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Shooting and arson attack at mosque in France

Dai Toruko

Mar 14, 2017
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An 84-year-old man tried to burn down a mosque in Bayonne in southern France while worshippers were praying inside. The attack comes amid an increase in anti-Muslim sentiments in France.
Guys if few people do wrong, it doesn’t mean that all are wrong.

The main question we should ask ourselves is : what wrong did we do ?

some among us, are doing wrong too. Many Muslims are involved in drugs dealing, robberies, violent agressions, etc.

Unfortunately, it’s easy for others people to tag them as Muslims and not simple criminals. Especially since the increase of Afghans refugees number.
Guys if few people do wrong, it doesn’t mean that all are wrong.

The main question we should ask ourselves is : what wrong did we do ?

some among us, are doing wrong too. Many Muslims are involved in drugs dealing, robberies, violent agressions, etc.

Unfortunately, it’s easy for others people to tag them as Muslims and not simple criminals. Especially since the increase of Afghans refugees number.
So do white folks ask themselves "what did we do wrong?" when ISIS chops their heads off or bombs their social events?

No. And absolutely right that they shouldn't.

Likewise, I didn't do shit wrong to these white terrorists, not that I'd waste my time asking myself that question.

The people of this extreme Islamophobic mentality are actually nowadays picking up a gun in one hand, rosary beads in another and heading to Syria to join YPG on some 21st century crusade. They are so deluded, they think terrorism is ok now.
So do white folks ask themselves "what did we do wrong?" when ISIS chops their heads off or bombs their social events?

No. And absolutely right that they shouldn't.

Likewise, I didn't do shit wrong to these white terrorists, not that I'd waste my time asking myself that question.

The people of this extreme Islamophobic mentality are actually nowadays picking up a gun in one hand, rosary beads in another and heading to Syria to join YPG on some 21st century crusade. They are so deluded, they think terrorism is ok now.

Yes some of them ask this question too. But their question is lost in the noise made by others(including by Muslims).
Guys if few people do wrong, it doesn’t mean that all are wrong.

The main question we should ask ourselves is : what wrong did we do ?

some among us, are doing wrong too. Many Muslims are involved in drugs dealing, robberies, violent agressions, etc.

Unfortunately, it’s easy for others people to tag them as Muslims and not simple criminals. Especially since the increase of Afghans refugees number.

In my view, we are racist as we do religion based discrimination. If we look everything from religious angle, do not respect other religions/cultures, do not mix with other communities when living abroad ... what other results do we expect....and this leads to reverse discrimination towards Muslims in the West......

If you look at Pakistani posters settled/living abroad in PDF, they sound more radical, violent...reason they feel discriminated/ suppressed in those countries. Here in Australia or in my country NZ, I come across many 1 gen Muslim migrant who always crib, whine about Western people, culture etc.... if you do not like them why do you go to their country?
Guys if few people do wrong, it doesn’t mean that all are wrong.

The main question we should ask ourselves is : what wrong did we do ?

some among us, are doing wrong too. Many Muslims are involved in drugs dealing, robberies, violent agressions, etc.

Unfortunately, it’s easy for others people to tag them as Muslims and not simple criminals. Especially since the increase of Afghans refugees number.

Qu'est ce que tu chie?
If you look at Pakistani posters settled/living abroad in PDF, they sound more radical, violent...reason they feel discriminated/ suppressed in those countries. Here in Australia or in my country NZ, I come across many 1 gen Muslim migrant who always crib, whine about Western people, culture etc.... if you do not like them why do you go to their country?
Exactly. This is a viscous cycle. The migrant parents leave their country in search of better jobs.The children of the migrant parents are then culturally isolated from both their adopted country aswell as their old country. This practice leads to brain drain away from their motherland. It is partly due to the the third world motherlands problems such as poor systems, lesser purchasing power etc that attracts qualified people to the developed countries. Nevertheless it is not all doom and gloom.
Say I am a doctor. If I get an opportunity I will surely go abroad to gain expertise. Maybe do a job there. But my children will never go to high school there. They will be sent to Pakistan. Pakistan has great educational institutions. You just need to get used to their rhythm and work hard.I will leave the said country well before my retirement and settle back in Pakistan and work there aswell. It is easier said than done but this is what I think is the way to give back to my country apart from any remittances I send back.
Exactly. This is a viscous cycle. The migrant parents leave their country in search of better jobs.The children of the migrant parents are then culturally isolated from both their adopted country aswell as their old country. This practice leads to brain drain away from their motherland. It is partly due to the the third world motherlands problems such as poor systems, lesser purchasing power etc that attracts qualified people to the developed countries. Nevertheless it is not all doom and gloom.
Say I am a doctor. If I get an opportunity I will surely go abroad to gain expertise. Maybe do a job there. But my children will never go to high school there. They will be sent to Pakistan. Pakistan has great educational institutions. You just need to get used to their rhythm and work hard.I will leave the said country well before my retirement and settle back in Pakistan and work there aswell. It is easier said than done but this is what I think is the way to give back to my country apart from any remittances I send back.

I agree with you point of view.... First one has to decide "Is he/She migrating to earn or to settle"? Your views are perfect if it's for earning but if one wants to settle, he needs to 'adopt; the culture and 'adapt' to the way of life there. If you are culturally isolated there, you will remain an alien to them..and hence will feel discriminated.
I agree with you point of view.... First one has to decide "Is he/She migrating to earn or to settle"? Your views are perfect if it's for earning but if one wants to settle, he needs to 'adopt; the culture and 'adapt' to the way of life there. If you are culturally isolated there, you will remain an alien to them..and hence will feel discriminated.
You are spot on.
Majority migrate to earn and while living there for good 30 odd years they can learn to have a good social life aswell.Hardly anyone wants to settle in a foreign country just for the heck of it. Exceptions being threats to life or being a traitor :haha:
Now a days US and UK are extremely easy to assimilate into. As loads of people from SE Asia particularly are there and the locals have gotten used to them.
The problems arise in places down under like AUS and NZ where you constantly feel like being in a lord of the rings movie. :yahoo:
You are spot on.
Majority migrate to earn and while living there for good 30 odd years they can learn to have a good social life aswell.Hardly anyone wants to settle in a foreign country just for the heck of it. Exceptions being threats to life or being a traitor :haha:
Now a days US and UK are extremely easy to assimilate into. As loads of people from SE Asia particularly are there and the locals have gotten used to them.
The problems arise in places down under like AUS and NZ where you constantly feel like being in a lord of the rings movie. :yahoo:

i disagree about australia.. it is a very easy place to settle.
i disagree about australia.. it is a very easy place to settle.

Australia is better than Europe trust me. You cant be German, French, Italian or even British but anybody can be Australian.

An 84-year-old man tried to burn down a mosque in Bayonne in southern France while worshippers were praying inside. The attack comes amid an increase in anti-Muslim sentiments in France.
These attacks will not stop until the attackers are reaching their homes in one piece. Whenever you catch one of them, interrogate him, and dispose off him and his accomplices. Then you will see how govts will be become interested in stopping these attacks.. might is right, as I always say, on multiple occasions.
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