Agenda 21 is making a connection between all these diverse topics. making these types of a social religious gathering - This slave mentality of 1,200 years is troubling them with their Master,- - that is why tabligh gathering is a big "No" because it jeopardizes the success of agenda. So far, agenda 21 achieved diverse topics - any religious or social gathering has become null, Coron Virus threat lockdown the entire human race and already seeing the remnants of this KhooniVirus on the human race. During this lockdown, I am seeing a lot of 5g tower erecting in my area and this radiation soup surrounds us and leads to decrease infertility (sperm count decrease), which seemingly may be related to depopulation agenda. so far, Agenda 21 has achieved positive and lasting outcomes. we will learn after a few years that the entire human race gets fooled by media hype and our Government to presenting or creating us utopia lead by UN chartered countries.