of your response.
Sell out Muslims are part of the problem.
Muslims can go back to muslim majority countries,problem solved.
Muslims can go back to muslim majority countries,problem solved.
I feel that France will fall into chaos and collapse in the future.

Multicultural, multi-religious, multi-racial is not good for France.

But it's hard to say that if you're not framed as Racist and Anti-Religious
Shortage of churches in Saudi Arabia

Actually there are church ruins in modern-day Saudi Arabia that are older than any church found in Europe. After all after the few Jews that adopted Christianity (an Abrahamic and Semitic religion just like Judaism and Islam - hence the many similarities), the second ethnic group that adopted Christianity were the Arabs (cousins of Jews). Hence why Arabia is mentioned more times in the Bible than any other geography that is not Israel/Palestine.

And anyone that does know just a tiny bit of history/politics/religion would know that there are no longer any native Christian communities in KSA. Not only that KSA is home to Makkah and Madinah. There are no mosques in the Vatican either.

Most importantly the Christians that live in KSA are not citizens but temporary migrants.

It amounts to asking why there are no Hindu temples in Papua New Guinea.

Anyway there are large Arab Christian communities in KSA (Arab Jordanian Christians from the same ancient Arab tribes and clans that also live in KSA next door), Christian Lebanese (Arabs and Armenians), Egyptian Copts, Filipinos, Westerners and others and given that KSA is now opening up under MbS, there is also talk of KSA building places of worship for non-Muslims.

For instance elsewhere in Arabia, there are places of worship for other religions from Kuwait to Oman, be it Christians, Jews, Hindus, Buddhists etc. KSA is for historical/religious/political reasons a special case.

Anyway I think that we are a few years away from that becoming the reality. I would say less than 10 years.

Muslims in France on the other hand, are legal citizens of France born and breed in France (for up to 4-5 generations now) and mostly most of them are descendents of people who were originally from former FRENCH COLONIES.

I feel that France will fall into chaos and collapse in the future.

Multicultural, multi-religious, multi-racial is not good for France.

But it's hard to say that if you're not framed as Racist and Anti-Religious

Well, nobody told France that they should be colonizing much of the Maghreb, Western Africa etc.


You can't have your cake and eat it.

They have to deal with the consequences now. Those refugees ancestors were once French subjects. Blame the past French elites for doing what they did. Those people did not jump down from the sky.

How many Vietnamese, Arabs, Africans etc. were living in France in 1822? 10?
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Muslims can go back to muslim majority countries,problem solved.
So your response to Muslim persecution in France, is to tell them go back to where their Ancestors came from ?
People like you persecute them, then you tell them the answer is for them to go into exile from the society they helped to create
They simply should not have to. Your the problem, not them.
You want to drive them out.
And anyone that does know just a tiny bit of history/politics/religion would know that there are no longer any native Christian communities in KSA. Not only that KSA is home to Makkah and Madinah. There are no mosques in the Vatican either.
The Vatican is a tiny State the size of a village. It's surrounded by Rome. Saudi Arabia is a big country. Mecca and Medina are just two cities in it.

So your response to Muslim persecution in France, is to tell them go back to where their Ancestors came from ?
Abu Habibullah,where did you see the persecution?
The Vatican is a tiny State the size of a village. It's surrounded by Rome. Saudi Arabia is a big country. Mecca and Medina are just two cities in it.

You somehow missed all the rest of my post? How come?

The difference between KSA and France is that France has a 2-3 times larger Muslim community than KSA has a Christian community and that French Muslims are born and breed French citizens (some for 4-5 generations) and most of them now live in France due to French colonialism.

In KSA there are no native Christians or non-Muslims other than isolated converts. I am not including Atheists here which are hard to pinpoint and they are also irrelevant to any religious discussion.

Completely different scenarios and you cannot compare France with KSA.

As other users already wrote, France is also a secular state. In fact France was the main inventor of secularism and anti-religion in the public sphere. Which is ironic as pre-French Revolution, France was the bastion of conservative Catholicism and feudalism.

KSA on the other hand was always a conservative society that put great emphasis on religion, in this case Islam. This appears to be changing given the many reforms in KSA and the fact that religion continues to play a lesser role for each year that passes by across the entire world.

Anyway the comparison makes no sense. It is a lazy comparison.
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You somehow missed all the rest of my post? How come?

The difference between KSA and France is that France has a 2-3 times larger Muslim community than KSA has a Christian community and that French Muslims are born and breed French citizens (some for 4-5 generations) and most of them now live in France due to French colonialism.

In KSA there are no native Christians or non-Muslims other than isolated converts. I am not including Atheists here which are hard to pinpoint and they are also irrelevant to any religious discussion.

Completely different scenarios and you cannot compare France with KSA.

As other users already wrote, France is also a secular state. In fact France was the main inventor of secularism and anti-religion in the public sphere. Which is ironic as pre-French Revolution, France was the bastion of conservative Catholicism and feudalism.

KSA on the other hand was always a conservative society that put great emphasis on religion, in this case Islam. This appears to be changing given the many reforms in KSA and the fact that religion continues to play a lesser role for each year that passes by across the entire world.

Anyway the comparison makes no sense. It is a lazy comparison.
Fact is France is not a secular state and remember who won you 1998 world cup zida e a Muslim before that you have how many attempts to win a world cup with you christians and you don't allow such Muslim heroes who work and make your country proud on world stage to preach and pray as per their religion
Fact is France is not a secular state and remember who won you 1998 world cup zida e a Muslim before that you have how many attempts to win a world cup with you christians and you don't allow such Muslim heroes who work and make your country proud on world stage to preach and pray as per their religion

It is quite some hypocrisy indeed.

You first colonize large areas of the world, make the locals French subjects, subject them to French language, French culture, French laws, Christianity (read up on how secular France tried to spread Christianity in the Maghreb and even more so among Sub-Saharan Africans) you give those natives French passports and later you actively encourage those same people to settle in France due to wanting to increase your population, economy and due to not wanting to use locals in certain jobs etc.
Yet 4-5 generations later, you still fail to integrate many of such people and give them proper facilities so they can follow their own religion in a supposedly completely secular nation/state.

It is the same old "you can't have the cake and eat it".

They want all the benefits of colonialism (stolen wealth, stolen resources, cheap labour, slavery etc.) but they don't want to face the consequences of their past actions.

Even non-Western Europeans, such as the Poles, Czechs, Slovaks, Ukrainians, Serbs, Romanians etc. who did not have any colonies, and thus don't have many refugees (non-European ones) are laughing at the state of the West and highlighting their hypocrisy in this regard.
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