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Shoot down US drones, say Pakistani groups

No one else will know we're going to shoot the drones, we can start assembling 72 hours before nuking the stupid countries

We'll just nuke Afghanistan too so that US is forced to nuke us. Then China will nuke the only country left, the US and conquer the world, establishing a New Chinese Order

Our swords shall penetrate the skulls of our enemy, killing
Boldly will we advance murdering all foes in between
Their land, we shall then, resort to with their blood filling and spilling
Verily, thou shalt know the power of our swords, unseen

We'll get nuked but we'll nuke half the world before then so that China can conquer everything

After we nuke India and Israel, what will be left will be pitiful as China shall crush them all!

What shall I say ??? better ,Some Pakistani member comment on your posts (Except A_B,Zarvan and Hafizz)
Doesn't matter as long as the Greater Good is obtained

Then nuke Israel and India along with Afghanistan and then sit back and get nuked ourselves before China conquers all :china:

Now only a Pakistani member can stop you...
Chalo nuke nuke khelte hain,

Pakistan will bomb India, India will bomb China, China will bomb Russia, Russia will bomb USA, USA will bomb whole earth with 16000 bombs.

ANd then

the great stone age will start again. The Pope, Mullahs and other godsend people will rule the world till eternity.
from Insulting Pakistan

i'm not insulting Pakistan, just defending the Greater Good

Chalo nuke nuke khelte hain,

Pakistan will bomb India, India will bomb China, China will bomb Russia, Russia will bomb USA, USA will bomb whole earth with 16000 bombs.

ANd then

the great stone age will start again. The Pope, Mullahs and other godsend people will rule the world till eternity.
We shall bomb India, Israel and half of US. China will nuke the rest and rule
An alliance of religious and political parties in Pakistan has asked the government to shoot down US drones

Hint: The Predators operational altitude is 24,000 ft.
Yes... Pakistan must shoot down the drones to protect its ghairat...
I kick my dog once.. it will growl, kick it twice..it will bark, kick it for the third time.. it will bite me back. Looks like Pakistan is still in the barking stage!! Will it ever bite back?

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