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Shooting inside Iran Parliament, one security guard injured: Reuters

Obviously it is a coordinated attack, and the targets are suspect (parliament, khomeini shrine). Smells very fishy. Feels like an intelligence op.
Something is not right, First Qatar now Iran's government is attacked directly?

A bad omen indeed....
I was just in front of Parliament around 10:30 and was walking quite mindlessly and listening to music on my phone toward Absardar, at first I thought that a family was committing suicide by jumping out of Parliament window, then I noticed the gunfire right in front of the hospital across the Parliament, the security personnel were running with AKs and I was just still fast walking, a plain cloth officer lead me out of there while shouting at me that this was not a game.

At the time the Police from the Modaress unit across Majlis were just getting out and were trying to set a barricade and lead people out of the area, and shooting sounded like AKs, although not on full auto.

After I sorted my errand on 11:30, riot police had blocked the Mojahedin eslam street, although at time I didn't heard any shooting but apparently shooting was still underway.
So who is the most likely culprit? MKO, ISIS, Sunni Terror, Kurdish separatists or CIA/Mossad sponsored agents?
I was just in front of Parliament around 10:30 and was walking quite mindlessly and listening to music on my phone toward Absardar, at first I thought that a family was committing suicide by jumping out of Parliament window, then I noticed the gunfire right in front of the hospital across the Parliament, the security personnel were running with AKs and I was just still fast walking, a plain cloth officer lead me out of there while shouting at me that this was not a game.

At the time the Police from the Modaress unit across Majlis were just getting out and were trying to set a barricade and lead people out of the area, and shooting sounded like AKs, although not on full auto.

After I sorted my errand on 11:30, riot police had blocked the Mojahedin eslam street, although at time I didn't heard any shooting but apparently shooting was still underway.
Stay safe bro. Really distressing to see people just standing there, they should be running and clearing the area.
So who is the most likely culprit? MKO, ISIS, Sunni Terror, Kurdish separatists or CIA/Mossad sponsored agents?
It's an MKO style attack, but this isn't very likely as they have been trying to persuade the west for 20 years that they aren't terrorists. Though maybe they thought they could get away with it.

Some unconfirmed reports that ISIS have claimed responsibility, but I think it unlikely as these are not targets ISIS would attack.

chickens coming home to roost
Saudia and iran should stop proxy wars.
Now there is no chance of Muslims unity because of thier egoistic mind set.
a new era of sectarian wars about to start.
4 martyrs , 10 injured as the parliament suspect is on the run
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