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Shocking....israeli families wnjoy and have coffee while watching the siffering

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Aug 28, 2007
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Israeli families call it "war tourism"..a sick form of tourism..where..
they used to come together during Gaza crisis 2008 and from a distance observed gunships pounding civilians and even had coffee while enjoying watching it.


How can she be a human being....so sick and pathetic minded.
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The second clip is a show from their TV channel..its more sick..with english subtitles...how pathetic !!!!
During the Gaza attack I recall watching Al-Jazeera.

There was a vantage point where an Al-Jazeera correspondant was loacted and as he was compiling his report some Israeli men pulled up in some 4x4s.

They strolled out of their cars, took some beers out, and were enjoying the show - laughing and pointing as the bombs were falling.

The Al-jazeera correspondand was utterly disgusted.
Israeli families call it "war tourism"..a sick form of tourism..where..
they used to come together during Gaza crisis 2008 and from a distance observed gunships pounding civilians and even had coffee while enjoying watching it.

How can she be a human being....so sick and pathetic minded.

Well she or they aren't human beings anymore, that is why they enjoy & don't regret such atrocities. Killing human beings, specially Muslims are enjoyed by them & killing Muslims is kind of sacred for them.
"erase the whole city . just take it off the ground. yeah I am a little bit facist" Do you think the buckethead realised that millions of people live in that city ?
Many of these Israelis suffered rocket attacks from Gaza almost daily for two years, and they knew the people trying to kill them were doing so out of hate, not self-defense. Why wouldn't they express joy at a military operation to make those attacks cease? Is their pleasure any different from that of the French who cheered when the Allies bombed and invaded Normandy, killing their racist Nazi oppressors? Does that make the French into less than human beings? If not, why are the Israelis to be considered such?

The thugs running Gaza are particularly proud of Nazi ideals, they posted signs at the border facing outward, declaiming "The Holocaust Continues!" just in case anyone had any doubt what they were trying to do.
"erase the whole city . just take it off the ground. yeah I am a little bit facist" Do you think the buckethead realised that millions of people live in that city ?

Well if they had been realizing Palestinians as people or human being they wouldn't have been killing them indiscriminately.
Many of these Israelis suffered rocket attacks from Gaza almost daily for two years, and they knew the people trying to kill them were doing so out of hate, not self-defense. Why wouldn't they express joy at a military operation to make those attacks cease? Is their pleasure any different from that of the French who cheered when the Allies bombed and invaded Normandy, killing their racist Nazi oppressors? Does that make the French into less than human beings? If not, why are the Israelis to be considered such?

The thugs running Gaza are particularly proud of Nazi ideals, they posted signs at the border facing outward, declaiming "The Holocaust Continues!" just in case anyone had any doubt what they were trying to do.

Concentrate. :agree:
The title is: "Shocking....israeli families wnjoy and have coffee while watching the siffering"
And you opinion about these sub-humans?
Did they enjoy? did they have coffee? Did they watch the suffering?
Dear Professor War.

This Solomon fellow is a Zionist.

They will find the justification; be it in the darkest corners of history or from the loins of the accursed Satan himself, in an attempt to save the blackened face of Israel.

Humanity has left them.
Dear Professor War.

This Solomon fellow is a Zionist.

They will find the justification; be it in the darkest corners of history or from the loins of the accursed Satan himself, in an attempt to save the blackened face of Israel.

Humanity has left them.

How come that didn't come as a surprise? :lol:
The only beings that are capable of this type of decepticon style argument is a Zionist.

Watch this argument by Natanyahu about new settlement issue: "What? You are saying we cann't have Jew babies?"
My answer: You stack your little babies up in Israel, a$$whole.
Many of these Israelis suffered rocket attacks from Gaza almost daily for two years, and they knew the people trying to kill them were doing so out of hate, not self-defense. Why wouldn't they express joy at a military operation to make those attacks cease? Is their pleasure any different from that of the French who cheered when the Allies bombed and invaded Normandy, killing their racist Nazi oppressors? Does that make the French into less than human beings? If not, why are the Israelis to be considered such?
poor attempt to justify:tdown:

The thugs running Gaza are particularly proud of Nazi ideals, they posted signs at the border facing outward, declaiming "The Holocaust Continues!" just in case anyone had any doubt what they were trying to do.
not a bad idea,after killing millions of palstinans, i think they deserve
Holocaust 2( justification on your terms:sick:)
Many of these Israelis suffered rocket attacks from Gaza almost daily for two years, and they knew the people trying to kill them were doing so out of hate, not self-defense. Why wouldn't they express joy at a military operation to make those attacks cease? Is their pleasure any different from that of the French who cheered when the Allies bombed and invaded Normandy, killing their racist Nazi oppressors? Does that make the French into less than human beings? If not, why are the Israelis to be considered such?

The thugs running Gaza are particularly proud of Nazi ideals, they posted signs at the border facing outward, declaiming "The Holocaust Continues!" just in case anyone had any doubt what they were trying to do.

By the way Mr. Solomon, who kicked them out from their lands & made them live as refugees ?? Who has been making settlement in their lands & increasing them day by day ??

If someone comes to your home & kicks you out of your own home & leaves you with nothing & you have to live in a shelter home or on a pavement, what would be your reaction ?? Won't you be trying to take back your home from that person ??

Plus how many Israelis have been killed by rocket fire & in return how many thousands of innocent Palestinians been killed ???

Israel is the aggressor as they kicked out the Palestinians from their homes, made them live in terrible conditions & have killed thousands of innocent Palestinians & Lebanese without any provocation from them.

But i guess it isn't worth to be discussing with you people as Americans are no different then Israelis.

Ironic is this that when One American gets killed in one corner of the world & the US routes that area to get the killer, Israeli soldiers crushed an American protesting for Palestinians, she is crushed by an American supplied bulldozer driven by Israeli soldiers, but the Americans can't get justice for that American, becoz Americans balls are in the hands of the Jews, whatever they say, Americans do like a trained doggy. :)

And by the way lets say if Holocaust did happen on the scale as told, then why Israel is taking the revenge by doing a Palestinian Holocaust ?? Why don't they take the revenge from the Germans who made them suffer. What had Palestinians to do with it ???
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Did they enjoy? did they have coffee? Did they watch the suffering?
It's a good point. The videos are of Israelis drinking coffee. Suffering of Palestinians isn't visible - it's just assumed. So what we're really seeing is a "puff piece" of invented outrage.
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